
I Do Not Own Twilight or Santeria by Sublime. Also, I just want to say how happy I am that this chapter is coming out after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Washington.

Bella's POV

I don't practice Santeria
I ain't got no crystal ball
Well, I had a million dollars but I, I'd spend it all.
If I could find that Heina, and that Sancho that she's found.
Well I'd pop a cap in Sancho & I'd slap her down.

I tried really hard to hold the smoke in my lungs as Charlie's crazy impersonation of a shoplifter took place, but it was a battle that I was losing. His arms were wailing around above his head, acting like he hadn't done anything. It was obviously exaggerated; I doubt the thief dropped to his knees and begged Charlie for forgiveness. I exhaled, laughing stupidly as I did, coughing and wheezing at his antics. Jacob just smiled off to the side. He was at the point of not being able to move. Physically and mentally he was fine, just lacked motivation. I passed him the bong, which he just stared at in his lap.

"Holy shit. I'm so fried right now," I gasped, once my lungs stopped burning, "and hungry. So hungry Charlie. You should order food."

Jacob snapped out of his comatose state long enough to smile and say, "Yeah." Charlie, who was the least baked of the three of us, reached for the phone, and ordered pizza from the mom and pop pizzeria down the street. This has been our tradition for the last few days: wake and bake, eat waffles, veg out on the couch while Charlie worked, smoke, eat leftover pizza, wait for Charlie to come home, smoked even more, order more pizza, then crash.

You're probably wondering how Jake managed to hang out with me this whole time during my suspension. Well, I made some smart comment about being lonely this week, so Monday, he goes to his school, and punches this guy Paul in the face. Guess who's suspended with me?

"So Bella, how's your hand?" Charlie asked, as he returned with the pizza.

Wait. When did he leave? Fuck I'm high.

I stared at him a moment and asked, "What hand?" Jake laughed so hard he started crying.

"Your busted hand, Rocky."

"Oh yeah. It hasn't hurt in...Uh... I don't remember..."

Dad chuckled and put the pizza down, "At least it doesn't hurt anymore."

We ate silently, the only noise coming from my iPod, which has been playing Sublime all day. After two of the three boxes were consumed, Charlie broke the silence, "So Bella, your suspension is officially over."

"Dude how? It hasn't been a full week."

"Yes, well, upon further investigation, eye witnesses claim that Rosalie Hale started the fight."

I snorted a laugh and asked who spoke up.

"Alice and Edward Cullen. I guess they felt bad and told their dad, who told the principal. Rosalie's suspension starts tomorrow."

I nodded my head, "Good. Maybe next time she'll watch her mouth." Jake laughed and high fived me in agreement. Then he proceeded to return to his comatose state. He reminded me very much in this moment of Brian from 'Half Baked'.

Checking the clock to see that it was almost midnight, I said my goodnights and headed upstairs to listen to some more Sublime before I crashed for the night. After tripping up the stairs, I reached my room and noticed that the window was once again opened.

Cullen Residence- Four days ago

Alice POV

After leaving the hospital, I decided to hunt. I didn't want to go and see me siblings. I knew Rose would be pissed. It's not every day when your food option gets the best of you. Emmett probably thought it was funny, but if he's smart, he won't voice his opinion in front of his irate wife. Jasper is an enigma in all of this. I don't know what his feelings are when it comes to the situation, but I am proud of him for being able to control his blood lust. Then there's Edward. No, not going there. I'm sure he is off insisting that Bella is his mate, and probably crying to anyone who will listen that I stole her from him. I know I hunted the other day, but I just wanted to be alone as long as I can. Carlisle insisted that we have a family meeting today to discuss the events and figure out some sort of game plan.

I shook my head of my thoughts and cleared my mind; I needed to focus if I planned on catching anything today. My prey? A thirteen point buck standing proudly by the creek, drinking in his surrounding and watching over his family. I almost felt bad for him. His family will spend the rest of their days unprotected today. I felt my eyes turn black and my canines elongated. I fell into a predators stance and let my instincts take over. I shifted my foot, and before the buck realized it, I had pounced.

Here's some math for you: if you are a deer that is running at twenty eight miles per hour away from a predator moving ten times that, how long until you're fucked? That is actually a rhetorical question. You are a deer; you don't not do math problems. Even if you could, you wouldn't have an answer before I break your neck and sink my fangs into your throat.

Don't you love learning?

As it is, poor buck's family doesn't even realize he is dead a full three seconds after my attack. When the doe and her fawns finally do, they take off, leaving behind the backbone of their family, off to defend themselves from other predators like myself. I sigh and keep drinking. I think too much when I hunt.

When I finished with my kill, I dug a hole and disposed of its body. No need for hikers to find a deer carcass drained of blood. I sigh and looked up into the sky to see that night had settled in during my hunt. Carlisle would be home soon. I raced my way back towards the house, pondering how the meeting would go. Strangely enough, I've had no visions of what would happen. I guess I will find out when I get there.

When I had arrived, I had sensed that everyone else was already inside waiting for me to come in. I put on a cheery smile, and made my way inside. I walked into the living room where everyone was and observed them before taking seat next to Esme. Carlisle sat on Esme's other side, an arm draped over her shoulder lovingly. Jasper and Edward stood to the back, Edward scowling at my presence and Jasper rolling his eyes and letting a light wave of calm mist over us. Across from me in Emmett's lap was Rosalie, a small smile on her lips as she cuddled into my bear of a brother. His expression was one of bliss, which told me exactly what they were doing before the meeting.

Carlisle smiled at us and spoke, "Good, now that we are all here, I thought that we could discuss what happened today and what we can do to resolve this issue and ensure an incident like this does not occur again. Now I heard bits and pieces from Bella while she was at the hospital, but not the whole story. Rosalie, can you explain to me why you lost your temper? Upon discussion with her and her father, being called a freak upset the poor girl, which tells me you may have accidently drug up some old harmful memories, which caused her to strike out."

Rosalie turned herself in Emmett's lap and looked Carlisle in the eye, her smile gone. "I honestly don't know why I lashed out the way I did. Well I shouldn't say that. I was pretty upset that she, some outsider, was sitting at our table. I think what bothered me so much was the fact that she wasn't afraid of me. Most humans avoid us for crying out loud, but this one tries to sleep with Alice when they first met." This last statement cause some chuckling in the room, except for Edward who just looked more pissed.

Being serious again, Rosalie continued, "When she started mocking me that's when I snapped a little. We got in each other's faces and that when I pushed her away and called her a freak. She turned into the freaking Hulk and punched me in the face. Carlisle, it hurt. There's so little that can hurt us. Jasper said that there were cracks on my face. I was so angry that I didn't know that I was being carried out of the cafeteria. Emmett came practically threw me into the woods and forced me to feed. Then, well, he distracted me. I'm not even upset anymore."

She turned and spoke to me. "Alice, I'm sorry I attacked your mate. I…"

She didn't finish as Edward just that moment to speak up. "She's not Alice's mate! She's mine!"

Rosalie rolled her eyes and glared at Edward. "Edward, shut up. She isn't your mate. She didn't even so much as look at you. Besides, you heard Bella tell Mike Newton that she was gay. Get over yourself and stop being a drama queen."

Carlisle gave Edward a stern look, "Son, I thought we talked about this. Bella is not your mate. Alice has been alone just as long as you have. Let her have her happiness. Be patient. You won't be alone forever."

Edward huffed and left the room, heading out the door. Carlisle sighed and turned to the rest of us. "Now that that is settled, I would like to discuss something that occurred at the hospital. When first brought by Alice, Bella was X-rayed and believed to have broken her hand when her conflict with Rosalie."

Emmett laughed at this and looked at his wife. "Hey babe, at least she didn't walk away completely unscathed."

Rather than hit him, which she normally would have, the blonde beauty merely smiled at her bear of a mate.

Carlisle chuckled and continued on, "While that would be the normal assessment, when I went to examine her hand minutes later, the bones in her hand were mending, if not incorrectly. New x-rays showed that the hand had mended perfectly, simply sprained. I simply passed it off to her and Chief Swan as switched X-rays. Alice, when will she notice that her hand has mended?"

I spaced out for a minute, searching my mate's future. Slightly hazy, I viewed her sitting with her father and a Quileute smoking something. From their laughter and eating habits, they were more than likely high. Chuckling slightly, I turned to the others and said, "Bella and her father will be spending the week suspension smoking marijuana and not remembering what they had for breakfast, even though they will eat the same thing for breakfast every day. She will not realize her hand is healed until she sobers up for school"

My statement caused silence in the room. Then in the back of the room, a chuckle. I looked up quickly to see Jasper trying recompose himself, but failing. Seeing him trying not to laugh, I snickered, which caused Emmett to completely lose it. Soon everyone in the house was laughing. Esme had her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her mirth, but with her husband buried in her shoulder shaking with laughter, it was of no use. Once the laughter had died down, we looked at each other and enjoyed the comfortable silence brought on by our mirth. Once completely composed, Carlisle turned to me and spoke.

"Alice, I believe I would like to meet Bella for myself. I would like to find out if she is human, or if this is just a rare gift manifesting itself in a human. I do not believe her to be a threat, but would like us all to exhibit extreme caution in her contact. We do not want to expose ourselves or her to the humans. Alice, can you come up with a way to reduce her suspension. The sooner she is aware of her hand, the better."

I smiled and nodded before skipping out of the room. I headed to the garage and climbed into Carlisle's Mercedes. Time to head back to the school.

I know, I'm a terrible person to make you wait this long for an update. I will try my hardest to get these posted sooner.

On a side note, any guesses on what Bella's power is? Honestly, I myself only figured it out days ago. Brownie points to whoever figures it out!