"What are you getting all dressed up for?" Sonny's mom asked.
"I have a date tonight," Sonny replied. Sonny was wearing a blue-green dress.
"With who?"
"Chad Dylan Cooper."
"Congratulations. I hope you have fun."
"Thanks, mom."
Chad picked Sonny up in his limo and they were driven to the restaurant.
"You look beautiful, Sonny," Chad said. "That dress, it looks kind of like the one you wore to prom, but more like a real dress and not so scaly."
"Yeah, I always like the color," Sonny replied, amazed that Chad remembered that night. Sonny sure did. It was so magical and Chad was so nice and had managed to save the whole evening. She just wished the music had been a slow song. "You look very handsome."
They had a lovely dinner and they even danced on the dance floor. Sonny thought it was a magical evening. This night couldn't be any better.
The limo drove them back to Chad's place.
"Do you want to come in, Sonny?" Chad asked.
"Yes," Sonny replied. She knew what Chad had meant by the question. Sonny always wondered who would be her first. She knew how she felt and how Chad made her feel. She was ready. They went into Chad's place.
"I'm going to put some music on, you can sit on the couch if you want," Chad said as went to the stereo. Sonny just looked around at Chad's place. It was pretty big. There was a big screen TV, a stereo system, a big couch, and a fire place. Chad turned on some smooth jazz while Sonny sat down. Chad sat down next to Sonny.
"I hope you had a good time tonight," Chad said.
"I did, it was wonderful," Sonny replied.
Chad began kissing Sonny, but Sonny wasn't kissing him back. What's wrong with me?
"You seem nervous, Sonny," Chad said. "Are you?"
"No, yes, I don't know," Sonny answered.
"What is it?"
"It's just…I've never had sex before."
"Oh. Look, we don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I don't want to hurt you, Sonny."
"No, I want to; I'm just not sure what to do."
"Don't worry, we'll take it slow and only as much as your comfortable with. Okay?"
Chad starting kissing Sonny again and Sonny responded. Slowly, Chad began to open her mouth with his tongue and Sonny accepted. She loved kissing Chad. It made her feel warm all over. She ran her hands all over his back and chest. As time went on; however, Sonny became frustrated with just kissing Chad.
She took her hands and unbuttoned Chad's shirt. Chad pulled his dress shirt off and Sonny ran her hands all over Chad's chest.
"Do you want to head upstairs?" Chad asked. Sonny nodded and they walked hand in hand to Chad's bedroom. Once there, Sonny unzipped her dress, but didn't let it fall.
"Its okay, Sonny, it's just me."
Sonny dropped her dress and was left standing in her underwear. She was a little embarrassed.
"You look beautiful, Sonny."
Sonny sat down on the bed and Chad took of his pants and sat beside. They began kissing again and Chad let his hand rest of Sonny's thigh. He took his fingers and slid them inside of her.
"Oh, oh," Sonny whimpered as Chad stroked inside her.
"Its okay, Sonny, just go with it."
Sonny let out a moan and Chad stroked her to orgasm. Chad smiled as Sonny lay back on the bed. Chad climbed on top of her and began kissing her neck. He pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders and moved down to her shoulders, her collarbone. Chad began moving downward with his kisses. He moved down her chest, to her stomach. Chad slowly pulled Sonny's panties off and took of his own boxers.
"Are you ready Sonny?" Chad asked.
"Yes," Sonny replied.
"I'm going to go slow so it won't hurt you," Chad explained. He opened the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a condom. Sonny looked a little disgusted. "It's not what you think. I just would rather be prepared."
Chad put the condom and slowly slid into Sonny. It hurt a little, but as Chad worked back and forth the pain eased into pleasure. Soon, Sonny was moaning.
"Yes, Chad, yes," Sonny was writhing with pleasure. Soon she had another orgasm and Chad followed soon after. Chad and Sonny lay on the bed, both breathing heavily and sweating.
"That was wonderful," Sonny said, kissing Chad. Chad kissed her back.
"I love you, Sonny," Chad confessed.
"I love you, too."
Both fell asleep before they met the next day as a couple.
The End