I don't own yugioh 5ds now on with ch.1

It was 1:55 am and Yusei was riding home after taking Akiza home as soon as he got to the bridged to a satellite he started to feel a pain in his chest. His deck started to glow and out came Stardust dragon "Yusei you should slow down your not feeling well" said the dragon fling beside his master.

"I'm okay Stardust really I fine" said Yusei slowing down a little.

"Don't lie to me I can feel your emotions I know your hurting" said Stardust knowing that he wasn't just hurt he was suffering.

"I feel like I just made a fool of myself a really big one at that" said Yusei feeling like he couldn't get any lower.

"What you did was very brave and what Jack said was also true but that fear is gone now that it's over" said Stardust.

"Hey yeah she gets out in two years this is time for me to get a home for us one that we can call ours" said Yusei sparking up.

"Now you've got it Yusei your not losing her you just need time to get ready" said Stardust as he flow in to the sky and disappeared into a rain of glitter pouring down on the road.

"Yeah" yelled Yusei as he did a wheelie and sped up towards home. After some chose words from Stardust dragon Yusei went from feeling crash and burned to walking on air and when he got home he put his runner in the garage then went to bed. As he fell on the bed he fell asleep then Yusei dreamt that he was surrounded by darkness and looked up to see his dragon again. Yusei then looked straight ahead to see a light with a ruby glow and an all to familiar silhouette Yusei could see Black rose dragon above this strang figure as it walked closer and offered it's hand as if to dance. He took up the gesture and began to waltz Yusei looked up to see the two dragons mimicking they're movements then they faded away and appeared Rose star dragon and it stared to rain glitter and pedals on the two below. Yusei looked back at the glowing figure he was dancing with.

"Why did you lie to me" it said sounding sad with a familiar voice that hurt Yusei whenever he horde it sound like this.

"What do you mean I've never lied to you" said Yusei looking confused.

"Are you sure not even once" said the glow.

"I don't understand what are you getting at here" said Yusei. The light then faded and disappeared Yusei looked up when the rain of glitter and pedals stopped and saw the Rose star dragon change back to Stardust dragon Yusei stood there and thought about what was said "I'm sorry" said Yusei hoping the glow would come back after he realized what it meant but nothing happened.