Holy inspiration batman! this is my first story in a while! Sorry i havent been inspired. YOunger women is coming along slowly i think once i get past chapter 4.. the rest will come so much easier. And i have ideas for other cute one shots...

IF YOU GUYS LIKE A ONE-SHOT ASK FOR MORE! Gimme feedback about it and I can follow up with a story if you/I see fit.

SPAM: Spencer and Sam kiss. i am totally willing to go with more for this story IF PEOPLE respond. this would be a very physical story though. just saying...

DISCLAIMER: iDon't own iCarly... waiting to buy spencer...

"I'm so cold my... My lips are cold!" Sam whined. I looked at her next to me as we stood on the side walk waiting for Carly and Freddie to pick us up.

"Mine too," mindlessly the words slipped through my frozen mouth, "maybe we should rub our lips together to keep them warm." It was a new phrase in a long line of other charming things I'd said to pick-up the pretty women who always seemed to surround me. Never in my life did I imagine Sam would be one of those women.(Well, okay, maybe I imagined it once or twice)

When she looked back at me I could see her eyes searching my face to see if I was being serious. She must have found something because she timidly leaned toward me and tip-toed closer. I leaned in, tilting my head gently to the side. Her soft lips were cold under mine as we began to warm each other up.

I'd always denied that I'd flirted back at Sam whenever she said something cute and suggestive to me. She'd become so beautiful as the years passed, could anyone really blame me for becoming insanely attracted to her? I really didn't have any control, I mean if this was anyone's fault, it'd be Sam's.

She broke the kiss and glanced at the road, probably on look out for Carly. I licked my lips and made eye contact with a few pedestrians who were staring. I didn't give a damn what they were thinking, their eyes only made me feel hot and dangerous for kissing Sam in the uncharacteristically snowy streets of Seattle. Sam turned back to me, running her fingers up the sleeve of my jacket, then hooking them into one of the belt loops on my jeans; she pulled my hips against her. I did the same, taking hold of the loop above her butt I pressed her firmly against my body as we resumed our kiss. She gently licked my lower lip and whispered, "Should we keep an eye out for Carly?" I kept kissing her, gliding my tongue along side hers.

"Yes... No... Whatever.." my words melted away between the heat of our lips.

Sam and I swayed there, joined together at our hips and lips, oblivious to the fact that Carly and Freddie had already pulled up to the curb and were staring at us in disbelief.

Like I said, WILLING to write more. IF people respond..

throw out any thoughts or ideas. i like to hear what's flying thru your lovely spam filled minds.