This will be short, sharp and shiny, hence it being a 'summery.' Some people didn't get the story and I thank you for the review. Instead of sending a reply I decided to add a summery chapter in case other people didn't understand the story and didn't review for some strange reason. I do accept criticism, just not swearing.

Just a few notes: this was written before I read Only the Good Spy Young, so anything mentioned in there that conflicts with story is because it hadn't been read by myself yet. Also, this is a few years after so they are like 19 or something. And I tend to assume that people jump to the same conclusions I do, but I got to remember that some people's legs are longer or shorter so they might not reach same conclusion as me. To those people I am sorry this summery is for you.

So anyways, I better shut up and continue:

It begins with Cammie being tied up with her wrists behind her back (you find that out later on though). Her captor is talking to her, it is revealed that her captor is Mr Solomon and he was with her when her father was killed in Mexico. Mr Solomon and her father were working together to hunt and destroy the Circle of Cavan. Chris Morgan found a loophole in the COC's plans and found the location of their headquarters. During this time the C.I.A found out there was a leak amongst them and so Chris and Mr Solomon were not allowed to trust or talk to any contacts. The leak was Mr Solomon who worked for the Circle and he planned Cammie's father's death while staging horrendous injuries on himself to divert any suspicions that the C.I.A may have. He also set up another spy called Rodriguez to look like the leak, while it was in fact him.

He continues to ask Cammie questions, while she refuses to give him the benefit of seeing her cry or showing emotion. He also mocked Gallagher Academy and the sisterhood.

She heard footsteps approaching and knew whom they belonged to: Zachary Goode. She remembers events that occurred in previous books (Cross my Heart and Hope To Spy / Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover) and jumped to the conclusion that both Zach and Mr Solomon are evil. Zach continued to taunt her, and her 'girl' side takes over. They start arguing and little things are brought up. Cammie starts counting (5 minutes). She sees one person she never thought she would. Preston Winters:- presidents son and Macey McHenry's boyfriend. Preston laughs at her attempt to save him (at Boston) saying that she was trying to save him from people that worked with him. He mocks the Gallagher School and reveals that he doesn't like Macey McHenry, he was just using her… for fun. A conversation they had during the election campaign was brought up and it is revealed that Cammie unknowingly revealed that she went to a different kind of school. A spy one.

Cammie then has a deep thinking thing, wondering how Zach could be involved with this type of business, then mentally laughs because she was involved in that business. She comforts herself with the fact that she works with the good side, but then questions whether there is a good side, She tells herself that there is, those people fight for justice, equality and defend the defenceless.

Mr Solomon decides that it is time to kill her, raises his gun, but then tells Zach to 'do his father proud' and kill her. Solomon isn't his father, but his father worked for the COC. Zach takes the gun and walks to the back of Cammie to shoot her through the head, which was bad because she had a tracking device planted on her nail like a bead, and it was flashing because it was in use. He then has a change of heart, walking to the front saying that 'he wanted to be the last thing she sees.' He clicks the gun, but the roof caves with a bunch of Gallagher Girls.

Macey takes on Preston when she finds out (through her awesome observation skills) that he is evil. Bex and Tina take on Zach, who is holding a gun and the rest (except Liz, Macey and Courtney) take on Mr Solomon. Cammie gets shot; she hears voices, one of which is male, then loses consciousness.

"I heard a gun shot, and I felt a stabbing pain in my side. I saw Zach holding his gun out and many voices screaming. One of which was masculine, I'm not sure because it was at that moment I lost my consciousness." Refer to later on.


The second chapter starts with Cammie waking up from her slumber, and knows that he is there (he is revealed to be Zach). He thinks that she doesn't want him there and so he gets up to leave, she calls him back.

Zach comes back, his eyes full of hope, he helps her up (after some teasing). He than gets the water that she wanted and gives it to her, she drinks it and has a drip of water roll down her mouth. Zach wipes it away, but his hand doesn't leave her face. He strokes the side of her face gently. All Cammie does is whisper his name once and then Zach gives her a hug. Cammie than starts to cry remembering what happened the last time they were that close. She wanted to kill that day, but now she realises she couldn't live without him. Thinking about what her mum and Macey would say it is revealed that Cammie knew Zach saved her life, meaning he obviously didn't put it in danger. She asks 'why' and he agrees to answer any questions she may have.

He jokes around with her, but their system is put into play: she asks questions, he than answers her questions. You find out that Zach knew that Mr Solomon was evil, Zach worked for the C.I.A and infiltrated the COC because his father was a part of it. Zach was protecting Cammie and so he couldn't tell her about it. When asked if he honestly believed she would tell he said that the more information she knew the more they would torture her. Something he wouldn't be able to stand.

Zach had a plan to save her but he saw the flashing bead on her nail (the tracking device) and decided it would be better to buy time and wait for the Gallagher Girls to arrive. Mr Solomon and Zach had planned for Zach to kill Cammie. Cammie was being hunted by the COC because her father used to sing lullabies to her every evening. Those lullabies were information on his missions and Solomon knew that, so he wanted to kill Cammie.

Cammie asks what happened to Preston and Solomon. Preston was put in an induced coma until his father is out of office so that the C.I.A can interrogate him, illegally. Solomon was killed by Zach, it was revealed that it was Solomon who shot Cammie and Zach holding the gun out was him shooting Solomon. The male voice could be interpreted as Solomon screaming out in pain or Zach screaming because of a different type of pain, emotional pain – his girlfriend just got shot.

Zach then starts to tease her about her professionalism, she claims to be mature and asks about his father. He tenses up at the mentioning of his father, she tells him that he doesn't have to answer that, but he does. His father is dead, and has been for 11 years 4 months and 18 days. His father was working undercover in the COC as well, while Mr Morgan and Mr Solomon were aiming to bring the COC down Mr Goode's mission was to find out who was leaking information to the COC from the C.I.A. He found out that it was not Rodriguez but Solomon. A newbie hears a conversation occur and finds out that he (Mr Goode) is a C.I.A agent, the newbie shoots Mr Goode, Mr Goode shoots the newbie and makes it look like the newbie was the 'enemy'

Cammie starts having doubts about their relationship, she asks Zach if he only got with her to protect her. She is embarrassed about doubting him, but half of her expects him to be happy and to reveal it was apart of his mission. Zach the reveals that it has, and will only be her. He didn't get with her because of the mission but because he cared about her. Cammie is really touched and tells him the thing that has been weighing down on her for a while. She tells him she loves him. It is silent for a while, but then Zach kisses her and tells her that he loves her too.

Her last question is why someone so perfect would choose her. Zach responds that he isn't perfect but she makes him complete. She then tells him he is a dead man. He questions the reasoning behind the statement. Cammie then responds saying that Bex, Macey, Liz and Ms Morgan will not be happy because they don't know Cammie's whereabouts. Zach says they DO know, but they are not allowed to see her until winter break, which they are currently in, is over. This is because they are supposed to build up emotional walls and Cammie's mum is being interviewed on what she knew on Mr Solomon. Cammie says rules are not going to hold her friends back and Cammie's mum has already done that when Mr Solomon became apart of the teaching staff. Zach then says that the security is really, really good and that every single piece of information on Solomon is vital so Cammie's mum will be interviewed for a long time.

Cammie is quiet for a while, marvelling at the beauty surrounding her and looking at her boyfriend and…She then says five words that unravelled Zach's whole lie about the reason why everyone was not being there 'Winter break starts next week.' Zach had previously said that they weren't allowed to see Cammie until the end of winter break; he said that they were going through winter break now, but its starts next week. He lied.

He lied to be with her.

I am not sure if that answers all the queries about the story or made it any clearer, but I will never know unless you review. So please review.

1 review brings a smile, and you don't want to be responsible for me not smiling now do you :(