Oct 24, 2010: Here's the 2nd year for my story. I'm working full-time at this particular moment and a little too harried to write down an appropriate 3rd year chapter. I decided its best I post this next segment before I forget. I was going to do it last month but I was bogged down with job interviews. So, hope for something around Christmas or the New Year. Again, I'm leaving all the notes from when I wrote this. Enjoy.

092909: Another flash inspiration. Not too long this time.


Fate, Destiny, Inevitability with a Hint of Scepticism and Optimism

Year 2 – Before the Chapter about the Chamber, There is the Prelude to Severus' Pain

You might find it strange to see versions of yourself in a regular circumstance. However it is very true. Isn't there theories where there is a second you in the world, acting like you, thinking like you, smelling like you (yes, I'm pretty sure a big fraction of the world does not take regular showers and baths, so they must stink strong enough for the dead to complain). Yet at the same time, there are really not you, since they act a little differently, think a little differently have different friends than you (at times, it is like Wonderland, or beyond the Looking Glass; Alice must have thought of something about the strange yet familiar characters of these wondrous places).

However, this is irrelevant to the current circumstance.

The likelihood that Severus Snape every really gets it, is when he is dead and my mother can beat the crap out of him.

Walking down quickly to the Hospital Wing, the albino teen kicks the door open, twisting her head rapidly looking for the person she's been searching for the past 10 minutes. She takes in a deep breath, preparing to make herself known into the Wing.


Rushing out, Poppy stops after seeing the hollering noblewoman promising a long and sound beating to the Potion Master, IF-HE-DOESN'T-GET-HERE-IN-10-FREAKING-MINUTES…

"Your Ladyship*, please quiet down! This is a Medical Wing, not the Quidditch pitch!" Poppy stands with her arms folded in front of her chest. She radiates disapproval and a questioning look in her eyes. "Why do you need to speak to Severus? Is it really important? It is easier to find him in his potion lab in the dungeons than here…"

Not looking at the Matron, she answers, "I've already checked the lab, the classrooms, the dungeons, the staff room and the Great Hall. I even broke in to his personal chambers to find him. I haven't checked his office yet, but I wanted to check if he was here first." She turns around to leave the wing. "Sorry for the disturbance, but Harry Potter has disappeared and I have a feeling that someone is going to need medical attention." She starts running down the hallway, even as Poppy yells at her to clarify what she was saying.

Running all the way back into the dungeons, she skids to a stop in front of an unadorned door. She joggles the doorknob a bit before bring back her right leg and stomping right in the center of the door, bashing it open.

Severus has always been a snarky ass. In every world, in every incarnation, even in different ages of different versions of him, the Severus of this world has always been the most fierce and violent and temperamental. This is especially facing my impudence, according to him.

And Harry's very presence.

I still need to knock another couple of bruises and busted bones in him for the last crack of me not able to satisfy my husband. I satisfy him just fine. He just happens to be on the other side of another world. Literally.

It is hardly my fault that a lot of people would love to see us dead. Not that it would make a difference, since we can do what we do, alive or dead.

Being alive is a little harder on us, but preferable than being dead. Or back as we once were.

Whatever. I know somehow Severus is trying to avoid my wrath by distracting me. How, I don't know, but I do know he somehow is involved.

You know what you're supposed to do. Review and/or criticize. Flames are not permitted because the large majority have a habit of being utterly useless to me (since I write for my own pleasure and stress release and not your own) and useless to you (you read up this point and all you can do is complain? DON'T READ IDIOT! If you want something different, go somewhere else. If I made a turn towards a direction you don't like, I'm sorry. It might get better, it might not. Just give me an acceptable and reasonable complaint.).


*This is what Madam Pomfrey, and most (respectful or polite) people call her. The amount anyone knows about her (other than through her POV), is that she comes from some noble lineage and apparently her father is related to royalty (how, it is not explained). Severus, on the other hand, addresses her as "Royal Brat", so he as is more informed of her actual social position. Although the "brat" portion is more out of affection than irritation… She allows Severus to make references towards her lineage but doesn't really like when others do it [outside those she gives explicit permission. She truly hates it when someone she hates refers her to her title.]