A/N: Sorry about the last chapter, it was really short. That was because I was really tired that night and had to go to bed. So enjoy my longer chapter.

Chapter 2: He has Changed, Sort of

"Don't hurt…I'll get you…evil nasty…" That was all I had heard until if fell back asleep.

When I woke up I saw three things, two of them very weird. 1. I saw Mom peering over me looking worried. 2. Rhea sitting on the couch looking very relaxed. 3. Kronos sitting next to her reading something that looked like "The Idiots Guide to Taking over the World."

"Oh Percy, you're finally awake!"My Mom exclaimed. "I just found you unconscious on the stairs. Why? Were you down here when…"

"Yep" I said.

"Did you see…"

"Uh huh"

"Did you hear anything?"

"No, I did not."

"Well…"She said while looking at Kronos' scythe broken in half and in the trash can, "I had a little talk with Kronos and Rhea."

"And…" I said impatiently.

"Well Percy, you know how it is Grandparents' Day?


"And how you never get to take anyone?"

Oh no, she didn't.

Ok, as far as I could tell, I was going to have a very long and humiliating day

I was at least two hours late with no buy able excuse.

It was Grandparents' Day and my grandparents just so happened to be TITANS!

From what I did to Kronos, he is going to do whatever it takes to embarrass me in front of my whole class.

A/N: Sorry, it is still a little bit short, but it was the best I could do. At least it was longer than the last chapter. Thanks to all who reviewed. I will try to update every couple of days. Thanks and bye!