
Baljeet it upset with Isabella after she keeps mooning over him. In rage, he storms off and unwittingly ends up in the mix of Perry's battle. Without knowing it, he is zapped by Dr. D new evil ray and turns truly evil, taking over the tri-state area then aiming for the world. How he does this? Well all I can tell you is that he makes everyone slaves, Isabella his wife, and Phineas is prisoner. Read on in the story to find out what happens!


My newest story! Tada… uh. Well read.

Phineas' POV

"So Ferb what should we do today?" I ask my stepbrother who was reading a book. Ferb was smart and, sort of in his own way, shy. No, shy is not the right word. A strong silent type who likes to read. I chuckled slightly under my breath. I hated reading in the summer. It was too much like school.

I looked up and saw Baljeet and Isabella come through the gate followed by Buford and Irving. I smiled in greeting at my friends, Buford, and Irving. Buford was a bully and called me dinnerbell. I did not mind the nickname so much as he was not the nicest person in the world. While Irving… uh well no need to explain there.

"Hey, guys whatcha doing?" Isabella asked. She always asks us that. It makes me smile for some reason.

"Nothing, just thinking of today's plan. We need some help getting some stuff out of the garage. Buford, care to help?" I ask the bully. He nods.

"Can do, dinnerbell." Buford responded.

That is what I was talking about. "Irving? Can you go get some paint out of your garage? We are all out."

Irving squealed. "You want to use my paint?" He squealed again making me kind of freaked out. "Oh this so awesome! I will treasure the paint can forever and whatever is left. I will be back!"

I sighed; he was too obsessed with Ferb and me for his own good. I blinked, that thought sounded so wrong it was not even funny!

"Anyway… Isabella, Baljeet. You two come up with ideas oh and if you have any spare parts that would be great." I told them. Then I turned to Buford and Ferb. "Let's go." I said running towards the garage. Ferb and Buford ran after me.

Isabella's POV

I smiled. Phineas trusted me with helping him! He really does trust me! I sighed dreamily and fell into the Phineas daydream with us running away together. I was finally snapped out of it by Baljeet.

"Hello! Izzy! Isabella! Are you there?" Baljeet screamed to me in his Indian accent. Waving his hands in front of me.

"What? Oh sorry! Just you know, thinking about Phineas." I sighed. To my surprise, Baljeet got annoyed.

"Let's go already!" With that we walked toward my garage. I noticed Baljeet inching ever closer to me as we walked.

"You know, it is nice. Just the two us. Walking together. Alone. It is kind of uh romantic." Baljeet told me. I blushed in annoyance.

We walked into my garage and gathered anything we would need before walking back. I noticed, once again, inching closer to me. This time though, Baljeet was staring at me with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"You sure look, uh, pretty today Izzy." Baljeet told me.

"Uh, thanks and just call me Isabella. Isabella is fine." I only liked it when Phineas called me Izzy.

"Okay, you know I think it was fate for us to go get the supplies together." Baljeet said, smiling.

I sighed; we were in Phineas' backyard again. "Look Baljeet, you are an awesome friend but I only like you as a friend. Nothing more. You know who I have a crush on."

Baljeet glared at me and threw everything he was carrying on the ground.

"All you care about is Phineas! Phineas this, Phineas that! I hate it! You never ask me 'whatcha doing!' No you only care about Phineas! Why don't you open your eyes?" With that Baljeet stormed away, leaving me feeling more guilty and confused than ever before.

"Sorry…" I murmured. I felt a hand grab my shoulder gently. I looked around to see Phineas.

"What is up with Jeet?"

"It's… complicated." I told my friend.

Perry's POV

I was heading towards my nemesis' building. I hurriedly entered the building and went up the elevator. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting while the elevator slowly went up to the floor Dr. D was on. I sighed impatiently. Any day now? Finally, the elevator dinged and I stepped out and toward the door of my nemesis. I then knocked on the door and hurried away.

"Hello?" Came the high squeaky voice of Doofenshrimtz. "Oh well, guess it is not… Oof!" I leaped out of the shadows and slammed my foot against his chin causing the doctor to cry in pain.

"Ow!" He screamed, finally when stopped, he glared at me. "Perry the platypus, that was not nice! I mean look at this, look at this! I will have this mark for a week! I hope you are happy. At least you used the door however…" Dr. D muttered then called for Norm.

"Norm! Get over here!" Dr. D yelled at his robot.

"Coming sir. Would it kill you to say please though?" Norm asked.

"Don't start that again!" Dr. D growled.

"Fine." Norm said before grasping me with his huge hand and lifting me so I was high in the air.

"Okay, so I ran out of money for a proper trap so I decide to use Norm. Okay? Okay, let's move on." Dr. D said motioning for Norm who was still holding me to follow.

"Alright Perry, so what did your boss tell you? Do you know what I am planning? Well let me tell you. You see, the other day, when I was having a meeting with my evil scientist group. L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N." Or Lovemuffin I thought with a grin, my eyes closing. "I showed them my latest invention and they laughed at me! They laughed at me! Then Rodney humiliated me with his invention by showing all of the good things I did in life, I do not mean good evil things I mean good, good things. They all said I was the least evil scientist in the group. I was so upset I ran home crying, which only added to my humiliation. Anyway so when I got back I made… wait Perry the platypus or you even listening?"

I snorted slightly and shout my eyes open. You try listening to a back-story like yours every mission. I thought.

"Oh my gosh! You are even ruder then the L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.S! Uggh, well at least wait until I show you my invention before you doze off Perry the platypus! Yeesh! My life is not only trying to battle you! I have a life to attend to!"

Right, sure you do. I think but I look away with guilt to make Dr. D feel better.

"That is more like it! Now anyway, this is my invention." Probably a ray that will make their closes disappear so they will be humiliated in public. I thought to myself. But I was way off.

"This! My evilrayevilinator…ray!" He paused. "Uh, still working on the name. Anyways when I zap myself with this, I will become even more eviler then I already am. And the most evil scientist in the L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N"

That was my cue. I wiggled one hand out of the grasp of Norm and pushed one of his buttons. The sleep mode button.

"Going into sleep mode. Good night." With that both arms dropped and his back bent forwards and he was silent.

"No!" Dr. D screamed then paused, thinking for a minute as I stood there in a fighting position. "Hm… maybe I should have not trapped you with a robot that you have used before… oh well, let's rumb… Ow! My face!" Dr. D recoiled as I punched him in the nose before I launched myself into battle.

Baljeet's POV

"Stupid Phineas. Stupid Isabella." I muttered, my arms crossed as I walked away from the
Flynn-Fletcher house. I walked toward town; I had no idea where to go. I just needed to have some time away from everything. I walked through town then spotting a building that looked familiar. I was behind it so I had no idea if there was a sign or not.

"Oh! This must be the building of that famous Danville scientist, Dr. Hat. Science will break my mind off of the events that happened recently." I smiled and walked in through the door I saw.

"Hm… this door seems very back roomish, and this hallway seems very back roomish… just like the book described his home is!" I smiled and hurried to the nearest elevator and pushed the very highest floor. I smiled and squealed. This was my chance to meet a famous scientist. I walked inside the elevator once it arrived and rode it all the way to the top.

Finally, when the elevator dinned, I looked outside of the elevator and stepped out of it. I frowned slightly.

"This does not seem right. What famous scientist leaves his front door open? Wide open? Famous scientists need their own time and quiet time right?" I looked out a nearby window and frowned, seeing a sign that said Dr. Hat in front of a building that looked very similar to this one.

"Oh I am in the wrong building! It must be the other big purple building in town. Oh well." I turned around, not paying attention to anything that was happening in the room and stepping toward the elevator. But before the elevator was in reach, a searing pain shout up my back and I screamed in agony. It hurt so badly! I had no idea what hit me! But no feelings over took me, feelings I never felt before, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, panting. I tried to stay awake but the world went dark.


Oh dear, what happened to poor Baljeet? Wait for chapter 2 to find out! Also, I tried to nail the characters personalities more than I did in my past stories so I hope I did I better job. Anyway, review for a faster update if you want me to update.