
The icy kingdom would be known as a prison to those who have dwelt in for as long as one can remember. The sanguine that stained the white snow was never to be purified ever again, just as a sin would surely take hold of one's sanity until it is too late. Blood upon snow would never be seen as a horrific sight, but as a blessing to a king gone mad.

Death had run amok in the kingdom created of ice, a prison to one and many other lost souls. War's sword slashed through and through, all of the mad king's own wishes, lusting for power until he was fully satisfied with the bloodshed. The unsuspecting famine encaptured the people until no souls were left to surrender. The unknowing pestilence of the mad king devoured the unseeing subjects, only to be sacrificed to the merciless darkness.

Never seeing, and never stopping. The mad king only had garnet eyes and bloodied vision when using such powerful magic, only furthering his conquest of proving that hate only breeds hate and that nothing comes from warring, except for death and the beautiful crimson that painted the white canvas. He did not realize that death would come a'calling for the mad king himself, which the white canvas was never pure, but the white had turned grey, tainted of such villainy and sin.

The ice that created the kingdom was one where only corruption thrived, where a magician was thought of the kingdom as a sanctuary from his original place of birth, only to be held in another hellish world. He feared to be as bas as they were, to kill only because a sovereign told you upon the promise of setting his beloved twin free from death's claw-like grasp, to be free of the sins that he was marked by. The magician would not a part of such a painting that was easily tarnished by the wishes of a mad king, never again, even if it meant to kill the one person that he truly cared for, even if it meant to resurrect the twin that he had lost a long time ago.

In the cold kingdom of Celes, it was dark, oh so very dark. The darkness was not like the darkness of the other worlds, not like the darkness of the kingdom Valeria, a darkness that was tinged by light, but nor was it a darkness like Acid Tokyo. But it was a darkness created by the hatred within people's hearts. In Celes, there was a darkness which would make the prison of death and despair in Valeria seem to be even a blinding light of hope, a darkness that was omnipotent and unbroken, a darkness that wasn't surrounding the land but within as well, eating away not only at the mind but at the very soul.

What lies ahead in a land burdened by unforgiving frost and the never-ending trail of crimson?

Only time would tell, the time that would never exist for the doomed kingdom. The name, Celes, would just be a reminder of the death of a once glorious empire. Celes was a soon to be forgotten name in an epistle.