Eh… this is really short, sorry. But I had the song stuck in my head for a while now. Enjoy.

Warning: Izaya. Character death. Shounen-ai.

I don't own DRRR. If I did, none of you would be reading this fanfiction. I also don't own "Operator." It's by Jim Croce and should be respected as such.

Ring ring ring.

Shizuo glanced down at his cell phone. "Unknown Caller" the screen read. He frowned. There was only one person who called him from unknown numbers. Without hesitation, he picked up the phone.

"Operator, could you help me place this call?"

Yup. It's him. Shizuo sighed, motioning at Tom that this would take a while. "What now?" he asked.

"See the number on the matchbook is old and faded… she's now living with my best old ex-friend," the person continued.

Shizuo's eyebrow twitched. Now he's just being annoying. They left him two years ago. He's still not over it?

"But, isn't that the way they say it goes? But let's forget all that, and give me the number if you can find it. So I can call just to tell them I'm fine."

If you're fine, then don't bother me! A low growl began from Shizuo's throat. His fingers tensed around the phone, almost ready to break it. A few meters away, Tom watched worriedly. There goes the third cell of the month…

"Because now I have someone who holds my soul."

Shizuo paused. What?

"I love you, Shizuo."

The man in the bartender outfit blushed furiously. "Don't be embarrassing!"

"Thank you… and goodbye."


Shizuo's breathing stopped. There was no mistaking that sound. He's heard it too much time to mistake it. However, his brain insisted that he heard wrong. That couldn't be. There's no way that sound could be-

"Mikado!" He exclaimed into the phone. "Mikado! Mikado!"

In the other side of Ikebukuro, pale, slender hands reached down to pick up the cell phone that Mikado dropped.

"If I can't have him," this man whispered into the phone, "Neither can you!"
