Hiya people! I'm Lizzy-sama, and this is my Inuyasha fanfiction. It stars Inuyasha and Kouga. Now, this will contain yaoi, which, for all you who don't know, means boy x boy love. It will also contain M-Preg, which is short for male pregnancy. So, if no like, click the magical little round circle called the back button. But please, don't flame. Thank you and we now go to your normal internet program.
A Tale of Two Princes
Chapter One: A Secret is Revealed
By: Lizzy-sama
"Inuyasha!" Izayoi called as she raced around the castle, searching desperately for her son. It was almost time to leave for the southern lands. They were going to visit Lord Inoyoshi's childhood friend, Lord Yamato, Alpha of the Southern Wolf Tribe. Finally, as she was about to give up, Sesshomaru, Izayoi's step-son, entered the room, dragging a whimpering Inuyasha by the ear.
"Oh Sessy! Where did you find him?" Izayoi exclaimed as she hugged her step-son.
"He was hiding in a tree. I heard you calling him, so I dragged him here." Sesshomaru explained as his half-brother continued to whine and struggle.
"Well, thank you." She said, before turning her attention to her son, whose ear had just been released and which he was now rubbing, "Inuyasha, it's almost time to go, and you were hiding in a tree. Please go get dressed in your formal kimono so we can get underway."
"Yes mother." Inuyasha said as he walked out of the room, still rubbing his sore ear.
Several days later, the convoy reached the den of the Southern Wolf Clan. They were greeted with great fanfare (Read: howling) by the demons and wolves. Lord Inoyoshi strode over to the Alpha and shook his hand before pulling him into a friendly hug.
"Yamato, it's truly been too long." Inoyoshi said as he smiled at his old friend.
"Yes it has, Inoyoshi. You haven't changed a bit." Yamato replied.
"Neither have you. It's good to see you again."
"Now, would you please tell me who that radiant woman is standing behind you?" Yamato peered past his friend at Izayoi.
"Her name is Izayoi, and she's my mate."
"Lady Izayoi, tell me, how did a radiant woman like you end up with a mutt like him?" Yamato asked as he bowed and kissed her hand. Izayoi just giggled like a schoolgirl.
"Who are you calling mutt, ya wimpy wolf." The two stared each other down for a minute or two, before breaking out laughing.
"Now, ON TO THE FEAST!" Yamato exclaimed and was quickly drowned out with cheers and howls. The feasting lasted late into the night as the demons and wolves ate and drank their fill. Finally, once everyone was full to bursting and was quietly sipping on sake, Yamato stood up with Inoyoshi, and everyone fell silent.
"Everyone, we have an announcement to make." Inoyoshi began.
"The reason we have gathered here today is to announce the mating of my son, Kouga," Yamato continued.
"With my son, Inuyasha." Inoyoshi finished.
"WHAT!" Inuyasha screamed as soon as the words left his father's mouth.
"You heard me, you are going to mate with Kouga."
"No, no no and no! Why would I mate with somebody I don't even know!"
"I agree. I don't know about you, but wolves mate for life. Besides, both of us are male and can't have heirs." Kouga argued.
"That is not entirely true." Yamato interjected.
"What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Inuyasha, your mother and I never told you, but you are what is known as a Bearer, a male hanyou whom can have children and those children are supposed to be extremely powerful."
"But, I thought Bearers are just a myth." Kouga said.
"That's because there hasn't been one in over a thousand years."
"No! I don't believe you!" Inuyasha yelled, then hopped out of his chair and raced off into the forest as fast as possible. Everyone just sat there, stunned by the shocking turn of events. Inoyoshi was the first to recover, he ordered his men to go search for Inuyasha and bring him back.
Meanwhile, in a far away castle, another hanyou watched the events with avid interest. Naraku knew of the power of a Bearer's children and wanted that power for himself. So, he resolved to find Inuyasha and take him for his own.
Inuyasha was racing as fast as possible through the forest, trying to escape his father's soldiers, when he suddenly smelled a horrible stench. The miasma made his eyes water and he closed his eyes. Inuyasha tripped on a tree branch and fell flat on his face. He tried to push himself up, but was unable to as a hand held him down.
"Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku. Look what I caught, one of the legendary Bearers." A strange voice laughed.
"W-who are you?" Inuyasha cried, the hand pushing his face into the dirt and the pebbles cutting his cheek.
"My name is Naraku, but you can call me Master." Naraku laughed.
"Like I would ever call you Master. For your information, I'm a member of the Royal Family of the Western Lands."
"Such a strong will. I can't wait to break it. You will call me Master, in time." Naraku leaned down and licked Inuyasha's cheek. The poor hanyou shuttered and screamed, but it was too late. Naraku knocked him out before he transported the hanyou and himself back to his castle.
"Lord Inoyoshi, we searched every inch of the forest within a ten mile, but we were stopped by a poisonous miasma to the north."
"Damn it. That can only mean one thing. He has kidnapped my son." Inoyoshi slammed his fist onto the table. He stormed out of the cave and, for the first time in his life, he cried.
Well, what do you think? Tell me in your reviews. Anyone who reviews, not including flames, will receive a brownie because cookies are overrated and cake is too much work. I will update soon, so no worry.
Please note that I own nobody except for Yamato and Inoyoshi's name.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Fangirl,