Okay, so here we go!

Best Review was


From ilovemomiji

Just because it made me smile on how simple it was, and energetic!


"Just hurry up and do the damn spell so Alaric and I can do the rest of the plan."

Bonnie smiled, glad to get some of her anger out on Damon, and looked through the spell book and saw the reversal spell, but also a warning.

"It says that the spell might be permanent if she cast this one, and only she can undo the spell." Bonnie said.

"What?" Damon asked with a tightening of his jaw.

"You heard me, but if she still hates you when you go into get her and kill Derek, it's because there is nothing I can do." Bonnie whispered. Damon nodded as Bonnie began to chant, and once again, all Damon could do was hope to god or something out there, that the witch had forgotten to make it permanent.

Out Of Town

Chapter 21: Italy ~ Plan A ~ Part 3

Dedicated to ilovemomiji

Damon knew it was a risk going into to save Elena from Derek, but it was a risk he was willing to take. He had just gotten Elena, and to lose her, was hell. And it wasn't even on her free will.

Bonnie had completed the spell as himself and Alaric snuck over to the house, but Alaric being human, continually stumbled and made loud noises, causing Damon to lose his temper.

"Really Alaric? You can't just be stealthy for once in your life?" Damon snapped at him. Ric frowned at Damon but continued walking to the Villa in which Elena was being held captive.

"Your not being any stealthier. You're just walking." Ric snapped back at Damon.

"At least I'm not making any noise." Damon frowned as they reached the Villa. Damon looked into the house and saw that Derek was on the ground in pain. Bonnie's spells worked from a distance, and this would give him the chance to get in and grab Elena, hoping that she remembered that she didn't hate him, at least not anymore.

Damon hopped the window, making quick work of the job as Derek hissed for him to go away, but not being able to stand up to save his life.

"Aw, are you a kitty cat now?" Damon mocked ruffling Derek's hair before grabbing it and pulling it back. Damon smirked as he pulled Derek up to his feet and plunged his hand into his chest. Derek's eyes went wide and he froze. Damon tugged his heart before pulling it completely out and throwing it across the room. Alaric stood there unable to move as he looked at the heart.

"Really Ric? You kill vampires and you can't look at a heart?" Damon asked mockingly. "You're such a wimp." Alaric glared at Damon and said, "Remember I'm the vampire hunter."

"And you remember that I've killed you once, and I could do it again." Damon added before they both set off looking for Elena.

Damon took off down a hallway that seemed to lead to a pool/card room. Damon huffed, not seeing anything there and searched the rest of the Villa, as did Ric.

"Nothing! Where is she!" Damon yelled, getting a sense of Deja Vu. He stopped and Alaric frowned. "We have to find her, what if Derek killed her because he knew you were coming?"

"Then I'll die beside her." Damon threatened as he listened for anything, any sign of Elena whatsoever. After about ten minutes he had heard nothing and if his heart was still beating, it would've stopped. He could smell her scent lingering in the house, but it was covered well, so he couldn't decipher where it was, and there was no response, which meant only one thing. They were too late, Elena was dead.

Damon sighed and a tear somehow escaped it's boundaries of his eyes. Crying was something that he never did, only when his mother had died, but other than that, he was told to stay strong and to never show weakness, but somehow, this one tear, was his humanity and hope as Alaric went to say something he heard a noise.

"Da-" Alaric started but Damon didn't want to deal with Alaric's bromance right now, he was hearing something, finally. He heard another muffled cry from the basement. He cocked his head, he had looked down there, but there was something down there now.

Another muffled noise came that sounded like Elena calling his name.

"Elena?" He called as he bolted down the stairs. He turned the corner quickly to see four doors. He stopped, why hadn't he checked the damn doors? He called out for her again and got a response from the third door. He opened it to see Elena, covered in an herb that allowed the scent to give away, and gagged.

"Elena!" He said as he ran to her and touched the ropes, getting burned in the process. "Damn it!" He hissed as Alaric came down. Elena gave a sigh of relief as Alaric got the message and untied her. Damon smiled as he untied her gag.

Elena looked from Damon to Alaric and smiled, and taking Damon off guard, she jumped on him. Wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing his jawline. "I am so, so, so, so sorry Damon, I don't know why I did what I did!"

"You were being almost compelled by a witch to have your feelings and emotions messed with." Damon explained. Elena smiled and kissed him again. "I love you so much Damon."

"Finally." Damon smirked before responding with "I love you too."

Alaric rolled his eyes and said, "Can I go back to Mystic Falls now?"

Damon and Elena looked over to him with big goofy smiles on their faces and nodded, as Alaric took the time to leave.

"Can we go get Tequila, and just sleep tonight, I don't want to do anything." Elena asked, and Damon nodded, "Sure, but she's going to be in the way of you ogling me all night."

"Same Damon." She smiled to him.

5 Years Later:

Damon was in the backyard of the boarding house, watching Elena play with the 5 year old Tequila, and the new puppy Scotch. He was also an English bulldog, Elena and Damon both decided that Tequila needed someone to play with, while they were doing, well, other things that the dogs couldn't be involved in.

"You done playing with dogs yet?" Damon teased Elena as he put down his regular scotch and walked over to her, grabbing her hands and pulling her up from the bright green grass.

"Nope." Elena teased as she skimmed her thumb over Damon's knuckles, playing with the dark blue stone on Damon's finger. Damon smirked at her as she played with the jewel. "I think you are." He smirked as he grabbed her and pulled her over his shoulders and ran into the house at top speed and placed her on the couch.

"Damon! I was playing with Tequila and Scotch!" She giggled as Damon tickled her sides. Damon smirked and shook his head and gave her a pout. "My heart's bleeding for you." Damon said sarcastically as he went down and gave her a quick teasing kiss.

"Hey! Hey! None of that on the couch! I get that your newlyweds and all, but at least do it upstairs, please!" A female voice came from the kitchen. Damon and Elena both looked up to Katherine and smiled.

"It's my house I can do whatever the hell I want." Damon smirked.

"Salvatore, as in anyone who is named Salvatore owns the place. Since I am one, I think that I have a right to not want the couch soiled." Katherine joked. Yes, it was true, Elena was married to Damon, as was Katherine to Stefan. They'd both had nice receptions but they were sharing the house for the time being.

"But you aren't a true Salvatore." Damon smirked before going back to Elena kissing her again. Katherine huffed and went away. Elena pulled away and said, "I can't believe it's been a week since the wedding, and we still haven't gone on our honeymoon." Elena joked.

Damon cocked his head and smirked at her, looking down at the Lapis Lazuli ring on her finger, as a promise to turn her when it was time, and then to her wedding band that was full of diamonds and a big one in the middle.

He smiled, "Let's go now then. We'll go back to the place where we first started. I'll even get the exact room."

Elena smiled. They were going back out of town, and to New York, where she had first began to feel something for Damon. She smiled again, she couldn't have imagined a better turn out than this.


Yes, that was it! I am so sorry to end it there, but it seemed complete. After 21 chapters, and the plot over with, you don't really know what to write, so I gave you a preview into the future! I hope that you enjoyed this story, and that the dedicated fans and readers of this story will review one last time!

I love all of you that reviewed and made this (so far) my highest reviewed and viewed story! Thanks!
