Thanks so much, everyone, for the reviews and follows/favourites. It's so nice to get those happy notifications! :)

"Ella! You made it!"

Ella smiled as she stepped uncertainly into the Blue Bar. Muffy waved enthusiastically to her from behind the stein-laden counter. It was just after 7pm, and the tiny establishment was already getting crowded.

Several patrons turned to glance at the newcomer, but most of them were too occupied with their drinks or companions to look. Ella made her way to the last available stool – not everyone was sitting; some stood or leaned on the counter – and sat.

For a moment, she just listened to the comfortable buzz of conversation. There were several faces she didn't recognize, including two squat, identical men in overalls and a large, muscled, swarthy-skinned man sporting a Mohawk. Dr. Hardy also sat at the counter quietly nursing a gin and tonic. He met her eyes and nodded to her.

To her left sat a man in what resembled a frayed green wizard's hat with a single daisy peeking shyly from its brim. His hair was shaggy and brown, and Ella's mind snagged on the word – shaggy. Yes, that's exactly who he reminded her of: Shaggy from Scooby-Doo! He was too engrossed in a discussion with a redheaded woman leaning nonchalantly on the counter to notice Ella staring. That must be Velma. She smiled to herself and stole a glance at Marlin, who sat to her right.

Marlin took a long deep swig from his stein and replaced it rather roughly on the counter. He caught Ella's eye and she quickly looked away, embarrassed, but the farmhand cleared his throat.

"You, uh, look nice," he said. Ella felt her cheeks flame.

"Thank you," she said. "So do you." She flashed him a quick smile and then looked back down at the bar. Was he trying to flirt or just being nice? She hoped that he wasn't flirting, not that there was anything wrong with him, but she realized she had no idea how to respond.

Muffy swept in and saved her. "Hey pretty girl! Can I get ya anything to drink, or just here to check out the scenery?" she asked with a trademark wink. Marlin snorted, and Muffy wheeled on him. "Well, sourpuss? Are you here to sulk or here to have fun?"

"Here to drink," he retorted.

"So…fun," Muffy translated. She snatched his tankard and refilled it with something on tap. "That'll perk you up. So have you met our newest resident farmer here? This is Ella. She's from Mineral Town."

"We've met," Ella said quickly. "I buy seeds from Vesta and she introduced us."

"Well, hello again," said a voice near Ella's left ear. She whirled around to see Rock facing her, resting an arm on the counter and grinning, and barely resisted the urge to groan. "Out on the town already, yeah? That's my kinda girl! Lemme get you a drink!"

"Uh, I don't know if I'm drinking yet," the farmer said politely. What would he expect from her if she let him buy her a drink – did that make this a date? Or would that just be more flirting? Either way, she didn't want that kind of fuss.

"Oh, Rock, leave her alone!" Muffy ordered, sounding disgusted. "You were after Lumina, last I heard!"

Ella's eyes widened. The soft-spoken little heiress and Rock?

The blond man looked abashed. "I don't even know if she likes me," he complained. Marlin rolled his eyes and took another deep glug of beer.

The Shaggy doppelganger tapped Rock on the arm until he turned, then leaned forward to make eye contact with Ella. "Hey, sister. Don't think we've met. The name's Gustafa." He had a very pointed nose and a warm smile, but his eyes were hidden by circular sunglasses.

Ella found herself smiling back at him. She imagined his eyes were very friendly. "I'm Ella. It's nice to meet you."

"The new farmer?" asked a vaguely disinterested voice from behind Gustafa. It was the cool-looking redhead. She was so effortlessly chic with her icy blue eyes and crimson pixie cut that Ella felt somewhat intimidated. "Hi. I'm Nami." Gustafa turned back around to continue their conversation, and Ella wondered what those two could possibly have in common. Maybe they were even a couple.

An hour passed with ease, as Ella chatted to Muffy and Rock, with Marlin offering the occasional comment. The barmaid convinced Ella to try a banana-flavoured mixed drink of her own invention called a "Blonde Bombshell". The farmer was having a lot of fun but considering leaving soon – six a.m. came early, after all – when a nondescript door on the far wall behind the counter opened, and a man in blue jeans and a fringed Western shirt crept out. Conversation halted. Ella looked around, confused, and realized everyone was staring at the man.

He walked towards Muffy and Ella saw a guitar strapped to his back. The bubbly blonde beamed and clapped her hands delightedly. "Griffin! Oh, Griffin, are you gonna play tonight?"

Griffin appeared middle-aged, his face leathery and deeply lined. His chin was rough with stubble and his mustache was bushy; his brown hair had been pulled back into a scruffy ponytail. Beaming, Muffy took his arm and gestured at Ella.

"Griffy, have you met Ella? She's the new farmer and she's a real sweet pea!"

Griffin smiled meekly at Ella and she found herself warming to him immediately. "Well hello there. Name's Griffin."

"He owns the bar," Muffy said with pride. "And he's the best musician in the Valley! Sometimes he treats us to a song or two at night."

"Well, golly," Griffin chuckled, looking bashful. "I don't know about all that. But I thought I might sing a bit."

Sitting behind the bar, soft yellow light washing over him as he strummed his guitar, the barman's shyness melted away. He hummed a few notes and began a slow, mournful ballad – eyes closed, expression wistful.

"The sun sets on another summer day
It's lonely, I think. It's beautiful, they say
Makes me think of endings, makes me think of time
Makes me dream of memories, of when you were mine
All the happiest days pass us, without a single thought
Oh darlin', I wish you knew the happiness you brought.
I wish I were stronger, I wish I were better
Wish this whiskey could help me forget her
The sun sets on another summer day
It's lonely, I think. It's beautiful, they say…"

Ella felt her throat tightening. The melodic pluck of the strings were full of longing, and Griffin's voice was slow and rich. She wondered if he had written this himself, about someone he'd lost. She swallowed with effort and glanced around. Marlin stared into his empty glass, expressionless, lost in thought. Gustafa nodded along to the beat, his sandalled foot gently tapping on the floor, and Nami's eyes were closed. And Muffy's eyes were shining. The barmaid felt Ella's gaze and flashed her a quick, embarrassed smile before discreetly dabbing at her eyes.

Griffin sang two more verses and then strummed deeply, finishing the song. The small bar erupted in applause and he bowed, awkwardly. "Thanks, folks," he murmured. "Have yourselves a good night now." With that, he ducked into the back room. Muffy smiled at his back.

"He's good, isn't he?" she asked. Ella was struck by a thought, and nodded encouragingly.

"He's very good," she agreed. "And he seems really nice."

"So nice," Muffy agreed, and then composed herself. "Anyway… can I get you anything else tonight Ella?"

The farmer shook her head, smiling. "No thanks, I should get to sleep."

"Lame!" Muffy accused.

Ella grinned and stood. "I doubt you get up at six a.m.."

Muffy's jaw dropped. "I didn't even know there was a six in the a.m.," she joked. "Get out of here, girl. Get some rest. I'll see you soon!"

˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·˙

The morning was cool and misty; the dew sat heavily in the grass. Ella stomped through it, hauling on the halter of a certain stubborn cow. Faye either got bored of the game, or decided that the scrawny farmgirl wasn't enough competition, and thundered past her into the small grassy pasture that Ella had sectioned off for her.

Ella hopped out of the way to avoid being trampled and hastily swung the makeshift gate closed. She stood back, hands on her hips, and tried to calm her breathing by watching the cow munch contentedly. Faye only seemed to be happy when she was eating.

Ella glanced to the far corner of the field, where Oakley was also grazing. Today, she decided, she would ride.

She filled her watering can in the small pond by the stable and walked through her field, sprinkling water on the small mounds of earth. Tiny green buds poked out of several mounds. She stopped to admire them for a moment and felt a small prick of pride.

Chores done, Ella considered leading Oakley back to the stable to be saddled, but then changed her mind. It was a bareback type of day.

Raising two fingers to her lips, she whistled sharply. Oakley's head shot up and turned in her direction. With another whistle, he came trotting toward her.

Ella stretched her hands out to him and offered his searching lips a couple berries she had kept for him after her morning forage. He nibbled them up, and she patted his glossy auburn neck.

A beautiful chestnut, Oakley boasted a red-gold coat and blond mane, and a thin, winding white streak down the middle of his face. He had actually been sired by Ella's mother's stallion, Kingsley, and Ella had worked with him since he was a colt. They had a tight bond, and the farmer was an accomplished amateur equestrian.

She braced her hands on his shoulders and heaved herself up, swinging a leg over his midsection and settling into the curve of his back. He shook his mane at her invitingly. Squeezing with her heels, she prompted him forward, and he took off at a brisk walk.

Ella sat back and closed her eyes, feeling the sun on her face. The breeze played with her hair. She exhaled heavily, trying the let her tension wash off of her, trying not to think of anything at all. Right now, all that mattered was the sun above her, the wind around her, and horse moving with her.

Her eyes opened. The farm stretched out before her. She squeezed with her heels and Oakley sped into a lively trot, his ears pricking up. As she lowered herself to his neck, she squeezed again, and he moved into a canter. The wind slapped his stinging mane into her face and she squeezed her eyes shut, trusting her horse to choose his own path. She gasped in surprise as he made a small jump and gripped his neck tightly when he took a sudden turn. Oakley could be sassy and difficult and sometimes disobedient, but he had never let her get hurt.

"Ella!" came a terrified cry.

The farmer jolted upright and turned. Celia and Marlin were standing at the entrance to her farm, the sweet brunette clutching a basket and looking horrified.

"Whoa!" Ella commanded. Oakley slowed to a walk and shook his mane indignantly. As quickly as she could manage, she dismounted and hurried over her fellow farmers, grinning sheepishly.

"Hi…" she began, catching her breath. The short ride had been exhilarating and her heart was still pounding.

"Ella!" Celia repeated with alarm. "What were you doing on that horse? No saddle, no reins? You'll be killed!"

The blonde couldn't help but laugh at her neighbour's well-meaning naïveté. She felt happy, and carefree, and better than she had in weeks. She laughed until she was breathless and doubled over with her hands on her knees.

Celia chuckled uncertainly, and even Marlin had a bit of a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry," Ella breathed. "Your faces…"

Celia giggled. "I was worried!" she insisted. "Are you really okay riding like that on that big horse?"

"I promise," Ella smiled. "I've ridden him for years. But I'll use a saddle next time if it bothers you!"

The brunette nodded eagerly. "I envy you, though. Horses are so beautiful, but…would you believe that a farm girl like me has never ridden one?"


Marlin also shook his head. "We've never kept livestock at the farm."

"Well," Ella began, and almost didn't believe the next words that came out of her mouth. "Would you guys want to come ride? I could show you how. I have lots of experience, and Oakley has more energy than I know what to do with."

Celia's face lit up with the brightest smile Ella had ever seen. "Really?" she gasped. "I would love that!"

It was impossible not to smile back at the sweet farmgirl with the honest, heart-shaped face. "Cool. Just tell me whenever works for you and I'm sure we can work it out. Do you wanna try too, Marlin?" Ella asked, her tone inadvertently turning shyer. The curly-haired man seemed nice and she had gotten more familiar with him at the bar the night before, but his brusque, stoic demeanor still intimidated her a bit.

He merely shrugged. "Maybe."

"I'm so excited! I'll let you know later when we can probably come by, we'll have to talk to Vesta and see when she needs us…anyway, we didn't stop by just to yell at you and guilt riding lessons out of you! We wanted to bring you some of our early crop. Some potatoes we harvested this morning! Hehehe." She held out the basket to Ella.

Once again, Ella was left speechless. What was with all these nice neighbours and bringing her free food? Seemingly there were some perks to being new.

That, or everyone could tell she was living off fish and berries.

"Wow! Thank you," Ella said, accepting the basket with a huge grin. "You guys are the best. I can't believe how kind everyone has been to me."

Celia giggled again, and Marlin seemed to blush as he turned his face down and scuffed a shoe on the ground. "We don't want you to leave!" the brunette said cheerfully. "You are doing such a wonderful job, Ella. Anyway, we should be heading back now! We hope you enjoy the potatoes!"

"Hope they're good," Marlin murmured, and followed the waving Celia off of the farm.

Ella was startled out of her stupor by Oakley nibbling on her shoulder and sniffing curiously at the tubers. "Hey! These are for me, not you, you greedy thing," she laughed, shrugging his head away. He swished her with his tail and trotted away in search of something else to eat.

She knelt in her field to pull out the weeds growing nearest to her crops. Her eyes swept over the broken branches and jagged stones still half-buried in the earth and came to rest on a patch of that stubborn chokeweed.

How many days until Wednesday?