A/N This is just going to be a quick story – maybe three or four chapters. It's an idea that has been bugging me for a few weeks now, so I decided to let it out to play. Hope you like it!

Incidentally, I am absolutely disgusted by the decision to drop AJ and cut Paget's hours. I've signed the petition. Make sure you do too!

Chapter 1

As the blonde agent drew the press conference to a close, the man she had been warning the public about looked on in disgust. Did they think he was stupid? It was obvious to him ... and anyone with half a brain ... that the whole thing had been planned to bait him. They had set it outside the local police station, within half a mile of each of his seven abduction sites, and had made a big deal of having the beautiful blonde-haired agent – close to his preferred victim type – front the whole event. As he watched her talking to one of her colleagues he vowed angrily that they would come to regret their decision ... and soon.

He slunk back into the alley where he was hiding as the two agents began to walk in his direction. Moments later he watched as the blonde and her geeky looking male companion walked straight past him without even noticing that he was there. As they passed he could hear a phone ring and he smiled to himself as the female agent stopped, signalling to her companion that he should keep walking without her. It was a sign ... She was meant to be his next victim.

Moving silently out of the alley and along the wall, he checked around him and was pleased to note that no-one else was looking in his direction. He stealthily walked up behind the agent and slammed his hand over her mouth whilst using his other arm to pull her back into the alley he had just left. As she struggled she dropped her phone and tried to kick out at him, but he was close to twice her size and had plenty of practice with restraining women. He eventually managed to wedge her up against the brick wall, using his body to hold her in place. Careful to keep his right hand over her mouth, he reached into the bag he had slung over his shoulder and pulled out a syringe containing a clear liquid. Having prepared everything in advance he went to plunge the needle into the woman's jugular vein. At the last minute the agent struggled violently, causing the needle to miss the vein, hitting muscle instead as he forced the drug into her body. Cursing quietly, he kept his grip on the woman as she struggled hard, obviously having felt the needle.

Seconds later his heart began to race when he heard the sounds of two male voices calling for the woman who was still struggling against him.

"JJ?" he heard one – the geeky one from earlier – call.

"Agent Jareau?" shouted another voice, the panic clear in his tone.

As she heard her colleagues the woman, 'JJ', struggled more and began to thrash her head in an attempt to free her mouth. He felt panic overtake him and, without much thought, he drew another syringe – his emergency supply – out of his bag. He slammed her head into the wall, temporarily dazing her, before plunging the second dose of Ketamine directly into her vein. Within thirty seconds he felt the woman go limp against him and was finally able to breathe easily.

His relief was short lived however as he heard the two male agents still calling for their lost colleague ... and they sounded close. He quickly took the unconscious woman in his arms and carried her into the derelict building at the end of the alley. Easily carrying her into one of the back rooms – a place he had discovered after his third victim – he kicked the door shut and laid her gently on the floor.

Stepping away from the woman, he began to pace around her. He was worried – very worried. It had taken seven victims, but he had finally found a perfect dose for the Ketamine. The first syringe had contained just enough to knock an average woman out for no more than 5-10 minutes, before they would begin to gain consciousness. They would then feel some of the other effects of the Ketamine – confusion, hallucinations, maybe nausea – for an hour or so while he got to 'enjoy' their bodies. Still confused, they would find themselves being bustled into a car before being 'dropped off' at one of the three local hospitals.

This time however he had panicked and had used his emergency dose; something he had sworn he wouldn't do unless he was cornered and had no other options. The emergency dose contained enough to fully anaesthetise a fully grown man; meaning that this woman – who was ridiculously thin – had just been given a massive overdose.

As he paced he kept checking his watch and, 45 minutes after he had entered the room, finally decided to take some action. Kneeling over the prone woman, he started by shaking her gently; after all, she could have been faking unconsciousness to avoid what she must have known he was planning to do. When that didn't work, he slapped her hard across the face and watched as her head bounced on the concrete floor. Finally he decided to take the psychological approach. Some women could fake unconsciousness through all sorts of physical pain, be he had yet to meet one who could avoid flinching if she thought she was going to be raped. Keeping a firm eye on the woman's face, he slowly undid the buttons on her shirt, pulling the material apart to reveal a simple black bra. When she didn't react to that, he moved down to her pants, undoing the buttons and the zip. When she still didn't react at all, he swore loudly and stepped back from her; there was no way she was faking.

What the hell was he going to do now? He wasn't sick enough to rape a comatose woman and he had no idea how the Ketamine was going to affect the petite blonde. He abruptly stopped his pacing when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye ... Shit! She was fitting. What should he do? He was no murderer ... he couldn't just leave her here ... God, he should have just left her alone and gone for his normal, less risky type of victim. After a few minutes she finally stopped convulsing and he made a decision. He would skip to the last part of his M.O. Picking her up, he rushed to the front of the building where his car was waiting. Pushing the woman's uncooperative body into the passenger seat, he ran around the car and jumped into the driver's seat. He thrust the car into drive and sped out onto the main road, gunning it towards the nearest hospital; thankfully only five minutes away. When he arrived outside the ER he stopped the car, leant across the woman and opened her door. He pushed her out of the car, pulled the door shut and sped away; heart racing.