London, 11 May 1941

"Arthur, my dear boy!"

Arthur smiled at the Prime Minister. "Hello, Winston." Beckoning him closer, Arthur lowered his voice. "Say, have you heard anything from the Doctor? He was supposed to be here last week to examine the Ironsides, wasn't he?"

Winston Churchill sobered. "No, I have not. The last I've spoken to him was when I telephoned him last week."

"Strange. He's never been this late before."

"I know."

"So, Winston, what did you want to speak to me about?"

"Your brother Ian telephoned this morning. He said that it was urgent and to have you telephone him back as soon as possible."

Arthur forced himself to remain calm, and forced a smile. "Yes, of course. I'll get on that now."

Arthur took his time getting to his office, whereupon he sat down at his desk. What in the world could Ian want that was so urgent?

He contemplated reasons that Ian might have called (most of them involved Ian going wild after a night at a pub and ending up in jail) while he sketched absently on a bit of paper.

Well… I might as well, he decided, thinking that it couldn't be too bad.

He dialed Ian's telephone number, and his brother answered almost immediately.

"Hello?" Arthur asked.

"Oi! Arty, I called you hours ago!"

"I'm terribly sorry; I only got in about ten minutes ago."

"Well, if this bleedin' Nazi 'ad escaped durin' tha' time…"


"Neighbour o' mine caugh' 'im last nigh' when 'e crash landed in 'is field."

"Who was it? It wasn't Hitler, was it?"

Ian laughed. "What? Are you mental? If it'd been 'Itler I woulda killt 'im already!"

"Well who is it?"

"Says 'is name's Rudolf 'Ess. Says 'e wants ta be our ally."

"He's going to give us information?"

"No; 'e says 'e wants us to join 'Itler. I tol' 'im that 'e's absolutely barkin'."

"Why are we keeping him?"

"Didn't ya 'ear me, Arty? This bloke's absolutely barkin'!"

"Look, I need to tell the Prime Minister about this, Ian."

"Well 'urry up! We 'aven't got all day!"

Arthur put the phone down on his desk and hurried to the Prime Minister's office. He rapped loudly on the door.

"Come in."

Arthur didn't waste any time. "Sir, my brother found a Nazi officer. The man crash-landed near his home; he says that it's Rudolf Hess, and he's one of Hitler's inner circle."

The Prime Minister frowned. "Get them both to London. We need to interrogate this officer."

"Yes, sir."

As Arthur left, he heard the Prime Minister mutter something about horrible timing.

Arthur himself couldn't agree more.

The Ironsides were bad enough, but now… a Nazi officer in the United Kingdom? Why was the Doctor taking so long?

The Doctor always helped; he'd figure out what, exactly, the Ironsides were, and then they'd only have to deal with the war… and Hess, of course.

…Perhaps the Doctor could help them deal with Hess, too?

Author's Note: As crazy as the whole Hess thing seems, it's 100% true. He was kept by the Brits until the end of the war, when they sent him back to Germany so that he could be a defendant in the Nuremberg Trials. And this is sort-of a Doctor Who crossover, but... it's not enough of one to be considered an actual crossover. (That being said, this is between "The Beast Below" and "Victory of the Daleks" in the Whoniverse, but clearly there aren't any spoilers). So that's where the Doctor and the Ironsides come in. (If you're not familiar with Doctor Who, the Doctor basically... helps Earth out with a lot of alien threats. He basically goes around time and space having adventures and saving people.)

Disclaimer: Himaruya owns Hetalia and Arthur-sama. BBC owns the Doctor and the "Ironsides". I only own Ian/Scotland and the insane idea to write this.