Me : Hello guys… I'm back with the Sequel of "Leap of Faith!" :3 Yeah I know the title of this story is the title of the song in DMC4!.. XDD BTW.. Tell me if the title fit this story or not okay?..

AN : I do not own any of the character nor the sound so it!.. *sob* sadly I know. But I do owned Keita and Keigo their kids. lol XD

Title : Shall never surrender

Rated : M

Summary : My sequel to Leap of Faith... It been a year now with the incident with kiryuu... But will fate be on his side this time or will the incident with kiryuu a years ago will come back and haunt him again!.

Well what are we waiting for let's get on with the story!.. Yeah!.. XDD

Title : Shall never surrender

Chapter 1 : My life after a years later.

Nero POV's

It had been a year after that Incident with Kiryuu… When we where walking around that old sanctuary we found many half-children. I was shocked at first. But we deiced to take them with us. When we went out of that place.

Where were surround by if I'm not mistaking the other half-breed children parents as Father (Sprada) talked them out and telling them that is was Kiryuu scamming on kidnapping their kids.

I wasn't supervising when the other half-breed parents where angry in rage for kidnapping their little one. Who wouldn't?.. Keh. I would be mad if someone stolen my children from me!. Not that it didn't happen already.

Well aside from that. My children the twins : Keigo and Keita are now 5 year olds. They are my treasure in my life. Although things had changed for the past years.

Everything was still the same. I have taken Dante's place as demon hunter. And keeping the Devil May Cry still open and alive still now. Lady and Trish come offend here.

They sometime are willing to babysitting the kids when I'm off to one of my mission. Lucia sometime visits us too. Although she lived pretty far away. She was willing to sacrifice her money just to come and see how I was holding up with the twins.

And everything in Fortuna where okay now too. I myself and the kids offend go there. Speaking of going to Fortuna. The battle with Kiryuu back then had taken us the whole night and since we where very tired to get back to the jet boat we deiced to stay the night there.

I told them I know a place to stay. Needless to say. Kyrie where pretty shocked when she saw me with the twins. She was even more shocked when I told her that I was the mother of the twin.

She was shocked and happy to hear about it too. Thought she was also sad about hearing Dante and Vergil where locked in the Demon world and won't be able to come back for another year in a half.

And now here I was. Sitting in Dante's desk.. By the way. I'm now 24 year old. Though I aged. I still look young. Father (Sprada) said that it might have something to do with my Demonic heritage. I didn't mind it thought. Infect I was happy to hear about it. Heh. I wonder how Dante and Vergil gonna react to it?..

I sniffed in my seat as I tried to sleep. The kids where at school right now. I'll be picking them up at 12pm noon time. Heh. I might as well cook something for lunch today.

Mom where out to go on her shopping. Dad went on Demon hunting and refuses to let me take the mission so he doses the mission for me. Dad was saying something like I should spent my time with my kids than my work.

I whine when he said it but did what I was told. I mean I love my kids that true and I didn't want them to grow distance with me so I take dad offer.

I walked to the kitchen and open some cabin as I saw some bread and cheese. 'Hmm… I sure there still ham in the freezer?.' I said to myself as I went to the refrigerator and open the top of it and saw a bag of ham.

'Ah-ha!... gladly that their still ham!' I said to myself as I pick it out of the refrigerator and put it in a plate and left it there so the ice would melt on the plate as I bent down and open a cabinet below me and pull out the stove and put it on the table as I went back to the refrigerator to get the mayonnaises.

I put the mayonnaise down near the frozen ham as the phone rang. I growled and went outside the kitchen and to Dante's desk as I pick up the phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I said. I hear a muffin. It was a child voice I blinked then realize it was my daughter Keita voice. She was crying. I frowned as I said. "Keita?. Sweetheart what wrong?" I asked. I was now worried. Thought this is not the first time that my little girl calling from home while crying.

"B-Big brother got in a fight again and he g-got injure m-mommy!" She said while crying. I frowned.

Keigo just have to pick another fight in school again. I sighed and answer. "Is okay sweetie. Mommy will be there in a minute okay?. Can you hold your brother up for me while you two wait for mommy to get there?" I asked her as she hmm-ed. I'm sure she was nodding her head on the other side of the phone.

"Mommy please comes… I don't like the way big brother looked right now. He had a bruised on his left check!" she said.

I frowned again as I nodded and said. "Okay. I'll be there!. Just wait in a bit so I could make a call to grandma and let her know that I'm picking you two up now okay?" I asked her again as she said 'okay'. I smiled and said. "Good. Love you dear. Bye!" I said as she said to me. "I love you too mom. Bai-bai!" She said as she hangs up the phone.

I sighed as I put the phone down. I love my twin children that true. Thought is shocked me in the first place when the kids started to talk and soon they could talk clearly and straight.

Is supervise me thought Father (Sprada) had said that it might have something to do with their demonic blood in them that they could speak properties. And they could understand everything pretty well. I was worried at first but soon get used to it.

I went back to the kitchen and sighed. "Guess I just have to cook this later then!" I said as I pull out my cellphone and called mom (Eva) number. I waited still she pick it up. Then I hear a click.

"Nero?.. Dear what wrong?" She asked I sighed and answer her. "I got a call from the kids school again and its seem that Keigo was in another fight and needed to be taking home." I said mother sighed on the other side of the phone as she answers.

"Alright dear. I'll be their in a minute. You should just go. I have the spear key with me." She said as I nodded and answer. "Oh. And mom. Can you take care of the kitchen?. I left some frozen ham on the plate I was gonna cook it for today lunch for the kids." I said as she answers.

"Sure thing, Honey. Just left it their and I take care of it. You should just go and get the kids!" She said as I said okay and said I love her and bye as I hang up the phone and put in my pants pocket as I made my way to the door as I grabbed my coat and went out as I locked the front door and went to the kids school.

I made it to the kids school.. I went side the hallway as I was giving that aura of 'don't-mess-with-me' kind of aura as I walked and saw Keita she was wearing their uniform. Her head was bent low as she cried while whipping her tearful face with her little hand. I frowned as I said.

"Keita." I called her name. She stopped crying and looked up as she saw me and run straight at me as she cried between my knees. "Mommy!.. I'm glad you came!.. Big brother is in the principal office room!" She said as she pointed the principal office room as I sighed and bent down and put my hand on her head and said.

"Okay. Is okay sweetie mommy will take care of this okay?. Now I want you to stay here and be a good girl while I get your big brother alright?" I said as she nodded and sat down on the chair.

I smiled at her as I rise from my kneeling position and went to the principal office room as I open the door and saw Keigo swinging his feet while his head bent low. A tears flow from his eyes.

The principal notice me as she said. "Ahh.. Mr. Sprada. I'm glad you came. Please have a seat!" She said as I nodded. I saw my son looked up at me as I frowned at him as he looked in shame and bent his head down.

I sat down on the chair as Mrs. Heights coughed as I looked at her as she said. "Mr. Sprada. I afraid that we can't keep it up with Keigo temper and attitude. He been picking another fight with the grade 1 student—"She said as Keigo cut her off.

"I wasn't picking a fight with them!.. They were the one who were bulling us and calling us freak because we had white hair and keep on wearing a jacket even thought that it wasn't winter or cold outside! (1)." Keigo said. I frowned. Mrs. Heights sighed. "Is alright Mrs. Heights. I talk to Keigo about this. And sorry to trouble you!." I said as Mrs. Heights nodded in understanding as she said.

"By the way. He'll be suspended for 3 days from fighting with the grade 1. Oh.. And to let's you know. The kids will be having a 4week straight of no classes duet to the teacher meeting with the other school outside of the country.. So they won't be having any classes starting tomorrow." Mrs. Heights said as I nodded and said my thank you to her as I got up and called Keigo. "Keigo, let's go!" I said as Keigo got up as he grabbed my hand I let him hold my hands as we went out of the office.

When we walked I heard Keigo muffin a cry as I sighed. "Keigo—" I started as Keigo blurted. "I'm sorry for troubling you mother. But is true!.. Those kids where bulling us and calling us a freak!.. Believe me. Please!" He said as he sniffed. I sighed and bent down and told him.

"I believe you, dear. But please try not to get into another fight okay?" I said as I ruffed my boy head he sniffed again as he nodded. I frowned at him. "Now. Why don't we just go home altogether?" I asked him as he sniffed. I grabbed his hand as we walked and saw Keita got off from her seat and wait still we were near her as she grabbed my hand as we both went out of their school.

Our walk on the way home was very silent still Keigo broke it as he asked. "Mommy. Do you think that the reason why our daddies are not here with us anymore is because they hated us because we were a freak?" He asked as I stopped moving my eyes were widening as both my kids looked up at me. I composed myself as I bent down and answer Keigo.

"N-NO!.. Of course no!.. Don't ever think and say that.. Your father didn't left us because where were born with this!" I said as I showed them my Devil Bringer as they eyed it and asked.

"Then what mommy?.. Why did they left us?" Keita asked. I looked away. How am' I ever going to explain this to them?.. I felt a tug on my coat as I looked to my left side as Keita looked at me straight in the eye as I sighed and said.

"It. Complicated…" I answer. "Mommy?.." Keita called. I looked up at her and said. "But remember this you two. No matter what other people say. Your fathers and I both loved you alright?" I said as I embrace them. They nodded their head. "Good. Now let's go back home before your grandma started worrying us." I said as they giggles as we walked the street back home.

End of Nero POV's…

Somewhere… In the underworld..

"Yo. Bro… Take a look!" Said a person who where in a red coat. "What is it dear brother?" asked the other one who was in a blue coat.

The other person who wears in red said. "Lookie. Someone forgot to close their portal to the gate in the human world!" the red one said as he smirked.

The blue one blinked as he gasped and said. "Quick let's go in before it starts to close!" Said the blue one as the red one nodded as both jumped on the portal to the human world. "Phew!.. Made it!" Said the red one as he looked behind him as the portal to the demon world closed. The red one turned his head to face his brother as he said.

"You think will finally able to see him again?" Asked the red one as the blue one looked away from him and answer. "Probably.." He said as they finally saw a land as the made a safely landing to the green ground as they looked around their surrounding and found that they where somewhere in a forest they don't know.

The red one growled. "Great were finally able to get out of the demon world but now where in the human world. And we landed in somewhere we don't know!" Said the red.

The blue one sighed as he said. "Dante!.. Stop your whine!.. We should be happy that where out of that place!" Said the blue one. "Alright, alright!.. No need to be grumpy about it, Vergil!" Said Dante as he added while staring at his older twin. "So…What now?" He asked. Vergil sighed as he looked around then looked up and frowned when he saw that it was gonna rain soon he then answer Dante his question.

"We should find a place to stay for awhile. And we should find one quick!. I think it might rain soon!" Vergil asked as Dante nodded and follow Vergil as he asked. ". Don't you think is a little weird!" He said as Vergil raises his eyebrow and asked. "What weird dear brother?"

"It's been a year and we near aged anymore?.. I mean we remind as what we looked like when Nero were only 19!.. I wonder why we don't aged anymore?" Dante asked as they walked trying to find a way out of the forest. "I think it have something to do with our Demonic heritage, Dante!" Vergil said.

"You think so bro?.. Ah well I'm just glad we are out of there!. I mean we been fighting those damn annoying demons that just won't leave us along. I'm still supervising that we still alive!" Dante said as he played with his gun (Ivory) while walking alone with Vergil. Vergil only hn-ed at Dante babbling.

The two brothers walked the forest as it already started to rain.

Back in Nero…

Nero when Nero and the kids got back home. Eva came out of the kitchen as she hugged his grandchildren who giggle at her. Nero smiled at it. "So… How it going with dealing the principal at school, Nero?" Eva asked. Nero only shrugged and answers. "It went well… Oh. By the way the kids are having a 4 week straight of no school duet to the teacher meeting from out of country." Nero said as Eva beamed in happiness as she bent down and asked the twins.

"So what do you two what to do with that whole 4 week of no classes?" She asked them as the twins smile and answers her together.

"WE wanna go to Fortuna!.. We wanna go and see Aunty Kyrie and play with Cousin Jake again!" The twin said as Nero chuckles. "Okay will go there starting tomorrow!" He said as his ruff his kid hair who smiled at him.

"Mommy, Can grandpa and grandma and auntie Lady and Trish come too?" the twin asked. Nero looked at his mother (Eva) for help as Eva chuckle and said. "I'm sure grandpa Sprada wouldn't mind!. Thought we are not sure about auntie Lady and Trish!" She said.

"I'll call them and ask them if they are not busy.." Nero said as he went to Dante's desk and grab the phone as he dial a number and wait for Trish or Lady to answer as the phone clinked signaling that someone had picked up the call.

"Hello?.." Asked a women voice. "Lady?. Is me Nero!" Nero said. "Ah… Nero hello. What up?. Need help from mission or need help with dealing the twins?" She asked as Nero rolled his eyes as he answer. "No. I called to ask you guys if you're free by tomorrow?" He asked. "Why?" Lady asked on the other side of the phone.

"Well… The kids are having a straight 4 week with no classes' duet to the teacher meet. Well?" Nero said. "Sure. But will be there in 3days since I have a mission by tomorrow and the next 2days!" Lady said.

"Ah.. Okay… Yes. Is fine. I'll lets the kids know…Ah-ha… Okay… Bye!" Nero said as he hangs up the phone and said. "Aunty Lady said she'll catch up in 3days duet to her mission." Nero said. "OHH!.." The twins said as they frowned then smile. Nero smiled at them as his ruff their head.

"Okay now.. Why don't you two go upstairs and prepare the thing you want to bring by tomorrow?. While mommy cook for lunch okay?" Nero said as the twins nodded and head up the stairs through their room.

Eva smiled as she said. "What about you dear?. Are you not gonna—"Eva said as Nero shook his head and said. "Is alright mom… I prepare my thing later at night when the kids are asleep." He said as Eva nodded in understanding.

"So can prepare the lunch already?" Nero asked as Eva nodded as the two went to the kitchen to cook food for lunch.

Nero where chapping some ham when Keita yelled something upstairs. "Mommy. Can I bring my bunny doll buggie?" She asked as Nero chuckle and said.

"Of course dear!" Nero said he could hear his daughter yelled the "YEAH!" upstairs as she said. "Thank you mommy you're the best!" She said as she went back inside her room as she closed the door.

Nero blushed when he heard what his little girl said. Eva chuckle at Nero expression. "She's such a darling little girl isn't she?" Eva asked as Nero nodded.

Their lunch went well and so at night time as grandpa Sprada had agreed to come along for tomorrow trip at Fortuna. As everyone where now asleep expect for Nero who where busy fixing and preparing the things he need for tomorrow.

He bent down to get something from one of the bed table desk when he stopped and eyed the photo. Is was a picture of him in the center and was in the arms of both Dante and Vergil.

The picture was taken when he was 6 month pregnant at that time. He picked up the photo and eyed it closely as he kissed the picture as a tears fall from his eyes.

"I missed you two so much…" Nero said as his seat down on the floor and eyed the photo while crying as he hugged it. "Dante, Vergil please come back to me!.. I missed both of you so badly!...So very badly!." He said while sobbing.

The next day..

Nero and the Kids along with Eva and Sprada got up early to leave the house as the hopped in the mini Van that Nero brought 2 years ago. The ride to Fortuna were quite as they made it their by nightfall. The kids where sleeping quietly at the back while Nero drove the van.

Back at Dante and Vergil…

"Gee!.. Is already nightfall and we still stuck in the for—" Dante said as he stopped when he saw a light not to far from them as he blinked and said.

"Oh!" He said as Vergil rolled his eyes as he move ahead and went to where he saw the light come from. As they made it to where the light was only to find that is was the light from a town. "Finally we get to sleep at some—"Dante said but stopped again as he blinked then growled when he realize to where they are.

"UGH!.. Of all the places… We ended up in FORTUNA!" Dante Winnie.


Me : XDDD… Is funny how things turn out!.. XDD Hope you like the start of this chapter?.. O.o And yeah. The first opening of the chapter is Nero POV's! XDD

And yeah on no.1 : If you where wondering why the twin are wearing jacket even thought it was summer or winter or etc.. It because Nero had told the kids to keep wearing it and never to took it off duet to their Demonic Arms. Nero feared that the people might find out about the Kids arms so yeah. You get the idea on why the Kids are still wearing a jacket even thought is not winter even thought that it might be summer they are still wear it!.. XDD

Oh BTW!.. Hope you all love this first chapter of. "Shall never surrender".

P.S : Please read and review them!.. Oh and please let me know if there are any misspelling or so.. :3 And Thank you for reading this first chapter!.. :3
