Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood or the Southern Vampire Mystery Novels. I make no money from writing this.

Author's Note: Sorry this took longer to get out. My patience is kind of running out with this story. Meh. Anyways, thank you for all the lovely reviews and comments. I hope you are all happy with the way the story is going. Enjoy!

With her back glued to the seat in the car from the sheer speed Eric was going, Alice quickly and quietly closed her eyes and fell asleep, her body exhausted from the events of the day and the drug's side effects.

Eric sped down the highway, passing each and every car he encountered. He clutched the steering wheel tightly and glanced at Alice every so often to make sure she was okay. Sighing loudly, Eric pulled his cell phone out of his front jeans pocket and dialed Godric.

After a few rings Godric answered, "Eric."

Still keeping his eyes on the road, Eric replied with a grim tone, "Godric, my maker. There has been a complication."

It was quiet for a moment before Godric inquired, "What has happened?"

After turning off the highway and onto Alice's exit, Eric spoke, "Come to your nymph's apartment. We should discuss this in person."

"Indeed. Make sure you aren't followed. I will be there soon." Godric hung up, presumably to travel to Alice's home quickly.

Eric closed his blue eyes for a few seconds before closing his phone and tossing it in the back seat with a light growl. As he traveled through the sleepy town he followed the light trail of Alice's scent to make his way to her yellow apartment building, watching his rear view mirror with the eyes of a hawk. There were no suspicious looking cars following them, and he only hoped that Godric would get the same luck.

Once he had parked the sleek red vehicle his annoyance had lessened to a tolerable amount. Trouble seemed to be following this girl, and he could hardly understand why she was worth so much effort. However, if this girl was the reason that Godric hadn't been straying to any daytime rooftops, he was glad to keep her around. He could only wish that their semi-good luck would continue in all their endeavors.

Eric turned to the slumbering girl in his passenger seat, curled up lightly against the leather cushioning while she clutched a slightly disheveled beaded purse. Though over the centuries he had been scolded for perusing a woman's purse, he hardly cared at the moment. Unlatching the clasp of the clutch, Eric fished around through the pages and pages of delicately written notes and was able to grasp a keychain.

Swiftly jumping out from his car and around the side, Eric opened the passenger side door and swept Alice up in his arms. He sped over to the front door he reasoned as hers and then placed her gently on the concrete steps next to a bucket of purple pansies. Eric bent down to Alice's level and poked her for a few moments before flicking her in the nose.

An annoyed look crossed her features and her eyes flickered open, "Huh?" She swatted his large hand away with an audible slap.

"Ouch. Ungrateful girl. Invite me into your house so it looks like I'm taking care of you correctly," Eric raised his eyebrows and waited expectantly.

With sleepy eyes, Alice have a rather dismal welcome, "Eric, my lovely guest. Won't you step inside and make yourself at home before falling into a shark pit?" Smiling lightly, Alice gestured towards her door before falling back asleep.

Eric took her welcome and unlocked the door, "I like you better sleeping." Draping the girl over his shoulders for a moment, Eric walked into the apartment and closed the door behind him, then lightly tossed Alice onto one of the plush couches in her living room.

Running upstairs, the blonde vampire passed a door or two before walking into her bedroom. It was very 'Alice' in here, from what he could tell. A few glass lanterns hung from the ceiling that she had painted to match the night sky, its stars were dotted on with gold leaf paint. There was an old wood dresser on the opposite side of the room, as well as a closet.

Swinging the door to the closet open, Eric shuffled through the contents on the floor, then looked up to one of the shelves towards the top and was able to find a duffle bag.

At that moment a loud whoosh of air flashed into the room, and Eric turned around to meet his maker, "Godric."

Godric stood in the doorway of Alice's bedroom watching Eric rifle through her things curiously, "Eric, my child. Tell me what has happened this evening."

The tall Viking walked over to the fluffy bed covered in furry throw blankets and sat down, massaging his temple with his hand. He dropped the duffle bag to his feet. Godric took a seat on the bed as well, waiting expectantly for an explanation, "I saw Alice asleep on the couch below. Something seems amiss with her slumber, though."

Eric turned away for a moment to compose his answer, "That's because she was drugged…"

Godric stood up harshly from the soft bed with a hard glare, "What?"

Eric put his head in his hands and rested his elbows on his knees, "Xavier sent a pack to sniff out Alice. They drugged her while I was away and attempted to bring her back to Louisiana, I suppose. The word is out."

A low growl came from Godric's chest before he sat back down tensely, "I knew the word was out about Alice. I just didn't believe anyone would act on it so quickly," he leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a moment before continuing, "And Alice?"

Eric brightened up at this point, "She was able to stab one were in the eye with her shoe and restrain herself from another in the time it took me to come to her aid."

A small smile came about Godric's lips, "Yes, that sounds like her."

"She also punched one straight in the nose while I was interrogating him. I can still hear the crunch it made," Eric laughed at the memory.

Godric looked surprised, but pleased, "It appears she can relatively take care of herself if it comes to that. It gives me peace of mind."

Eric agreed, "Just make sure to dress her in heels from now on. By the time I got out to help she was wielding them like swords."

The older vampire's eyes strayed towards the door. They could hear Alice moan softly in her sleep. Godric spoke, "I fear for her safety here. Though we thankfully now know that there will probably be future attacks planned against us, and we know who they are coming from, I feel she should be moved."

Eric nodded and lifted up the duffle bag from the floor, "If you hadn't of showed up I was about to throw some of her belongings in a bag and make off to your nest. I'll leave you to rifle through her panty drawer," Eric laughed and dropped the duffle bag onto his maker's lap before quietly leaving the room and heading down the stairs.

Even if he was over two thousand years old, Godric could not deny feeling some excitement from Eric's suggestion. Alice was truly special to him, and romantic thoughts of her had been swirling around in his head all night. Standing up quickly, Godric sped over to her wardrobe and slid open the first drawer.

Panties, bras, hosiery and socks of all colors sat before him. Trying to have a little decency, Godric swept them all into the bag without investigating too intensely. He moved onto the next drawers and over to the closet before running into the bathroom and shoving in any of her makeup and toiletries.

While making his way back down the stairs, Godric noted a framed picture hung on the wall. It was a photo of three people sitting in a restaurant, most likely Alice and her parents based on the similarities. The young Alice sat at the table with a beaming smile on her face, holding her drink up to the camera merrily. Next to her was her mother, who happened to look almost identical to the now grown-up Alice. She had long brown hair and her matching colored eyes were gazing lovingly into her husband's cool face. Alice's father was calm and collected, but a small smile had made its way over his lips. The man was pale under the lighting above head and sat with his back straight. Certainly an odd family.

Passing the photo, Godric made his way down the stairs and dropped the duffle bag by the door. Eric had left as he was no longer needed, so the apartment was quiet save for Alice's breathy sighs.

The girl was laying on her back down the cushions of the sofa, her brown hair was swirled around her enticingly. Godric knelt by the side of the couch and inhaled her peachy sweet scent. Closing his eyes, Godric let the aroma overcome him while he listened to the sound of her slowed breathing. He could lightly scent the left over drug in her blood, but he could tell it was slowly making its way out of her system. By now the harsh effects will have worn off, but she may still be a little tired and achy when she woke up.

Though his rage of the pack who attacked her almost blinded him, he could still see clearly. If he did anything to retaliate, he would have the Louisiana kingdom fighting against him, and he did not think he could wage a war by himself. That would also put Eric in a spot, because though he was sure he would like to serve Godric, he was still a subject of Sophie Anne and would have to follow her orders. The King of Texas would hardly appreciate an attack, and Godric would likely have to pay a large fine.

If Xavier continued his attacks he would have no choice. For now, he would only be able to keep Alice under his care and make sure no harm came to her. It would be much easier for him to keep her safe if she resided in his nest for a short while. Once he was able to get Xavier off of their backs, whether that be by negotiation or murder, Alice could come back to her apartment should she wish.

Godric watched Alice's chest move up and down ever so slightly with each breath. She wore a red dress, Isabel's most likely, that was slightly spotted on the front with some water and gravel. Her knees were a little scraped up, and she only had one shoe on. Godric smiled at the thought of Alice wielding a high heel at an angry were. He was proud of his little nymph.

Leaning in closer, Godric kissed Alice lightly on the lips, trying to wake her. When she remained asleep, he took the liberty of kissing her with a little more intensity. It wasn't long before he felt her responding.

Alice lifted her hand up to keep Godric's face close to her, she lifted her other hand to the side of his waist and pushed lightly to signify that she wanted him to come onto the couch with her. Kissing her deeply, Godric complied to her silent request, gliding onto the couch and hovering over Alice's body.

Godric kept a hand on her waist, lightly brushing her side up and down, eliciting little shivers all over her frame. He pulled away for a moment to speak with her, "How do you feel?"

A slight flush had erupted over Alice's delicate face, with pouty swollen lips, she responded in a light whisper, "Like I want you." She nuzzled her face into Godric's neck, completely missing the reason behind his inquiry.

Godric smiled at the creature below him; though he agreed with her sentiments, he wanted to make sure she was alright. The vampire turned his head slightly and started to kiss Alice's soft neck. She moaned lightly. In between kisses, Godric clarified, "No injuries? No dizziness?"

Moving her head to the side so Godric could have full access to the skin on her neck, Alice closed her eyes and answered in a strained voice, feeling his cool lips brush upon her earlobe down to her décolletage, "I'm fine," she felt him nip lightly on her favored spot on her neck and moaned, "Oh." She reached up to press her hands on the small of his back, urging him to grind into her hot, but clothed, center.

Godric resisted and pulled away, "We have to go. You will be safer at my home." He nuzzled his nose into the soft place behind her ear before kissing her lightly on the lips and standing up.

Alice watched him with hooded eyes, feeling the heartbeat throb through her like a knife. She grabbed his hand when he offered it and stood up, "But Eric and I got rid of all those guys. I knocked one out, probably permanently." She laughed lightly, feeling no remorse for hurting someone who was trying to kill her. If it came down to a random killer guy and her, Alice was always going to chose herself, and she didn't feel bad about that at all.

Godric took her hand, "Xavier may send more men, I don't know how serious he was about this. In the meantime it would be wise to keep you under supervision so you won't have to ruin any more of Isabel's shoes," he attempted to lighten the situation a bit with his little joke.

Alice looked down and saw that she only had one shoe on, "You think she'll be pissed?"

"No. I'm sure she values a life more than a shoe. She can buy more. A nymph, however," Godric swept Alice up in his arms and twirled her around while she giggled, her curls of long hair flew around them, "is much more rare. Something to be treasured and savored." Godric smiled and her look of glee.

"This nymph would like to be savored, you know? Would you deny her?" Another set of giggles spilled through her lips while Godric lifted her up into the air with ease. She yelped lightly with a smile on her face, "Look! I'm taller than you now!" Alice stuck her tongue out lightly and narrowed her eyes.

The vampire set her back on the ground in a flash, "Oh, I would never deny a lady her wishes. When she teases me, however…" He looked up with a smile like he was contemplating his statement.

"Oh, come on! You're a vampire. You're tough," she reasoned before wrapping his arms around her small frame and leaning close to him.

Godric lowered his voice in an intimate manner, "Indeed." He held her close for a moment and breathed her scent in. "We have to go, it's almost sunrise."

Agreeing lightly, Alice backed away and walked over to the bag that Godric had packed for her while she was asleep. She leaned over, the fabric of her dress inching up slowly, and grabbed the handle on the bag, but severely underestimated its weight.

The bag was barely a centimeter off of the floor before Alice dropped it and fell onto her behind in surprise, "Ow!"

Godric jumped down to help her back up, "You're alright?"

Alice raised an eyebrow and sat on her knees so that her bottom was off the floor. She reached around and rubbed her bum lightly, "I'm wounded. Treasure me." Alice laughed and referenced their previous conversation.

A mischievous smile crossed Godric's face before he leaned in close again, "You wouldn't know what to do if I ravished you here on the floor."

"Try me," Alice responded breathlessly.

Smirking, he spoke, "Come, you little nymph, we have to be home before the sun rises," he stood and helped Alice up before picking up the duffle bag with ease and ushering her out the door.

Godric and Alice shuffled into the car and drove off to his nest, making it a little before the dawn approached.