The First Inferno; Sosin's Comet.

The LAST air-bender? I think not! The Air Bending masters had stayed to fight giving a chance for their precious young ones a chance to escape when Sosin's Comet came. Join Ally, although she is thirteen she is an Air-bending protegee, armed with her fans and staff she has been given the seemingly impossible mission of insuring that the young Air Nomads survive.

Disclaimer. I do not own Avatar the last air-bender.

~*~~~*~-Chapter One-~*~~~*~

"Aang?" Ally asked softly.

Aang jumped and spun around in surprise, looking at Ally with shocked watery silvery-gray eyes, his face was the one of complete despair under the cloak of a moonless night. Ally was stunned that Aang's normally happy energetic face could hold so much pain. She automatically sped over to him with the speed only Air-bending masters could achieved, embracing him in a fierce hug. "Hey, whats wrong?"

The silence was too much for her. She looked at Aang's face, his silvery-gray orbs were evasive of her stormy blue orbs. Ally sighed, she knew whats wrong, it was so obvious that it stood out like a blooming Luna flower at night, the troubles that should never be dumped onto a young boy coiled around Aang like a venomous Saber-tooth Spider-Snake. "It's become too much hasn't it?" Ally stated.

Due to the signs of a possible war, Aang was told about his status as the Avatar at the age 12, four years earlier than the usual. Any twelve-year-old would feel the tremendous burdened by this status, and he came to spend more time practicing Air-bending with the monks than playing with his friends, and even then he couldn't play with his friends who thought that which ever team he'd be on would have the upper advantage.

Aang had mastered the Element of air at the age of eleven when he had created the air scooter, earning himself the sacred tattoo arrows found on the original Air-benders, Ally had gotten her arrow tattoo's when she was twelve, that was a year ago, she had created the move of the triple tornado kick.

"It's not that." Aang muttered down-hearted. "There going to move me to the Eastern Air Temple because they think training away from Monk Gyatso will speed up my education."

Bubbling anger flared in Ally's stormy eyes. "They cant do that. They've wronged you too much already!" Aang looked away, in the cloak of darkness it was hard for Ally to decipher his emotions... she could have a good guess though.

"I'm going away. I- I just cant stand this anymore. I have to." Aang said, pleading Ally to understand.

Ally sighed in half sympathy and half disapproval, but she could understand to some extent; She was perhaps Aang's best friend, granted Aang had a lot of good friends all over the world, but... when came down to it, Aang opened up about his greatest fears to her more so then others, with an exception to Monk Gyatso, who was a father figure to Aang.

"Let me come with you." Ally said.

Aang was swift to decline, even though it was against his nature to be anti-sociable. "No, I don't want to drag you into this, besides Gyatso would be heart broken if his two best students took off."

"You cant possibly think that I'm going to let you go off on your own." Ally said sternly.

"I wont be alone." Aang insisted, a ghost of his old enthusiastic happiness flickered across his face. "I'm taking Appa." Ally shook her head, torn between amusement at Aang's childish antics and disapproval at his reasoning. "I know what your thinking Ally." Aang said, "But I really do just want to go it alone and travel for a bit. I might visit Luigi at the Southern Water Tribe. I wont entirely be alone for most part."

Ally felt the tell tale signs that she might cry as her eyes prickled in discomfort and her throat constricted. "Just promise that you'll come back, promise me that I'll see you again. I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too. And I will come back. I promise. Avatar's honor." Aang said.

Ally pulled Aang in for one last warm embrace, it was hard to let go after several seconds, it felt as though those seconds should have lasted longer. They reluctantly let go, and stood three feet apart and bowed respectfully with the Air Nomad hand sign.

"Bye Aang." Ally said softly in her sadness, any louder and her voice was surely going to crack and show just how painful Aang's leaving effected her, it was like losing a little brother.

"We'll meet each other again." Aang said with conviction. "Bye Ally."

Ally watched with teary stormy blue eyes as Aang's retreating figure faded away and eventually the nights cloak made it impossible to see him. She reluctantly walked back towards the Air Temple and towards the girls dorm. She gently tread into her room as quite as any air spirit could, then kicked off her brown knee-high boots and fell onto her bed gracelessly.

Moisture in her eyes swelled a little more as she watched from her window the slitthouse of Aang's flying bison across the night sky, she was starting regret respecting Aang's decision to leave without her, she prayed that he'd stay safe and he'd keep his promise. She rolled onto her side and closed her eyes then fell into uneasy sleep.