Author's Note: This project is gonna take me forever, I'm guessing. It's going to be a bunch of ABC drabbles, but there will be several of one letter with each chapter. So the next chapter will have several B's, then next, several C's, etc. You get what I'm saying, yeah? They won't be this long, though. Don't get used to it. This is just a trial run, m'kay? Thanks for the support.
It was red, bright, and possibly poisoned. He just knew it. But against his better judgment (and against Akito and Lind's warnings, just to be rebellious), he took it from the girl's hand, just as the rest of his teammates had done.
Yayoi smiled sweetly. "Now, then, boys, I want you to think about what you all have done."
They were all confused, or perhaps they were acting innocent, but Agito knew he wasn't guilty of whatever crimes the others had done. Shrugging, he started to step out of line, but a sharp "stop!" made him change his mind. That, and the fact that Emily had an arrow drawn back in a bow, ready to fire. Cursing, he straightened himself out.
"You may not quite remember what you did," Yayoi hissed as Ringo circled with another bow and arrow. "But that's alright. So as payment, you're going to help us."
"Listen," Ikki said, trying to smooth things over. "If this is one of your cooking experiments, we're not ready to die. We're sorry for whatever we did, and if you'll let us all live to see another day, we'll make it up to you…eventually."
Emily chuckled darkly. "No, no, silly. Those apples aren't for eating; they're targets. We have an archery contest to practice for, and since you guys aren't busy…"
Actually, they had been busy practicing, but perhaps it wasn't the best to mention this to three angry young women with lethal weapons in their hands.
"…You can help us," Ringo finished. "Apples up on your heads, please." When none of them moved, she unleashed her killer aura that only a Storm Rider Queen could unleash. "Apples up!"
All apples went up to balance atop their heads, Agito's more slowly than the others; his mind was racing to figure out what he had done wrong. He had never seen them do archery before, let alone heard of an upcoming contest. The bows were drawn, menacing looks in each wielder's eyes. Fuck…
He let her release her emotions like she needed to. He stood by and watched, waiting for her to tire herself out.
The death of her father had come as a shock to her, and when she had gotten home from school, she had sat down on the couch, blank expression in place. And then she'd snapped.
Now she was screaming, tearing at anything she could get her hands on. She threw things, smashed things, sounding like a wounded animal, and in a way, she was. She was probably one of the few people on Kogarasumaru who had a normal life, a normal family. There were no tears from her, though. Only anger.
Agito wordlessly kicked off the Fang Regalia, ignoring Lind's questioning touch in his mind, and shoved them across the floor; they lightly hit her feet.
Her head snapped down, mouth twisted in a snarl, and she picked up the ATs and made to throw them at the untouched china cabinet. Then she jolted and brought her hands quickly back down and stared at the skates. Agito knew what she was realizing as she slumped to the wooden floor.
Now he moved, crossing the room quickly, and knelt beside her. The tears finally started to flow from her eyes and she buried her face in his shoulder with a sob.
"What?" Agito whispered in a hoarse voice. "What were you angry at?"
"I wasn't angry," the girl replied weakly. It was amazing that she was able to keep a steady voice. "I was scared."
"Of what?"
"Being alone." She shuddered, and her breath came out in a sigh as she tried to calm herself.
Agito pressed on, determined to show her. "What made you stop?"
Yayoi was silent. Then she murmured, "When I saw your skates…I knew I wasn't alone."
Agito nodded in satisfaction.
She once mused what it would be like to have no air. She had instantly forbidden the thought from her mind. Not the air such as oxygen to breath, but no air such as the warm winds which blew through her bedroom, or the light breeze which would caress her face.
To have no air was like to have no oxygen, actually. And yet it wasn't.
She sighed as a warm breath of air laced through her hair.
"Did you know that an ant can carry more than ten times its own body weight?" Yayoi asked as she caught sight of one scurrying across the sidewalk with a leaf in its mandibles.
Agito looked at her. "Why the fuck would I want to know that?"
Yayoi shrugged. "Just saying." She didn't like the way the shark eyed her after that statement. Without warning, she was then pulled up into his arms. She looked at him in alarm. "What are you doing?"
A toothy grin. "I'm acting like an ant. I'm carrying more than then times my own body w-."
He never finished the word. A slap silenced him.
Agito loved Yayoi for endless reasons, but this was one of the more prominent ones: the girl was just as protective of Akito as he was.
He didn't know why, but she constantly wanted to look out for his younger personality. Yayoi didn't know why she did it either. She told Agito that she was being selfish, because, "If Akito got hurt, then you would be hurt too, and I don't want that. So I guess I'm just selfish."
All three Wanajima brothers knew that that was a complete lie.