Darkness was all he could feel around him as he was carried. Now he awaited his fate as he heard the demon walk. This is what he had been promised by the butler after all….and now that it was so close the boy was a bit excited that it would soon be over. So knowing what would happen, though not really, he kept his eyes closed as Sebastian carried him. He could feel the demon breathing softly as he leaned against his chest, and to the boy it seemed calming. Ciel smiled as the demon shifted to put him down. But instead of sitting on cold stone or the ground the boy felt himself sink into something that felt like a cloud. Opening his eyes his vision came into focus and as he looked around he was shocked to see that he was in his bedroom. The boy's eyes then snapped back to his butler. The man was covered in streaks of blood, his left arm completely gone, though the boy saw no blood streaming from the wound. His blue eye looked into soft amber ones, and as the boy spoke his voice sounded shaky and nervous,

"What are you doing….why did you bring me back here….is this where you are going to complete the contract….." the boys was indeed confused, why would this demon bring him back here of all places? He had told the demon to make his death painful and agonizing, so why would he bring him to the very place he felt safe? The demon's gaze never moved from the young earl's not saying anything as he bent over and removed the eye patch. He stared at the boy's eye a bit then sighed and straightened, "I see….." Ciel's eyebrow went up at the few words that Sebastian had said. The demon took the boys hand and walked him over to the mirror, Ciel not pleased with the sudden action, his side still hurting, "What are you doing!" Sebastian stayed quite as both of there reflections came into view and the demon moved the hair from the boy's eye, "this is why I brought you back…." Ciel frowned about to yell at the demon for not making sense, until he looked in the mirror. His eye…were was the contact? Ciel quickly turned to the demon, "Its gone…how….what does this mean?" the demon chuckled and tilted his head to the side, "You seem so panicked Bouchan….i though his would make you happy since you have escaped this devil's wrath…" Ciel stood there…..not sure what to say, the contract was over but he was still alive, no…..no that can not be! Sebastian took the boys hand and led him back to the bed, sitting him down.

Ciel was still processing what was going on but was stopped as a gloved hand came into view and the pin of the head butler sat in the middle of the demons palm. Ciel took the pin then looked up at the demon, "I…I don't understand, why are you giving me this….." the demon smiled at the boy, not really caring if the smile looked fake or not, "Though I've never had it happen to me before but it seems your soul is not mine to clam now that the contract is gone…and for that I must go find another soul to consume…." As if the words of the demon hit him like a ton of bricks a wave of emotions over came the boy, sadness and anger over taking him as he stood up from his seat on the bed, "No! The contract is suppose to be complete! You've done what I've wanted now take my soul and be done with it! That's an ORDER!" Sebastian stood where he was, now not having to comply with the boys wishes. He frowned at the boys sudden out burst, "Shouting is most unbecoming of you Bouchan…but I can not….." he knew that if he didn't leave he would further fuel the boys yelling so he backed up from the young man, bowing to him slightly, his hunger over taking him more then the human part of him caring about the boys feelings. He turned his back on the boy and began walking away, the darkness of the room seeming as if it were to swallow him as Ciel ran after him screaming, tears of anger and a feeling of being betrayed surging through him, "YOU BASTARD! ….SEBASTAIN…SEBASTAIN PLEASE!" but the shouts were to no one as the boy now stood in the room by himself. He stood quietly his eyes wide on what had just happened the hot tears running down his face as the Earl Phantomhive cried for the first time in a long time, his sobs echoing through the room. In the morning Mayleene found him in his chair by the fireplace, a blanket wrapped around him, as if he were waiting for someone. As she woke him up the boy jumped a bit and looked around, his face dropping when he didn't see the familiar face of his butler standing over him. He sighed, hoping that this was just a prank played on him by the man…but he knew that now would be the start of a life without Sebastian Michaelis.