Disclaimer: If I owned it I'd be a rich bitch and Kurt and Puck would be together already.
A/N: Yep, idea came from no where so I wrote it and halfway through my housemate came home talking about tornadoes so I had to go outside and see for myself and listen to the tornado siren and complain that though it was pouring down rain there was no wind and then I came inside and finished writing it. Apparently all the tornadoes were a few miles away. Anyway, enough with my rambling. Enjoy!

William Schuester ran his hand over his face, waiting for the next set of parents to walk into his room for the Parent/Teacher Conference. He'd just got done talking to Carole, Finn's mom; he reported that in Spanish, Finn was lacking some and should ask a friend to help him out while in Glee he was doing fantastic. Carole had said that since they were living with the Hummels, (and was that news to him) that Kurt could probably help. And then she made sure Kurt was good at Spanish - which he assured her Kurt seemed to have a knack for foreign tongue. As apparently the gleek knew French as well, without taking a single French class at the school.

Upon hearing the cushions in the chair across his desk fill up, he raised his head and blinked at Puck and Mercedes sitting in the two chairs with Kurt milling about in the background. "Hi guys," Will started, "I'd love to hear whatever you have to say right now, but I'm waiting for the parents of a student."

Mercedes nodded, "That's what we are."

"Huh?" Upon realizing that his mouth was open slightly, he shut it, "What's this now?"

"As you may know," Mercedes said, "Quinn was kicked out of her house and is currently living with me. I shall act as her mother in this case."

"Uh-huh." Will decided he really needed to pay a bit more attention to where his kids were living if Finn was living with Kurt and Quinn with Mercedes. He had known she was kicked out but had thought she was living with Finn - and then Finn found out who the baby daddy really was and was living with Kurt and it did make sense that Quinn would be living with him still. But with Mercedes? He didn't see that coming. "And you?" he glanced at Puck.

"I am getting experience for being a dad." Puck said, slumping in his chair.

"Okay." Will paused, "So, Quinn's mom and dad?" He glanced at one student then the other as they nodded. He then looked at Kurt, "And you?"

Kurt peered up from a book and shrugged, "I'm partaking the roll of devoted uncle?"

Will decided to ignore the predatory grin that Puck shot Kurt. "Sounds good, babe." Puck nodded, "Devoted uncle indeed."

Mercedes then elbowed Puck.


"So, Mr. Shue," Mercedes planted a smile on her face, "Tell us about Quinn. Is she doing well in class?"

"Well, uh, really," Will rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't think I'm allowed to discuss this with other students, people who aren't her parents."

"Her parents are douche bags." Puck growled, slamming his fist down on the table, "They don't care about her or my daughter and they don't deserve to know that Quinn is doing well in Spanish." He paused, "She is doing well right?" Will nodded, "See? There." He started to get up, "We're done here."

Mercedes tugged on his arm and made him sit, "We're not done, white boy. Sit your ass down." When Puck glared and started to get back up, Mercedes shot a look at Kurt who then walked over and daintily sat down in Puck's lap which stilled the boy. She then put that smile back on her face and looked at Will, "Is Quinn having any trouble?"

Trying to ignore Kurt sitting on Puck's lap in a perfect impression of a statue and Puck staring at Will while absently tracing circles on Kurt's lower back. "She uh," no, won't look. Look at that grin on Mercedes' face, "she's having a little trouble with pronunciation." He swallowed, feeling really odd when Mercedes nodded and her smile seemed to grow and Kurt was now a statue that looked comfortable. "Which strikes me as a little odd," the smile stayed the same but Mercedes' eyes were glowering at him for suggesting that something about Quinn was odd, "because as someone who sings, pronunciation is usually easier."

Kurt nodded, "Singing does help. I wonder if she had ever sang out the words." He looked at Will, "I'll be sure to suggest it to her."

Will nodded, really not looking at how Puck's hand had started making the small circles on Kurt's side very suddenly which made the smaller boy squeak and slap the hand which made it still and just hold onto Kurt's hip. Really, he wasn't looking at that. "Yeah, you do that."

"Is there anything else that Quinn needs to work on?" Mercedes asked, getting Will's attention again, which he was thankful for. He didn't want to continue staring at Puck and Kurt and oh God, Kurt's shirt rode up slightly showing a small slip of skin Puck's thumb was caressing it.

Swallowing Will shook his head. "N-No. She's good." He kept his eyes on Mercedes, "I'll let you know if there is anything else to come up."

She nodded, "And in Glee?"

"As well as she can." Will tapped out a nervous tune on his desk as he noticed that while Mercedes and Kurt were keeping their eyes on him, Puck was staring at Kurt with a wild look. And Will was not paying attention to that. "So, I think we're done now."

Mercedes raised an eyebrow then nodded, "Alright boys. Daddy and devoted uncle, let's go." She pulled Kurt up and Puck growled, grabbing the boy from her and pulling him close. Will let his head fall down onto his desk as he heard Mercedes tell (probably) Puck to keep it in his pants.

The door closed and Will kept his head down, trying to get his head wrapped around the fact that Kurt no longer had a crush on Finn who was living with him, but in what seemed like a relationship with Puck, who was the baby daddy to Quinn's baby who was living with Mercedes. He idly wondered what was going on in the lives of his other students.

The door opened and someone sat in the seat. Taking a deep breath Will looked up to see Burt Hummel eyeing him, "Did my son just walk out of here?"