
You're just going through the motions. You don't care about me. You're just stuck in your stupid mentor role."

He stared at me, uncharacteristically surprised. "I don't care about you?"

"No." I was being petty—very, very petty. And I knew the truth—that he did care and was more than just a mentor. I couldn't help myself, though. It just kept coming and coming. I jabbed his chest with my finger. "I'm another student to you. You just go on and on with your stupid life lessons so that—"

The hand I'd hoped would touch my hair suddenly reached out and grabbed my pointing hand. He pinned it to the wall, and I was surprised to see a flare of emotion in his eyes. It wasn't exactly anger…but it was frustration of another kind.

"Don't tell me what I'm feeling," he growled.

I saw then that half of what I'd said was true. He was almost always calm, always in control—even when fighting. But he'd also told me how he'd once snapped and beaten up his Moroi father. He'd actually been like me once—always on the verge of acting without thinking, doing things he knew he shouldn't.

"That's it, isn't it?" I asked.


"You're always fighting for control. You're the same as me."

"No," he said, still obviously worked up. "I've learned my control."

Something about this new realization emboldened me. "No," I informed him. "You haven't. You put on a good face, and most of the time you do stay in control. But sometimes you can't. And sometimes …" I leaned forward, lowering my voice. "Sometimes you don't want to."


I could see his laboured breathing and knew his heart was beating as quickly as mine. And he wasn't pulling away. I knew this was wrong—knew all the logical reasons for us staying apart. But right then, I didn't care. I didn't want to control myself. I didn't want to be good.

Before he realized what was happening, I kissed him. Our lips met, and when I felt him kiss me back, I knew I was right. He pressed himself closer, trapping me between him and the wall. He kept holding my hand, but his other one snaked behind my head, sliding into my hair. The kiss was filled with so much intensity; it held anger, passion, frustration and all the pent up tension that I had been holding onto for so long. I poured all the love that I felt into the kiss.

Dimitri started to pull away from the kiss and I did what my heart and my body were telling me too, I used my free hand and wound it into his long silky hair and I kissed him harder.

I could feel him at first trying to resist but lust and a love and connection this strong isn't something that you can just pull away from. I felt the change in him and felt the kiss begin to change, his lips became more demanding and insistent.

"Roza" He moaned into my mouth "Is this what you want?"

"Oh God yes. I have never wanted anything so much."

With that he released my hand and pushed me against the wall, his tongue demanding entrance to my mouth. I granted it eagerly and heard him growl, I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and ran my tongue over it before duelling with his in a fight for dominance.

I felt his hand start a slow torturous course down my face towards my neck and my breathing hitched and as it found the sensitive point where my neck joined my shoulder. I had never been touched like this by anyone and I whimpered at the sensations that were coursing through my body.

Dimitris mouth left mine and started following the same trail that his hand had just made and I heard sounds coming from me that I never thought possible, I could feel the wetness between my legs and and the strange throbbing that was coming from the deepest most intimate part of my body.

I unknotted my hand from his hair and began the slow and difficult task of unbuttoning the shirt that he's wearing, my hands are shaking and I feel rather than hear the laughter that comes from him as I clumsily fumble with the easiest task.

His hands moved down my back and around my waist moving slowly upwards pushing my top up with his strong capable hands. I moaned loudly"Shhhh Roza. We might be heard" his hands continued their journey up my torso until he reached my breasts which were heavy and aching with want, my nipples had hardened into hard little nubs that were begging to be touched.

I managed to get his shirt undone and pushed it open amazed at the gorgeous sight before me, the muscles that moved like silk under his tanned skin and the dark hair that started out thick and course on his chest and tapered away slowly in a V down his stomach before disappearing into his trousers. I wanted to run my fingers through it and follow it down his stomach to reach the treasure that I knew I would find there.

As soon I began to push his shirt away from his shoulders his removed his arms from me and pulled it off, he then used his hands and made short work of my top and bra making me feel very exposed and vulnerable, I crossed my arms across my chest covering my breasts "No!" dimitri said with a groan "please don't ever cover yourself."

He gently pulled my arms away and bent his head, he ran kisses from my shoulders down my chest towards my breasts, I let out a long moan at the sensations that were now coursing through my body. As his lips made contact with the underside of one breast his hand found the other and gently cupped the weight of it in his hand, his deft fingers found my already hard nipple and he pinched it ever so gently sending an arrow of sensation straight down to my wet pussy and making my knickers feel wetter than I ever thought was possible.

His mouth slowly made its way round my breast suckling and nipping until he reached my nipple and he took the hard little nub into his hot wet mouth, I never imagined that anything could feel this good and I whimpered wanting the sensations to continue but also wanting to explore the gifts that I had uncovered on him and wanting to see if I could elicit the same moans from him.

I used my hands and pushed him away from me, he looked at me with heavy, questioning eyes. " Roza is this too much am I moving too fast?"

"No, I want to taste your skin and feel your body."

I swiftly moved our positions so that Dimitri was pushed up against the wall and he gasped as the cold tiles made contact with his heated skin. I pushed myself hard up against him wanting to feel his naked skin on mine, the feel of his hair roughened chest against my already sensitive skin was almost more than I could bare.

I pressed my lips to his neck and he groaned at the contact, his skin was so warm and had a slightly tangy salty taste that was all Dimitri, I worked my was slowly down his neck repeating what he had done to me and allowed my mouth to linger on his Adams apple and then on the pulse that was beating so erraticly in his neck.

"Roza, Please"

I continued my trail of discovery down his chest using my tongue in ways that I never would have imagined. I slowly and hesitantly made my way down his chest, loving the way that the course hair tickled my tongue until I found a hard flat disk, I slowly ran my tongue around it eliciting a hard throaty moan from Dimitri " Oh Fuck Roza!" I made my way downwards licking, sucking and kissing, following the trail of hair until I reached that happy trail that led to the one part of him that I was so excited but so utterly terrified of seeing.