Summary: So I wrote this story over a year ago and posted it to my LJ account where people seemed to love it. Then I realized that you guys over here at fanfiction would probably like the story too and that I should post it. So today is your lucky day because I am bored and have finally decided to start posting this story on this site. Now before start worrying this story is already completed so you don't have to wonder if I'm every going to finish it. I will remind you that it is AU so COE hasn't happened and won't ever happen as long as I'm writing this. I would also like to warn you that while this story is mostly rated PG-15 there are some hot and heavy love scenes involved. When there is one I will be warning the readers with very large caps and Bold so if you are underage don't read. Anyways enough chit chat with me, now it's time for you to read.

Disclaimer: I do not own this show, however, I do own the socks on my feet so hah.

Chapter 1

All was quiet in the hub as the team waited for Jack to come back from his monthly meeting with the all the head officials of the resident police. Gwen was busy trying to look as if she was doing paper work but she was really doodling on her notepad. Ianto was shuffling through a box of unknown artifacts that fell through the rift over the past few years that were thrown in the back of the archives. Tired of being down there, he brought them up from the archives to look through the box while Sean, the newest member of Torchwood 3, stood back and watched him work.

Sean Preston was the new guy they hired to fill in the position that once belonged to Toshiko. He was hired shortly after the incident with the Daleks and proved to be the right person for the job. A graduate from Oxford, the twenty-nine year old man was very intelligent and computers were his life. Before Torchwood, he knew nothing about the existence of aliens but quickly adapted to the fact that there was life outside earth. Still, even if he was a wiz when it came to technology he was in no way, a replacement of Tosh.

At 5'9, he was the opposite from everyone that worked at Torchwood 3. Instead of a hub full of dark, straight haired people, Sean's own hair was sandy blonde and curly. His eyes were hazel and his body tone was very lean, in fact, Gwen had taken it upon herself to tell him to eat more. He took the advice to the heart and always seemed to have a bigger appetite whenever Gwen was around.

Tired of watching Ianto sort through the box, he took it upon himself to help the younger man out when Ianto began walking towards Jack's office. Shuffling in the box, his eyes caught a glimpse a device that looked odd. The shaped reminded him of an older version of a walkie-talkie and housed a screen with a hole coming out the end of it. He couldn't tell what it was but was interested in finding out.

Ianto was close to Jack's door when he realized that he left the artifact sitting on the table near Sean. Muttering, he turned around to see Sean staring at the peculiar object. "Be careful with that." Ianto shouted out, wanting to warn the tech wiz of the danger with playing with unknown devices but it was already too late. Startled, Sean accidentally pressed a button on the side of the device that he didn't know was there. It began beeping, slowly at first then faster as the second wore on and a sudden beam of white light shot out the top of it and headed straight for Ianto. The Welshman watched in horror as the ray hit him directly in his chest.

Gwen had watched the scene play out before her and quickly jumped up from her desk. Seeing the beam hit Ianto caused her heart to literally stop in her chest. "Ianto!" she screamed, running from her desk and closer to the action.

Ianto shut his eyes tightly so he never saw the beam hit him and send a glow throughout his entire body. A warm intense feeling spread all over his body before the beam flew out the other side. Nor did he see it disappear as quickly as it appeared. He opened his eyes and let go of the breath he was holding to see if the danger was over. Immediately he began touching his body to make sure he was still intact. "I'm alive," he gasped, continuing to touch himself.

Sean dropped the artifact to the floor and, along with Gwen, immediately rushed to Ianto's side to make sure that he was not injured. He couldn't believe that he'd done something so stupid on his second month working there. Not only would the team think he was incapable of doing his job but Jack would kill him if anything happened to Ianto. Even he knew how close the two men were though they tried to be discreet around him. "Ianto…oh my god, are you all right." Sean asked, concerned. "I'm so sorry, I never meant-"

"It's alright, no harm done, right…right." His eyes pleaded with Gwen for him to be okay.

"I don't think so." Gwen responded as she continued to give Ianto a once over to be certain that nothing was wrong with her friend. She looked in every spot she could, not missing one. From what she could see, the young man was fine, no bruises or blood in sight. "I don't see anything wrong. Do you feel different?"

"Different how?"

"Different like, I don't know different." she huffed as she stood in front of him. Her face crinkled with worry as she waited for an answer. "You did glow-"

"I did."

Gwen shrugged her shoulders after scratching her head. "Yeah, but it wasn't a bright glow it was just a glow."

"Maybe it was just from the ray."


"Still don't feel different though"

"You sure."

Ianto ran his fingers through his hair and blew, "Positive."

"Then I guess you're alright then. The artifact must be faulty or something."

"Good…maybe okay…good." Ianto breathed heavily and started straightening his tie. The image of what happened minutes earlier continued to make his heart rate soar. "I'm fine."

Sean, still guilt ridden, began stuttering and trying to apologize, again not wanting the team to be mad at him. "Ianto, I swear…I didn't mean-"

Ianto could tell that Sean felt horrible for what he did and wanted him to know that he was fine and not upset. He finished straighten his tie and gave a soft squeeze to Sean's shoulder along with a slight smile. "It's alright Sean, I'm not mad; it was an accident."

"What was an accident?"

The three-team members looked up to see Jack walking down off the lift and coming towards them. The smile soon faded when he saw the disheveled look on Ianto's face, the guilty look on Sean's and the fallen artifact lying on the floor. "What happened?"

"Nothing major sir, just a minor mishap-"

"Ianto, what the hell happened?" Jack asked again, this time more assertively.

Sean's face fell as all eyes were quickly placed on him as well as Jack's and the guilt came back. "I'm sorry Jack, it was an accident. I was just looking at some devices in this box and I-"

"He accidentally pressed a button and it accidentally went off." Ianto finished for him, adding emphasis to the word accident both times.

"Yeah a beam of light shot right out of it and straight into Ianto's direction." Gwen added.

"Did it hit you?"

"Does it matter Jack?"

"Of course it matters so I'll ask you again, did it hit you?"

Ianto sighed before he answered the question. He knew there was no point in lying to Jack seeing as how the captain would find out on way or another. "Yes," he sighed again, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "It did but as you can see sir I'm fine."

"He did glow." Sean pointed out only to receive an evil glare from Ianto. Sean shrugged in response, "I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need any help from anyone. I said I'm well."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm very sure." Ianto replied, "No need to worry your pretty little head about me um…um."

The team stared at each other with worry as Ianto's face distorted as he began staring at the team with a look of confusion on his face. Jack was two seconds away from dying of a heart attack when Ianto looked back at him with a smile on his face.


"Ianto Jones!" Jack yelled when he realized that Ianto was being untruthful.

"Sorry Jack," Ianto smirked as picked the artifact up off the floor and placed it back inside the box. "Just trying to show you that I'm fine and there's no need to be worried about me."

"You cheeky bastard," Gwen scowled, swatting Ianto on the arm, "Had me worried that something was really wrong with you."

The smile still continued to grace Ianto's face after Gwen hit him and began to walk off. "It was only a joke people," he laughed, picking up the box. Sean smirked before shrugging his shoulders and going back to his computer station leaving Jack and Ianto alone.

"That was so not funny and you're going to pay for that," Jack snarled. He snatched the box out of Ianto's hand and grabbed him by the arm. "Come."

"Jack this is no time for sex-" Ianto scorned only to have Jack cut him off.

"Contrary to popular belief my mind is not always on sex, although that may not be a bad idea for your punishment," Jack smirked at his lover as he continued to pull him, "I'm taking you to Martha for her to check you over and make sure that you're all right."

"I told you I'm fine. This is not necessary."

"And I'm the captain and I say that it is necessary so guess what, you're getting checked.

Ianto huffed loudly wanting to make sure that Jack knew how much he was protesting the current situation.

Jack heard Ianto blow and turned the young man around so that they were face to face. "Look Ianto, you have no idea what that thing was or what affect it could have had on you; you could be in danger. I'm just want to make sure that you're okay. Please, humor me."

Ianto took one look into Jack's pleading eyes and immediately realized that Jack was truly concerned about his well-being. Besides, he needed to make sure that there were no long lasting effects from the device. Finally, he placed his hand inside Jack's and the two of them proceeded to make there way to the medical bay.

I would ask what you think the artifact did to him but the title of the story is pretty much self explanatory. Still, what do you think happened. Until next time, Thursday have a great day.