We're HERE guys! THANK YOU to everyone who hung in with this story the whole way through.

Chapter 12.

Two months later…

"It always feels much too quiet in here just before summer vacation," said Doug Penhall. "And oddly cold."

Doug, Ioki, Hoffs, and Hanson sat together at the long, meeting table in the chapel, waiting for Fuller to come out of his office and start their final debrief of the school year. All of the other desks and chairs in the chapel were already covered by white cloth and pushed aside along the room's walls, as the captain had dismissed all of the program's other officers the day before.

"Look at us," Judy began, wearing an off-the-shoulder black sweatshirt and matching headband. She sat hip-to-hip next to Hanson, who was wearing an open black pea coat. They were both smiling and holding hands. "The four of us," Hoffs continued, "Jump Street's original officers…" Her voice took on a tone of sadness. "All together for one last time."

"Remember when Hanson used to be a square?" Ioki joked.

"Remember when Harry used to be Japanese?" Penhall added, playfully elbowing his friend in the ribs. "And back when Judy used to dress like Tina Turner?"

"Penhall—I remember when you screwed up and shot Hanson in the butt!"

"That's right," Penhall replied. "So how's it look, Hoffs? All healed?" Judy stuck her tongue out at Doug.

"I remember Captain Jenko," Hanson added somberly, lifting Judy's hand to his lips for a kiss.

"Here's to Jenko," she agreed, raising her paper coffee cup.

"One of a kind," Ioki added.

"Never forgotten," said Penhall.

"What are all you babies whining about?" A male voice sounded from the doorway, followed by the appearance of Dennis Booker. "Isn't this supposed to be a party or something? At least that's what Fuller told me over the phone."

"Dennis!" Judy exclaimed, jumping up from her seat at the table and throwing herself on him in a hug. Booker, rarely disarmed, looked surprised at first and unsure of how to respond. But he hugged her back tenderly, but quickly, and then moved to sit at the table next to Doug.

"I see you got your 'lucky' leather jacket cleaned," Penhall joked again, giving Booker a friendly slap on the back. Dennis smiled.

"Hey man, you disappeared that night after the helicopter landed," Hanson said, setting eyes on Booker for the first time since Puerto Rico.

"What's it to you, Hamburger?" Booker asked defensively.

"I just… wanted to say 'thank you,'" Tom replied calmly. "For carrying my ass through the woods. And saving the day. So, thank you, Booker." Dennis nodded his head in place of a verbal welcome.

"Not to ruin this beautiful moment," Ioki cut in, "But I'd say that Hoffs saved all of our asses."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Judy laughed, and Tom raised her hand to kiss it again.

Everyone laughed, and Fuller walked out, dressed sharply as usual.

"Remember the first day we met him," Doug nodded his head up at the captain and smiled. "Remember? The captain was, like, 'Mr. Armani ad.'" Adam smiled and Doug continued. "And then, woo! When Dennis came on, and he and Hanson nearly killed each other?"

"So you mean nothing has changed?" Everyone, even Dennis and Tom, laughed at Harry's good-natured joke. Ioki continued. "But, correct me if I'm wrong captain, I do think that you and I are the only two here that Judy never kissed."

Penhall grinned. Booker raised his eyebrows. Hoffs glared.

Hanson looked at Doug suspiciously.

"I knew it!" Tom said.

"Oh, real nice, Harry!" Judy cocked her head to the side and sighed.

Doug raised his hands in mock defeat. "You've got me, Iok. Yes, it's true! But don't worry, everyone. The almost-affair of Hoffs and Penhall never happened. Although charmed by my sensitivity and wit, I think she was intimidated by my large 'manhood.'"

"That's bull, Penhall!" Hoffs fought back, clearly trying to hold back her laughter.

"Yeah," Hanson said, timidly. "I'm… sure that wasn't it?"

"Well, the best man won," Doug replied, smiling at Tom before reaching across the table for their signature handshake.

"Yeah," Booker said quietly when the other two finished, "The best man won." He reached across to shake Tom's hand. Hanson accepted.

"It's very cute, all of this male bonding. Good for all you guys. But enough about my personal life," Judy cut in. "Captain, you called this meeting. I'd say we're all ready to meet."

"Yes," Adam began, "There's no real purpose for today. I just wanted to all be together… one last time." Fuller noted the look of confusion on Booker's face. "Hanson and Hoffs are leaving today." He directed his attention at Hanson. "From what I understand, the Mustang is all packed and you two are heading out as soon as I dismiss you?" Tom nodded. "Detective Hoffs, I think I speak for everyone when I say that you'll be greatly missed while you're on leave, and I hope that you'll consider returning to the Jump Street program when you come back to the force."

"Captain, there's no other place I'd rather be." Judy's eyes began to well with tears and Tom squeezed her hand in support.

"Good," Fuller continued. "And Hanson… It's hard to imagine not having you here at Jump Street, or on the force at all. We've lost a good cop. But the world is gaining a good man. I know that whatever you do next, whatever gifts and challenges life brings to you, you'll face them head on and with great success."

"Thank you sir," Hanson replied, looking down and licking his lips, clearly also moved by the captain's farewell.

. . .

Hanson looked across the room as Judy stood with Harry and the captain, saying their goodbyes. Very subtly, Penhall slid a small black box into Tom's jacket pocket.

"Thanks, man," Tom whispered, keeping an eye on Judy. "It's impossible to hide anything from that woman. It's no wonder she made Detective."

"So you're proposing tonight?" Penhall asked, taking great care to speak in the softest whisper he'd ever done in his entire life.

"Yup," Hanson replied before pausing and running the back of his hand across his mouth in worry. "She'll say yes, right?" Doug smiled and clapped Hanson on the back.

"She'll say yes." The best friends shook hands again and exchanged a quick man hug.

"Trust me," Penhall continued, "When the road trip is done, everything will happen like you planned. You two will buy a house outside the city. Judy will commute in and come back to work at Jump Street. You'll open your bowling alley, you know, to have a little fun and bring in some cash while you figure out the age-old question of what the heck you really wanna do with the rest of your life."

"Yeah," Hanson grinned. "Pretty much the two most important questions you ever have to ask—to yourself and another person—I'm doing today."

"Just one today," Penhall reassured him, surprised and secretly tickled at the nervousness of his coolest and most confident friend. "Just one."

"So today is kind of like, a happy ending or something?" Tom joked, trying to shake his nerves. At the same time, he and Doug both glanced over at Booker, standing alone, obviously watching Judy.

"Not for him," Doug answered. "But for you and Hoffs? Yeah. I'd say it's the part in the storybook where everything is perfect and it says, 'The End.'"

"The end…" Hanson repeated after Penhall slowly, his gaze still on Dennis. Tom could see how much Judy truly meant to the guy, and almost felt bad for him. Almost. "Nah, I think Judy and I should write something else. 'The Beginning.'"

"Absolutely!" Doug saw his best friend's confidence come back, and eagerly hugged him goodbye one last time, nearly squeezing all the air out of Tom. "To 'The Beginning!'"

. . .

Judy waved farewell to her closest colleagues and friends, all four of them standing side-by-side in a line. Her sadness at leaving them was quelled by knowing that she'd be back soon—and that being with Hanson alone, the time was likely to pass and be so wonderful that it would feel like too soon. As she and Tom turned to walk out of the door, Judy's eyes caught Booker's, and she could see clearly in his gaze that he was asking her one last time to stay with him. Softly, Hoffs tugged on Hanson's hand to stop and gave him a meaningful look. He clearly understood, and nodded.

In front of everyone, Judy turned back and walked up to Booker. They hadn't had a one-one-one goodbye, so slowly, she reached up to hug him again. Dennis clung to her, and she whispered in his ear so that no one else could hear.

"You'll be okay," she said, "and we'll always be friends." Dennis nodded his head, reluctantly let her go, and then nodded once more at Hanson as if to say thanks.

"Something in my eye," he said, turning his head and walking away from the group.

Judy joined Tom again, and they waved one last farewell to Jump Street.

. . .

"Penhall just asked me what I want to do with the rest of my life." This time, Hanson pulled on Hoff's hand to stop moving. He turned to face her while they spoke.

"Oh yeah?" Judy raised her eyebrows playfully. "So what do you want to do?" Tom's gaze, and his voice, became serious and soft.

"Right now, the only thing I'm thinking about is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Good answer." Judy smiled, having to catch her breath. "So… does this mean I get that ring in your pocket now, or later?" Her eyes sparkled in silent laughter as she watched his mouth fall open handsome face crinkle in defeat. But Hanson pulled himself together quickly, and wrapped his arms around her slim waist to draw her body into his. He automatically seemed more relaxed than earlier and grinned slyly.

"Well now, as punishment, Detective, I absolutely plan to make you wait," Hanson said. "Until you least expect it..."

"I hope not too long," Judy replied, just before Hanson's lips pressed against hers. His kiss lasted a long time and she held on to him to tight. But then, besides Tom's body, Judy felt something pressing against her back. Something hard, and square. She broke from Hanson's kiss and he followed her eyes to see what the disturbance was.

Behind them, Penhall held the captain's briefcase and had it pressed against Judy's back, lightly pushing her and Hanson out of the way of the chapel's back stairs. Fuller and Ioki stood behind Doug, rolling their eyes.

"One day, they'll learn!" Penhall exclaimed, walking down the stairs with the other two behind him.

Hoffs and Hanson ignored them all, and went right on back to kissing.

- The End -

(or better yet…)