Title: My weakness
Prompt: Drabble Challenge #30 / Weakness
Rating: G
Genre: Humour, Friendship
Pairings or Characters: Host Club
Warnings: None
Summary: Tamaki convinces the Host Club to partake in a little writing challenge.

A/N So here I am again with another new one shot. This is what happens when I finish Uni and have nothing else to do. I blame Ouran_contest. I wrote this for the Drabble Challenge #30 / Weakness


Who needs a life when there's Fanfiction?

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.

-author unknown

When you first suggested this Tamaki-senpai I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I mean, this is you after all. But you looked so sincere and so earnest when you asked us that I just couldn't say no.

So here I am, sitting at my desk writing down what frightens me the most so that you and the rest of the Host Club will have a part of my soul I have not shared with anyone else. To be honest I am not sure if I am even doing this right but you said to write "Whatever flows from the heart" so I guess by that logic I can not fail.

Here goes nothing I guess.

If I think of my weaknesses, I guess I would go with storms. Ever since I can remember I have always been afraid of storms. They terrifiy me. The thunder, the lightning, the hail, the howling wind, all of it sends me hurling under the covers like a little kid.

It's strange though, because although logicaly I would go with storms, the first thing that popped into my head was you, Tamaki-senpai. You always get me to do things that I would not normally do.

Take right now for example.

Hmmm...I wonder what that means.



Host Club


Spicy food



Tight spaces



I love cake!

Is that a weakness Tama-chan?

Oh well.


This is a pointless waste of my time and resources. I have no weaknesses. Why do I put up with your nonsense?


Oh yeah, that's why.


Spicy food



Tight spaces



My friends, as I read each of your letters I find myself deeply touched by your sincerity and honesty. All of you have such poetic souls, such artistic vision, that I find myself weeping as I read your deepest weaknesses.

It is only fair that I too open myself up and share what is truly in my heart. Afterall, what kind of King would I be if I did not? A pitiable one. A deporable one. A King not worthy of such fine and noble subjects.

But I digress.

Reading all of your letters has forced me to think long and hard about what I fear, what I cherish, but most importantly you have made me think about what I could never live without.

My friends, my weakness is you.