Gohan wiped the sweat drenched strands of hair from his eyes, momentarily reminding himself to ask his mother for a haircut, before jumping back into the morning's exercise. His body, although having long ago memorized the steady routine, did not seem quite ready for the heavier gravitation he had forced it to be under. Still, he pressed on, refusing to quit as well as to Super Saiyan. If he ever wanted to control the ascended super Saiyan transformation he would have to condition his traditional form first. He fell back purposely, putting all of his weight into his tail as he began to push down and then up slowly at first, and then faster until he bore an odd humanoid resemblance to Tigger. This was the more enjoyable part of his exercise – messing or 'training' with his tail. He had to do so or risk Vegeta or Piccolo getting a hold of it in a spar and then proceed to use him as a Frisbee between the two of them. It had happened before and Gohan was keen on making it so it wouldn't happen again.

"Gohan!" his mother's voice was loud and clear, despite the supposedly 'sound proof' metal that Bulma had used to make his Gravitation Room. He decided it would be of best interest of the household (as well as his head) to halt his training and help his mother with whatever she needed done. He made sure to turn the gravity back to Earth's before leaving, making a silent and probably ill-fated vow to return to his training after he helped his mother. His mother was standing just outside the room, her hands on her hips as she bore down on him with such a look of intensity that only she could produce.

"What have I told you about going into the Gravity Room before your studies were done? Or your chores for that matter?" her voice rose slightly and Gohan winced, trying in vain to think of a way to distract his mother before it became a one-sided yelling match again. He glanced down at her stomach momentarily, drowning out her voice as his thoughts turned towards the rounded lump that changed his mother's appearance and demeanor so drastically. It had been a month or so after his father's death that he had finally asked his mother about the weight she had been gradually gaining both before his father's death and after. He had first assumed it was worry and then grief that caused the weight gain but after she had returned to normal, or as normal as his mother ever was, he had asked her about it.

He remembered that she had blushed at the time which had surprised him as his mother never blushed, not even the times where his father had done something either incriminating or surprisingly idiotic in public. She had then sat him down and calmly explained to him exactly how humans (and Saiyans for that matter) reproduced; blushing as she tried to explain to him the more 'feminine' parts of it and then told him that as a result of this 'union' as she had called it she was blessed with him as well as another unborn son. Gohan had taken the fact that he was to be an older brother but he still had trouble acting normal around Bulma and the other women he was friends with every once in a while since they had decided it was acceptable to speak of more personal things like 'monthly friends' in front of him, a fact that Bulma playfully teased him about frequently.

"…. Don't even know why you keep training, I mean, we are finally living in peace for Dende's sake! I just don't understand why you feel you have to go risk your life by spars and over training!" Gohan chuckled good naturedly, rubbing the back of his head as he gave his mother the trademark Son smile.

"It's just in my blood, mom. It makes me feel comfortable." Chi Chi huffed, rubbing her swollen belly absent-mindedly, hoping the next child could actually get the choice of martial arts or not. "anyways mom, what did you need done?" Gohan asked expectedly. It had been four months since she had told him, making her approximately six months pregnant and, although you would have a hard time getting her to admit it, needing more help with the more strenuous chores around the house.

"I need you to cut down some trees for fire wood. I have a funny feeling that a storm's coming." Gohan nodded and smiled at her, turning and jogging off towards the trees. "and then you need to study!" he heard his mother call towards him and he barely suppressed a groan. He really did enjoy the studying more than he had admitted to his father or any of the other Z fighters but ever since dad had left his mother had no one to contradict her demands of studying, he had reached far above college level, as well as being able to speak English with only a few slip-ups and Namekian (thanks to Dende and Piccolo) just as well.

Even with the higher than satisfactory intelligence his mother was adamant for everything he learned to be perfect, leaving him to study things over and over again, leaving the once interesting subjects quite redundant and a little boring. What Gohan really craved was something new and exciting to happen. However much he enjoyed the quiet life with his mother and friends, the Saiyan part of him wished for action. Not necessarily world threatening, but new people to meet or something like that. Maybe even a school to go to. What the young Saiyan warrior didn't know was that he was about to get that and so much more.

The oblivious child continued with the chopping, his mind wandering to more interesting things such as schools filled with new people with strong powers to which he could practice with. The thoughts of new (non-evil) challenges left him foolishly vulnerable to any one who wished to harm him. Luckily for him the only other abnormality that was around him was a small tabby cat that stood as a rigid as the tree it had chosen to sit in. The cat appeared to be staring intently at the boy as he dragged away the newly made logs. She could see where Dumbledore saw the boy's strength, as he was perfectly able at grabbing a tree's worth of logs and taking it to the side of his house with evident ease, but he appeared no more intelligent than the average eleven year old boy.

With one last glance towards the abnormally small child, she jumped agilely from the tree, her body stretching and turning more humanoid, and landed as a tall, strict looking woman who quickly turned and disappeared from view, not noticing the boy's abnormally high magical presence or the brown furry tail that was attached to him. Because of this, she did not realize what Dumbledore had meant but wrote the acceptance letter for the child anyway, adding Gohan Son's name to the list of new coming first years, not realizing the impact the boy would have on the school or even the wizard community as a whole.