Orihime woke in her own bed. It had been a while since this had happened, between running around after hollows, training and staying at the shop with her friends, school and home had been almost completely forgotten. But this morning, when she woke to the automatic alarm that sounded on her clock, she shut it off and almost went straight to her closet to get out her uniform. But her hand stopped when she saw the boy sitting cross legged and back propped against her wall, the broken halves of his sword in his lap. His golden eyes slowly opened and met hers and all her memories of the night before came flooding back. Ichigo rushed to her side when she sat straight up in bed and felt the rush of blood to her head that made everything go black. Her hands shook and she didn't think her legs would support her.
"Orihime, take it easy."
"Ichigo...what happened?"
"You passed out."
"What, why?"
"Trying to save him."
Orihime's heart pounded, she remembered now, the boy on the blade, his torn, bloodied captain's robes fading to plain white as he fell of the end of Haineko. Ichigo had caught him, held him gently in his arms as she lay her hands on the his lifeless body.
"Please..." Ichigo had begged with a trembling voice. The golden light closed around the pale body but she remembered nothing after that.
"Toshiro!" Orhime cried, jumping out of bed. Ichigo caught her as she stumbled but she pushed forward, out the door and into the living room. Bodies lay everywhere. Chad was prostrate on the floor, his chest bound and the shop girl leaning over him, checking his breathing. Hisagi was being tended to by Jinta who roughly bound his wounds from when he'd been thrown back by Aizen's energy. And there were others Orihime hadn't even know where there, Renji, Rukia and several other captains and vice captain were all unconscious, wounds covering all. Tessai and Uryu had their hands full with them. Then her eyes found the one she'd been looking for, cradled in the lap of his seemingly sleeping lieutenant on the couch.
"Captain Hitsugaya!" Rangiku's head shot up. Her face was bruised and white bandages poked through her uniform but her attention was focussed on the small form in her lap. The white robe covered him from the waste down but above that his body was covered in bandages. Someone had taken the time to wash the dirt and blood out of his hair and off his face but his perfect features were still obscured by bruises and the long cut that had never fully healed and ran over his eye. Orihime felt tears prick the corners of her eyes at the sight of him but Rangiku smiled warmly at her.
"Orhime, I'm glad to see you're alright."
"Me? Oh Rangiku?" She threw her arms around the battered lieutenant and sobbed into her shoulder.
"Shhh, Orihime, its over now. And I have to thank you. You saved him."
Orihime pulled back and knelt next to the couch where Rangiku. The lieutenant stroked his hair like a mother would a child.
"I don't remember." Orhime said, wiping away a tear.
"You kept going until you passed out. His heart...Haineko passed right through his heart but you healed it. Thank you." she said again. Orihime carefully reached out and touched his cheek. It was very cold but his chest rose and fell.
"Was it enough?"
"He'll be alright, you just rest."
"But his robes, what happened and where did Hyroinmaru go?"
Ichigo knelt down beside her and stared at the boy for a moment before turning to face her.
"You remember when we went to save Rukia in the soul society?"
"She was wearing white robes."
"That's what happens," Rangiku began, "when a soul reaper loses their powers."
"Loses them?"
"Rukia gave me my powers." Ichigo said touching his own chest where her blade had struck him that night that felt like it was so long ago. "She didn't mean to give them all to me but she did and he robes turned white. But eventually, she got them back."
"And so will my captain, when he's had enough time to heal." Rangiku stopped strokimg the fine white hair and put her hand lightly against her captain's chest.
"Feel this Orihime." Orihime put her hand over Rangiku's. "This is what you gave him." The steady beat of his heart throbbed into their palms.
Ichigo place his hand over the girls' just as the sun crested the far hills through the window and golden light lit up their faces. They all turned to stare into the dawn and Ichigo's hand tightened over theirs,
"And this," he said, his eyes reflecting the glory of the sun, "is what Toshiro gave us."
It was several days before Toshiro got to see the dawn of a new day for himaself and know that there was no one out there to threaten their tomorrow. He saw the familiar setting of the fourth division around him and with a shock of deja vue, the orange haired boy with a tray of food and a book in his hands. The deja vue ended quickly however, when the shrill voice of his lieutenant struck his ears.
"CAPTAIN!" Arms closed around him and he saw nothing but black fabric that muffled his protests and he weakly pushed back against her. She withdrew finally but the tears in her eyes stopped his reprimands. Ichigo too, was hovering at his side and a moment later Unohana was at the end of his bed.
"Now calm down everyone, Captain Hitsugaya doesn't need you two getting all worked up."
"Sorry Captain Unohana, but I was just so happy." Rangilu half sobbed.
"As you should be."
Toshiro's head swivelled between the people in the room until finally the teal eyes decided to rest on Ichigo and he didn't even have to ask the question.
"Yes, Toshiro, it did work. Aizen is gone."
"Thank you, Ichigo." His voice just barely got past his briused and swollen throat.
Ichigo just nodded. There was so many things he wanted to say, mostly that he was sorry, that it had been one of the worst moments of his life when he'd plunged his sword though his friend's heart, but it could wait. And, after all this time, he knew what the little captain would say anyway.
"Ragiku." Toshiro turned back to his lieutenant and his eyes narrowed in mock anger. "Exactly when were you going to tell me you had learned your bankai?"
Her face flushed red, "Uh, I was going to tell you, but I had only done it a couple of times so I thought I'd wait before I–"
"Y-yes captain?"
"I'm very proud of you." Her features softened and a teary smile formed on her face.
"Thank you captain."
"Captain Hitsugaya!" A voice boomed through the room and they all looked around to see the Head Captain enter. Unohana made way for him to stand at the head of his bed. "It is good to see you are awake."
"Thank you sir." He noticed the staff back in his captain's hands.
"Yes, many of the zampakutos have been returned to their masters." Yamamoto explained catching his glance. "Orihime Inoue is continuing her work on them. Aizen's spell is broken, but there are still some rifts that need to be mended." Toshiro's mind flashed back to Aizen's hand over Zangetsu and looked back to Ichigo. The teen reached beside the chair he'd been sitting in and showed the flawless blade of his zampakuto to the captain.
"She is good." he said.
"Yes," Ichigo nodded, sheathing his blade, "she is."
The Head Captain watched Toshiro slump back in his pillow and his eye lids droop.
"Time to let Captain Hitsugaya rest. I will get a full report from you when you are well."
"Thank you." Toshiro whispered, his eyes shutting completely. He heard footsteps and thought the head captain was gone but then he felt the wizened hand against his forehead and heard the ancient voice in his ear.
"Be proud Captain Hitsugaya," his voice was just a whisper, no one else could hear. "You chose the right path. You were right, to have faith." Toshiro's eyes shot open but the Head Captain withdrew and left the room without another word. The others watched him with concern as he pushed himself into a sitting position and stared wide eyed at the doorway.
"What is it Captain?" Rangiku placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned to face her. But his eyes fell to her side instead, where Haineko was strapped at her back.
"Can I see her?"
Rangiku followed his gaze and grasped the hilt of her sword. "Of course." she pulled it out and lay in on his lap. He traced the long smooth surface and saw his own eyes reflected back at him but nothing more, no voice, no purring cat. He sighed and lay back.
"Is something wrong?" Rangiku asked, reaching to take her katana back.
"No." Toshiro breathed but something caught his eye as the blade was lifted from his lap. He saw pure white reflected back in the smooth surface. He caught Rangiku's hand and saw that the blade was reflecting the window behind her. Ragiku moved out of his way so he could see.
"It's the first snow, and it came in with a bang. Its been raging like that for hours."
The snow was indeed falling thick and heavy and the wind pushed hard against the window.
"I haven't seen a storm like this in decade." Unohana said but she smiled at the captain as if she already knew what he was thinking.
"Ichigo." Toshiro said, the fatigue leaving him at once.
"Give me a hand."
The others had heard Toshiro was awake and came as quickly as they could manage through the blizzard. Chand and Uryu kept Orihime safe between them, and they ran into Renji and Rukia along the way. When they got to the fourth division, however, they found the patient they were going to see outside, barefoot in the snow with nothing but hospital robes on.
"Toshiro!" Orihime exclaimed but Ichigo, Rangiku and Unohana came to join them.
"Just watch." the healer smiled even though the gale force winds pulled at her robes and hair and stung her face with wet cold snow. But everyone forgot their discomfort when the boy stretched out his hands and the snow swirled around him. More and more of the snow closed around him. The storm seemed to lift away from the others and concentrate around him until he was barely visible.
"Is he...?"
"Just watch."
The storm had become an unnantural mix of water snow and ice all gusting around the frail body but he stood, untouched, in their midst, arms still outstretched. They all squinted to see past the blizzard and they thought they saw a silver glint. Others had gathered and they noticed that the whole Sereietei was bathed in sunlight, the only clouds now hung above the fourth division. Soon there was nothing but a white pillar to be seen. They took a few steps back as the power of the storm increased but not enough. There was a crack of thunder and an explosion of white light. Everyone fell back as piles of snow struck them and half buried them. But when they dusted themselves off and found their feet again, the sun shone through a clear sky and lit up the small figure dressed in black and white, the long silver blade and green hilt resting in his hands, a contented smile on his face. The captain of squad ten had returned, not a scar left on his body, not a tear in his clean uniform.
"Hello again, Hyorinmaru." He whispered to the blade.
"Captain!" Rangiku ran up to him, the others close behind. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, Matsumaoto, I'm fine."
"Glad to see you're back, Captain Hitsugaya." Ichigo said, reaching out a hand.
Toshiro smiled up at him as they clasped hands and shook. "Actually, Ichigo, its Toshiro."
Toshiro sat back in his office chair and sipped his tea. There was a knock and he told whoever it was to come in. It was Ichigo, Chad, Uryu and Orihime.
"We're heading back soon. Orihime just finished the last Zampakuto." Ichigo explained.
"Yes, Captain's Kurtsuchi's was one of the hardest." she said tiredly.
"I heard you unfroze him and Nemu. Are they alright?" Ichigo inquired of the ice wileder.
"As alright as they ever are. I don't think Kurotsuchi will ever forgive me for wrecking his lab.
"But Nemu was very thankful that you stopped her captain without harming him more than necessary." Rangiku piped up, sitting up from the couch where she'd been napping.
"Urahara also sends his thanks." Uryu added. "Says you should stop by for tea some time."
"Did they rebuild the shop already?"
"Yeah, though the underground training room still needs some work."
"Hmmm, well I'm afraid I won't be making any trips to the world of the living for a while, I still have a lot of work to do here."
"You still working on your report?" Ichigo asked, eyeing the stack of papers on his desk.
"Yes, the Head Captian wants it as detailed as possible but some of what happened over the last couple months is a bit hazy."
"Yeah. A lot happened."
Everyone fell silent until Chad spoke up. "Orihime needs to rest." he put a supportive hand on her shoulder, she did look like she might fall asleep right there.
Toshiro stood up and came over to them.
"Thank you, Orihime." he reached out for her hand but she caught him in a tight embrace and he smiled into her shoulder. When she withdrew he shook everyone's hand and said his thanks. Rangiku walked them outside but Ichigo lingered.
"You know I never got the chance to apologize for stabbing you in the back."
"Hmm, it does sound bad when you put it like that." But his smile turned serious. "But Ichigo, I don't want your apologies. You killed Aizen, you saved us all. Thank you."
Ichigo ignored the thanks. They could go in circles forever thanking each other and blaming themselves, that was one way in which the two were very similar. Instead he sighed deep and stared down at the child captain.
"Its hard to believe its over though. So much time, so much that happened. But I never doubted we could do it."
"That's what makes you so strong Ichigo. Your faith that good will always win."
"Some call it naivete."
"In your case, they would be wrong."
"You didn't always think like that."
"No, you're right."
"What changed?"
Toshiro sighed and regarded him seriously. "Ichigo, we stood alone at the brink of darkness. It was up to us to rebalance the whole universe and defeat the most powerful man in all of existence. I had no choice but to believe that there was something more out there, something that would not allow evil to win. And you were my proof, because no matter what has happened to you, to your friends, that something was always on your side."
"Hmmm." Ichigo said placing a hand on the door knob. "Rebalanced the universe eh? Think I can put that on my resume?"
"Ichigo, I was being serious!"
"I know, Toshiro. Thanks."
Ichigo pulled open the door and walked out. Toshiro watched him go, and sat back at the desk but something nudged its way through the unclosed door and hopped up on his papers. He swallowed the tea in his mouth and stared back at the green eyes of the black cat.
"You can't be here."
He looked around as if the room would suddenly turn into the empty one but it didn't.
He set his cup down and reached out to touch the cat. She pushed her soft head into his hand and he knew she was real.
"This can't be, Haineko. I thought you were just..."
"Haneiko?" A deep voice said and he withdrew his hand with a start. "I'm not Haineko."
The door flew open again and Ichigo ran back in. "Youruichi! They've already got the Senkeimon open, let's go!" The cat jumped off his desk and out the door. Toshiro remained stunned at his desk.
"You okay, Toshiro? You look a little pale."
Toshiro set down his pen, stood up and slid Hyorinmaru over his back.
"You know what Ichigo, I think I will take Urahara up on that tea after all."
The teen looked surprised but smiled and held the door open for the little captain.
"Great." the two hurried off in the direction of the Senkeimon and the door shut on the office but not before a gentle breeze rustled the papers on the desk. One sheet fell to the floor, a large blot of ink just before the last line of the paper where the captain had hesitated for several minutes on what to write. Then, following it in a steady hand was the sentence he'd struggled to write.
I learned that soul reapers are not proof that there is no God, but proof that there are things greater than us out there. I learned that some things are greater than logic and reason. One of those things is friendship. And one of those things is faith. Aizen is dead because he had neither and we had both.
The sentence ended. There were still many details to record, of battles and blood and pain, but what was most important had been said. And for those who'd lived it, that was all that needed saying. Their story was complete.
Wow, what a ride! I am sad to end it but at the same time it's a relief. I struggled to find the right way to finish this story that has taken up far too much of my time recently, but I wanted to do it justice, so please, let me know what you thought, of the end, of the whole thing, whatever you want to say! I also look forward to completeing the other two stories I have on the go, Ashes to Ashes and the Meaning of a Man so look for updates on those shortly, if you've been following. But for now, good bye and thank you so much for all those who stuck with me and these awesome characters through this adventure.