LETTER TO AUDIENCE! Okay, first I'm sorry, I started writing this and only now after three stories up and writing on all three (plus a fourth one that I've began to think about in my mind) and I usually had OC-this wasn't to be mean in any or to say I don't like the romance between Vegeta and Bulma-I was trying to pull a reader whom really likes Vegeta (like fantasy wise) could picture themselve as the lead OC character-this was purely so the character could imagine its themself rather then the origional. But now I realize thats not what most of you guys like. Unfortunately this story won't be able to change. I do ask that you still read it through at least through chapter 4. The begining is building up to the point, but it also to get explanations out so you uderstand kinda where it might possibly be going. If you've only been a B/V reader or enjoy those more then I'm sorry for waisting your time, but again I ask for your critiquing so please go ahead and like I said, at least read through to 4. There is language, and lemons so I've heard its called. Basically, explicit in details for the sexual parts (although I don't consider mine to be that 'sour' as other stories are) So if you don't OC stories or not fond of them, then at least give this one a try! If you honestly don't like it then please, just critique why or why not. I don't leave rude remarks so I ask to not have it as well. As far as my other stories, I don't want to but I guess I will change and take the OC character out...its not I don't like those B/V fics because there are some that are REALLY good, its just I'd like to imagine myself in it while reading and well, if its a chic who is some super genious with an extrememly hot body then the fantasy seems to go right out the door. I wanted to be different and be the same old cookie cutter for the big boobs and 3 inch waist, but someone who could still be attractive and smart, something trying to be or feel a lil more realistic. Okay, I.'ll stop. If you want, skip thorugh to Ch4 and read it, think of it like a begining of a story where you're left with questions and such, and if you don't like it then dont read it but if it intriques you then start back to the begining. Thanks again for my normal readers and your comments!

check out my web- alisha here (dot) webs (dot) com

I know I really need to go back and do a spell check but I've gotten so cought up in continueing my story, I'm constantly getting a new idea and try to write it down before I forget it. When my mind is clear I'm going to go thorugh ALL of them!

(Due to regulations and rules of not useing non-ficitonal characters, the creater of db/z/gt will be known as "That Guy") First story guys, hope you like it! Romance (and much more) will come along and as the story goes further.

the first 2 chapters are building up to it, so if you leave before even glancing the ending of ch 3 then you're missing out!

Sara layed next to Vegeta, staring at his back as she layed naked with him. As her mind drifted off to sleep to began to think about how it all happened, and how it had came to this. Her mind drifted into every detail.

Chaper 1-Runaway, New World

Sara wasn't a skiiny, model looking girl but she wasn't a huge girl either. In most cases she was looked at as average. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and a family. But one night, she couldn't take it

anymore. She felt so stuck and didn't know what else to do. Doing this seemed the only way out, and the easiest!

Sara ran away from home, packed her one big back that could fit on her back and left. She had been staying in the woods

for a few days now, going into any buildings she could to clean her self and get some water in a water bottle and change her clothes with what few garmets she had. Sara moved around in the woods,

and hiked for as long as she could until she needed to rest. She would build a fire and sleep in the darkness, with the animals and bugs around her. Half the time she didn't get any sleep due to the

sounds she heard from the animals and unknown creatures. But this night was different. She gathered wood and started the fire, she had ran out of matches so she had to do it the hard way. Her

hands raw and read from twisting the sticks and trying so hard, never had in her life have to do it before. She finally got it lit but she couldn't sleep. She pulled her backpack close to her and pulled out

a book, one of her favorites-A Manga book named DragonBall Z by 'That Guy". She read until she got sleepy and layed next to her hard worked fire on crunchy leavs and her bag as a pillow.

Sara woke to a noise, but normally she would either lay there and stare into space or ignore it and go back to sleep, but this time it was different. She felt as if someting was staring at her but

something thatshe could not see. She put everything back into her bag incase something were to happen to make her run. Due to the darkness and only the fire giving off the only light she couldn't

see anything beyoung the trees. Suddenly, something walked from the woods. Sara was so stunned and scared she couldn't move but stare. This creature of which was seemed to be green stood in

front of her. Again she couldn't tell due to being limited to light source

but she did make out antena like things on the head and large ears. The eyes are what scared her the most yet this creature, human like, walked on his legs. He didn't

hump nor lean over but walked as a human yet was far from human. Sara slowly griped her bag and stood up. As she stood the creature stoped walking and stared at her as

if asking her what she was doing. Sara was so afraid that if she began to run this thing would surely catch her. She wasn't the best nor even a deacant runner.

"What do you want?" she asked. She vaguly saw the creature tilt its head down, as if to give her a scarier stare. It's eyes penitrated her. All she could make out was his forhead and masculine arms

and that this thing was tall. The darkness covered his face now, now that she stood a few yards away. The creature slowly raised his arms and crossed them in front of him. Then

he disapeared. Sara began to shake, looking quickly around her wondering where this thing went to. Sara froze and she felt a breath on her neck and a deep throat

growl. She felt her stomach turn and her face going white. Before she could think she swung around, swinging her bag and hoping to knock this creature down that seemed

to be so tall and so strong that she didn't think she stood any chance, yet she still tried. Sara stood still looking, her bag didn't hit anything but herself-she kept

turning and looking every where but she saw nothing. Was she halucinating? Sara didn't want to stop and think about it, she swung her bag over her shoulder and

began to run towards the roads- At least this way if anything happened there was bound to be someone to see something happen. Sara ran, breathing so hard and her

heart racing. She saw the cars through the trees as she got closer. She thought she was finally free from this nightmare as every step got her closer until...she feels

this hard hit on her neck. She feels nothing as if she's paralyzed and see's nothing but darkness and falls completely out. Merely a few feet from the road yet still

far enough in the woods that no one would see her. The creature picker up her limp body and her bag and carried them off...into the darkness.

Sara finally woke to what seemed like hours. She raised up holding onto her neck, wondering what the hell happened. She looked around as she see's herself laying in a

bed in an odd room. She see's a small dragon stature on the opposite side of the room and beside the bed is her black bag. She slowly edges out of the bed as she

looks around, thinking to herself where she is and what could have possibly happened. Everything looked different now...nothing looked...real. She thought to herself

how bright the colors were and wondered if something may have happened to her eyes due to the neck injury. Everything she saw almost looked as if she was in some sort

of a 3D cartoon. She finally reached a door and opened it, looking every which a way she could. She continued where she saw an opening and went towards it where even

more light shown. She walked out of a door way and stood to what seemed like a circular floor that shown nothing but blue skies for miles. She thought to herself how

beautiful this looked as she continued to walk. She finally turned to look where she walked out of and her eyes got so big she thought they would pop out.

"This can't be.." she told herself. "This looks just like...but no it can't be...can it?" She would swear she was standing on something that ressembled exactly like the Tower from

DBZ anima. Sara ran to the edge where she leaned over to look and she thought her stomach was going to go through her feet, she couldn't even see the bottom only

clouds. Sara backed away from the edged and turned to look again.

Sara saw this lil black man come running out,

"Oh my god!" She said outloud as this man whom looked like Mr. Popo with a hat, red vest, and gold earring came running out.

"Oh my goodness, Miss are you alright," said this Popo man. "I hope Piccolo didn't hit you too hard, I'm sure you are hu-"

"wait!" Intereupted Sara, "Pi-Piccolo?"

"Um, yes dear and I'm Mr. Popo-my goodness you've lost your memroie, oh my" responded Popo. He acted as if he was freaked out of the thought of her not having her memory.

"She hasn't lost anything," came a deep voice beyonf the doorway. A tall greem man with a cape came walking in. Sara looked and indeed, it was the Piccolo character that came in. "She doesn't know yet Popo."

"Ok what the hell is going on?" Asked Sara "What sort of Joke is this?"

"Its not a joke" Replied Piccolo, "But it will take some explanation so I suggest you get something to eat while we wait for the others."

"Others?" Asked Sara again. She still couldnt belive it-was this some sort of anime-con because if so, damn they did a good job! Mr. Popo lead her to anoher room where a table full of food was. He left her alone, allowing her to eat in peace but she could't. Sara just sat there in silence.

Not too long before Sara actually decide to start eating, she heard some werid sounds coming from out side. SHe krept out standing near a doorway trying to make sure she's not seen in any way. She saw several people standing in a circle. Her eyes widen as every person she saw all looked like they just popedout of a book! The resemblence was uncanny.

"So she's really here Piccolo?" Asked a man who looked like Goku.

"Yes, Goku" replied Piccolo.

"Humph, I dont see how this is going to work, but whatever" came from a man looking like Vegeta.

As Sara listened and watched they talked more and more, but something didn't seem right. She knew that Bulma and Vegeta were supposedly together, but She was hanging all over Yumcha while Vegeta stood on his own, his arms crossed over his chest. She saw Krillen, Tien, Chi-ch, a green man who resembled Piccolo who she believed to be Dende, and another man who she didn't know. He wasnt as old as the others but he wasn't a kid, almost as an older teen who was being called Gohan. Therefor, it stood to reason that maybe it was Gohan and he had gotten older yet she saw no ther children. 'Where are the others?' she muttered to herself.

"Finally, we get another woman here. I'm tired of the men running the show" shouted Chi-Chi.

"I'm with you girl, just hope she's not some snot" replied Bulma clutching Yumchas arm.

Sara watched in aww.

"Well, shes standing over there if you want to meet her." Vegeta didn't open his eyes or look her way as everyone else turned to look in her direction. While everyone looked at Sara, she sat stunned-Vegeta contniued, "she's been listening to us for a few minutes now."

After everyone was aquanted with Sara and, her with them, they began to really explain what was going on.

"To be blunt, you're in a different world" Piccolo began. "And yes we are real, but not real in your world."

"I dont understand," replied Sara.

"Well, see a guy a long time ago some how accidently got to our world and we still havn't figured out how. That Guy went to writing a story of what happened which is why you know about us," explained Goku.

Bulma spoke too, "I believe what might have happened is some how he came across that .1% chance of finding a berier between our worlds."

"So, where is everyone else?" Asked Sara, "Like Trunks or Goten, or even Andriod 18?"

There was silence for a moment, until Vegeta broke it "Ugh! That shit is made up!" Sara gasped, she wondered what she had said or more what happened

"I guess for you the only true parts of anything is probably up until Freiza died," responded Gohan. He continued, "see, he was only here for that long and when we took him back, we wiped his memory so he thought it was a dream. But I guess he decided to write what he thought he dremt and then continued more of the story, So there's no extra people like that.

Krillin who had been standing pretty quietly finally spoke, "yeah.." he sighed slightly, "I have been dateing but not married. But its probably a good thing Bulma and Vegeta didn't have any kids. Could you imagine them going through a divorce?"

"DIVORCE?" yelled Sara.

"Yeah, Vegeta and I divorced a long time ago. I realized I still wasn't over Yumcha." Bulma explained still clutching onto her man. The group talked for a while with Sara, practically going over what happened in the past years that no one in her own world would ever believe.

Sara finally asked them, "So, why am I here?" Silence came as everyone looked as if they were trying to figure out the reason themself.

"I'll take this one," growled Vegeta. "Recently we've had a threat-no one knows all the details but that he's really strong. We havn't been able to find his energy or anything so we don't even know if he's still on the planet but if he is or even if he comes back, which he will, he could destroy us all. If everyone owuld just train we would be ready but these idiats some how got the dumb idea that getting human and training that person would help." Vegeta seemed so irritated, clutching his fist while he spoke. "Bulma here got a theory that someone from your world, if trained enough and could bring it out, just might be strong enough, somehow even stronger then a sayain. But thats absurd!" Vegeta crossed his arms again and chuckled in his throat. He spoke under his breath, "a human saving us?"

Chi-chi now spoke, practically screaming and leaning over, "Well we wont know until we try, right?"

"If that's the case then why not a human from here then?" asked Sara

"We thought that," began Piccolo, "but no human from this world could possibly reach what we need. Krillin and Yumcha are the exception." Sara looked shocked,she dropped her head and placed her hands on her hips which made her seem much slimmer then she really was.

"But why m-?" Sara didn't even get to finish before Dende, the gaurdian of this world spoke.

"You may not believe it but we considered alot and even you have a deep hidden power in you. It's very very faint to us but we believe we can unlock that. We also considered your situation. Then we had Piccolo come and get you when we knew you ran away."

Sara still had so many questions running through her head, she didn't understand these two worlds, how this could even be real, or what others were thinking in her own world.

"You dont have to understand!" Shouted Vegeta, "in the end your memory will be whiped clean anyways just like that That Guy" Every one gasps at Vegeta and

Krillin cut in. "I thought we weren't going to tell her that, Vegeta? Now she really wont help" Krillin had that whinnyness in his voice.

Vegeta closed his eyes and squeezed his eyebrows even tighter, being frustrated, "Shut up baldy! If she doesn't I guess you geniuses can go find another!"

Goku stuck his hands out in the center of the circle breaking up a fight before any punches decided to be thrown. "Everyone just stop ok? We dont need this right now." Goku lowered his arms to his side and looked at Sara sternly.

"Yes, its true Sara. You're memory will have to be whiped after all of this. As far as your world, time is still going and you ran away didn't you? So they will continue to expect that thats what happened. Once its all over and you are sent back, Piccolo and Dende will revert time back just before you met Piccolo. You'll remember nothing and to everyone it will seem as if the future had yet to happen! Do you understand?" Gokuraised an eyebrow in his question, hoping he wouldn't have to do any more explaining. Sara slowly and calmly shook her head 'yes.' There was silence for a moment as wind blew thorugh them. Hair and clothes flying around them.

"okay well I think this has been alot for today. Yumcha and I are having a barbeque back at our place and everyone is invited."

Piccolo crossed his arms and spoke, "Good, I think that is the best before we consider to go further with training or anything, Let's head out now!" Sara packed into Bulma's and Yumcha ride as there was an extra space while the Z warriors flew. Sara sat taking it all in. If this was a dream, she was going to ride it out as long as she could. 'How often does something like this happen to a person?'

Chapter 1 and 2 are important to give an explianination before mroe goes on. I will admit its boring but if you want to skip it head up to chapter 3 and 4 but dont say i didn't warn you when you are scratching your head! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW