Pain x Konan
It was a scene of perfect harmony, just like you would imagine the life of a normal, middle-class family living in one of the nobler suburbs to be like:
Konan and Pain were sitting at the dining table, enjoying the meal Konan had prepared and (in Pain's case) relishing the well-earned leisure-time. And, as every good wife would, Konan tried to engage her husband in some small talk. Not that it really works, but at least he is as polite as to pretend he listens.
"I talked to Hyuuga Hinata today", she begins innocently. "You know that she only recently married Uchiha Itachi, don't you?"
"Of course. He is one of my business partners."
Konan smiles patronizingly. "Ah, of course, I almost forgot. She told me about her honeymoon. Do you know they went to the Maldives?"
"They did?"
Konan sighs. "It must have been wonderful there...the beach, the blue sky, the deep blue sea, the heat..."
"I would love to go there one day."
She frowns slightly. "It has been quite a while since we last went on a holiday."
"I agree."
"When was it again? Last January?"
"No, I'm sure you are mistaken. It must have been January. You work too much, honey. You need a vacation."
"I feel perfectly fine."
Konan sighs again, a longing look on her face. "Hinata said they were all alone on their tiny island. They could walk around it within thirty minutes, and, like I said, they had it all for themselves."
"I'm sure this was a very pleasant honeymoon. Now, excuse me, honey, but I need to work. The dinner was extremely tasty."
With that, Pain gets up, gives her a kiss on the cheeks and disappears into his study, completely oblivious that he leaves a fuming Konan behind, and he is very lucky that she is too fond of her expensive tableware than to throw it at him.
Seems that she has to take things into her own hands.
10. We know men are usually oblivious to subtlety, but, for some reason, we still try.
A/N.: Okay, I have to admit, I think this wasn't subtle at all, this was a very very very broad hint ^^ then again, I am a woman, and I understand subtlety ^^
Well, there are the ten usually, this "Story" should be over now. I did get a few suggestions, though, so it's highly likely I will continue this as soon as I've got some spare time ;) Please tell me if you want me to continue the story! (- REVIEW!) And, like I said before, if you do want me to continue, you are hereby invited to make pairing requests and suggestions for further one-shots and ...well "lessons" for the guys ^^
Oh, and thank to Sakurakaguya and Sunny for the reviews!
Bye for now,