A/N: Hi everyone! I actually became a fan of BTR just three days ago and I've been watching the episodes on youtube non stop. I have to thank my baby brother that told me that Big Time Rush was awesome. So thank you! :) I really hope you guys like this story. I wrote it yesterday and I'm already on chapter 4. So please review and tell me if you want me to continue or not. If you think it's horrible and doesn't fit the characters just remember that I just began watching the show THREE days ago! :)

So here it comes: SUMMER LOVE!

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN BTR OR ANYONE ELSE! I just own the girl character in this story :).

It was a warm and sunny day in Palm Woods. The members of Big Time Rush were lying in chairs next to the pool. Logan was reading a science magazine. Carlos was decorating his helmet while Kendall was talking on the phone with his mom. James was combing his hair with his lucky comb.

" But Mom!" Kendall groaned. The guys looked at him. He had been talking to his mom for over an hour. " Why? Don't tell me you just invited her cause I know you didn't!" He said. Logan raised an eyebrow at his friend. All three were suddenly very interested in hearing what Kendall was saying. Once again Kendall groaned. " Fine. Tell her we'll be waiting by the pool." He said and rolled his eyes. " No mom, I did not just role my eyes at you. Just tell Katie to bring her. No wait. I'll meet her by the gate. Tell her to text me. Love you." He hung up and threw his arms up in the air. All three other boys turned to him.

" What's going on Kendall?" James asked first. Kendall smirked and turned to him.

" My cousin is visiting." He said an everyone groaned but then turned back confused.

" And why is that a bad thing?" Carlos asked. James and Logan nodded in agreement.

" Because. She is one of my best friends-" He got cut of by James.

" I thought we were your best friends." Kendall put a hand on his shoulder.

" Don't worry. She's my best GIRL friend. We practicly grew up together." He said shrugging.

" Then how come we haven't met her yet?" Logan asked.

" That was what I was about to tell you before James interrupted me." He explained. " As I was saying. She's one of my best friends but everytime I introduce her to my friends one of them begins to like her and then they ''Fall in love'' but later break up so that my friend never want's to see me again." He said using quoteation marks on "Fall in love". " You have no idea how many friends I've lost because of her and I didn't want to lose you guys so that's why I kept her from meeting you." He explained. Everyone nodded understanding.

" Well you wont lose us." Logan said and Kendall snorted.

" Well try to say that after you meet her. She's really nice." The guys shook their heads.

" No we'll promise right now. We wont fall in love with her." They said. Kendall smiled.

" Alright then." He said standing up. " I'm just going to go and meet her at the gate. She texted me. Wait here and I'll bring her over." He said walking away. Logan and Carlos turned to James in an instance.

" What?" he asked. Logan began talking.

" James you know that when you see a pretty girl you can't keep away." He said.

" I'll do it for Kendall." James said. " And maybe she isn't pretty." Carlos laughed.

" Yeah that's why Kendall said that all his friends fall in love with her." Logan nodded in agreement.

" But still. I can control myself." He said taking a sip from his smoothie but suddenly felt something that told him to turn around. It all happened so fast that he didn't know what hit him. It went like slowmotion. He slowly turned around and saw Kendall walking towards them with a brunette girl next to him. From what James could see she wasn't wearing any make-up. She wore a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt with white converse. She was wearing E-Sprit shades and her hair was slightly curled so that it fell onto her right shoulder elegantly. He felt the smoothie run to fast in his throat and it caught in it. To bad for the girl because when she was close enough he began choking and sprayed the banana smoothie all over her. She shrieked as he sprayed her and he quickly whiped his mouth. Every one was looking at them. He pulled out his hand towards her.

" Hi. I'm James."

A/N: So what did you think? Please review and tell me if you would like me to continue. I would like to get at least five reviews to continue but I guess it's okay otherwise.

Thank you for reading! :)