"I just saved the world!" Max exclaimed.

"And I just wrote 24 oneshots in 24 hours!" Vera exclaimed. "Okay, so I didn't actually write one of the oneshots. And It was actually more like 26 hours...but still!"

Vera turned toward her readers, highfiving Max in the process. "So, you guys are epic. Why?This fic has 113 reviews and 1252 hits. That. Is. AWESOME!" Vera attempted to highuggle – highfive/huggle – all of her readers at the same time.

She failed, miserably.

Shrugging, she said, "Also! To Raptor:

I SOOOOOOOOOOO wanted to reply to your reviews! But I couldn't, because you were anonymous."

Insert ":(" smiley.

"But that doesn't mean I can't reply to them here."

Insert ":D" smiley.

Beginning: Mwahaha.
Vampire: Well, it's one of the episodes after Innocence...
Autumn: -grin-
Mexico: I'm curious, what did you think they were talking about?
Tinsel: Ooh, yes!
But what about Magnolia? Is she just a faithful tinsel servant, as most people forget she exists?
Music: Yes, hopefully they'll be so occupied in each other they'll forget about Fang. ;)
Spaghetti: Agreed. Some of 'em can be very, very persistent...
Moron: XD Thanks!
Pepsi: Well, I'm awake now, aren't I?
Cheerleaders: Thanks! (:
Breaks: Well, in my opinion it does, so...
Guitars: I don't drink coffee (it tastes gross to me), but I was sleep deprived. And I'm still sleep deprived. XD.
Hairspray: She does. XD
Meow: His personality? Now I'm curious...
Golf: ...okay then.
Butterflies: XD Yep.
Alcohol: -shrug- I dunno, I never bothered figuring it out...heh.
Ke$ha: Same, same. XD

"I use the "XD" smiley a ridiculous number of times...heh.

That said:


This time, Vera succeeded in highuggling all of her readers at the same time.

"R&R?" Max asked, since Vera was far too occupied with highuggling her readers.