A letter from Wakefield High School.


Are you fucking kidding me? Are we friends? You need to get your head on straight. Are you honestly clueless enough to have to ask that question? In my first letter, I told you that I beat up people who write to me. I told you I think this whole thing was a dumbass waste of time. I told you to fuck off. And yet I haven't killed you yet.

Of course we're friends.

What do you take me for, a complete asshole? No, man. As seriously dorky as you are, you also possibly the coolest kind of dork. Congratulations, I guess. And though I stand by what I said (writing letters is lame), I didn't mind it so much when it was you. Some people in my class ended up with some real shit. No offence to your school or anything, but most of those girl, and even the guys seem to be pretty stuck up and bitchy. So, thanks for hooking me up with Mimi instead. And thanks for everything, really. I didn't tell you this, but you could probably guess: I had this thing with anger and violence and stuff. I would beat up kids, even if I didn't know them. But when I started talking to you, I started thinking about these kids like you would, or like how I imagine you would think of them. So that helped.

But no, I don't want to keep writing letters. I don't like writing letters. I'd rather write songs. But I want to meet up with you. We can hang out, maybe go to the city. Maybe we can change the artistic world, you with your camera, and me with my guitar. We can do anything, really, and have a damn good time. Or whatever.



A letter from the author

So there you have it. The beginning of a beautiful friendship and the end of a successful story. Considering I had no idea where this story was going when I began it, I felt it turned out well. Thank you to my beautiful readers and amazing reviewers. I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I loved writing it. Last minute reviews are happily appreciated.

Much love,
