Chapter Ten: The End

The next morning Harry opened the portal and turned to Inuyasha who was wearing blue jeans, a black muscle shirt and black sneakers, "Ready to see my world?" getting his head tilted back and kissed he smiled and snuggled into the demon. Sango and Sesshomaru were the only ones who knew about the mating, Miroku had accompanied Kagome back to the well and Shippo did not need to worry about anything as he was still a kid.

"Lead the way," Inuyasha said as he wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, the two stepped into the portal and appeared in the middle of the Great Hall, looking around he saw the looks from students and twitched his ears in annoyance, "Their staring at you."

"We discussed this," Harry said leading the half demon to his table, they had arrived during the Welcoming Feast, "People will stare at you, me and anything we do. Don't kill anyone."

"No fun," Inuyasha pouted, when a man with a long white beard walked over he twitched his nose and said, "You reek of lemon."

"Headmaster," Harry said with a smile, "This is Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's little brother he'll be staying with me during the week. Right Inuyasha?" getting a nod he laughed when he saw the questioning looks aimed at the white dog-ears, "He's half demon."

The awe that caused made Harry laugh harder and he stood up taking the demon's hand, "I'll take you to the kitchen for dinner so they can get over this."

Once the two were gone Severus Snape asked, "He brought a demon back from…what was that portal!" his answer came from Harry who popped his head back in the room.

"He's from feudal Japan and that's where my little portal leads," opening another he stepped through to be sitting on the head table, "I can go anywhere, isn't magic lovely."

"Harry," Inuyasha called as he looked in the room, "Don't disappear on me like that!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Harry shouted back as he stood up to be standing on the Headtable.

"Come on I'm hungry!" Inuyasha snapped, the two had clashing personalities and knew they would fight quite a lot but neither would have it any other way.

Jumping down Harry walked across the room and snapped out as he walked, "I did not bring you here so you could boss me around! Now either apologize or I'll toss your sorry ass back in time!"

"You'd have to catch me first," Inuyasha pointed out his eyes flashing a challenge, "Up to it love?"

"Run mutt," Harry growled as he tore after the half demon that ran from the castle.

Two hours later in the middle of the forest Harry was laughing as Inuyasha looked for their clothes, the two had chased each other around the ground blowing off steam and some how ended up having sex in the middle of the forest and now Inuyasha could not find his pants. They both knew many arguments were to come and both knew they would always come back to the other as they were bound forever by the small blue mark on Harry's neck.

Meanwhile back in Hogwarts the headmaster sat with the future Sesshomaru and the two sipped tea chuckling, "Ah young love," Sesshomaru said chuckling, "Those two will be such a handful."

"But at least Harry's happy," Dumbledore said chuckling before sipping his tea, "It was clever coming here to get him before your brother took a false mate…so Harry, Inuyasha and their demonic leagues will be able to take out Tom and the Deatheaters?" getting a nod he saw a chuckle come from the demon, "What is it?"

Sesshomaru lifted his golden eyes heaven ward and said calmly, "Harry still has no clue he was training his own relative."

The End!

AN: I might write a sequel, depends on how many people actually want one.