
Bella writes Farewell letters because she intends to commit suicide. It goes 'wrong' cause she is immortal. Ergo = Death not permanent. I will start with the letters. And then will come the story. And an explanation as to "Bella, immortal ?" Yes that's right you have to read the story to find out ;-)

P.S.: I am german so if any grammer or othography is wrong. Point it out to me so I don't repeat the mistake.

Chapter I Dear Jacob

Dear Jacob,

I am sorry to leave you like this. I know you probably blame yourself somewhat. Don't. This was my decison. You were the only one that brought a little bit sun back into my black life. For that alone I love you. You are my best friend and brother. It is better this way. Now that I am dead Victoria will leave. None of you has to risk their life any longer. Please tell everyone of the pack that I am sorry that they had to go to such lengths for me. Tell them they are the truest friends I ever had and that this was not their fault.

Please take care of my Dad help him get over my death. Please be there for him. I left a letter for him too.

I also would like you to keep the motorcycles.

Now for my last wishes to you. Jacob I realize you hate Edward and the Cullens for driving me so deep into darkness that the only way I could make it stop is death. Let this be my last wish keep the treaty in tact and do not, I repeat, do not harm any of them.

It is not Edwards fault I was not right for him. He has to do what is best for himself.

There is nothing you could have done to prevent this. I am just so lost in darkness. And there is a gaping hole where my heart used to be. I am nothing but a shell, I can only barely remember my name. So deep is my pain. I want to leave this world remembering my name, remembering something other than pain. I want to leave this world still knowing who I am because each day I lose my self a little more.

Please forgive me this selfish act.

I have written letters to all the Cullens as well and one addressing all of them at once. Please get it to them with the instruction to read the individual ones first. Thank you. I am sorry but I don't trust anyone else to do it.

Keep my last wish. Uphold it please.


Your best friend


PS: Perhaps when I am reborn for that is what I believe will be, we will be right for each other in the way you always wished. I will look for you in my next life. Perhaps I am even going to be your imprint?