
A sigh of relief escaped Rons lips. He was exhausted and hurt. But he was alive. This was the first time he has ever had to create a completely functioning energy shield. It did the job more or less but the explosion sent him hurtling across the desert. Then the shield failed and –


Ron let out a fierce yell of agony as his back crashed into the side of a canyon wall. He crumpled against the wall is breathing shallow pain shooting up his body as he slowly managed to sit himself up. Great, I'm sure I have at least two cracked ribs now too. Black spots were starting to fill his vision begging him to succumb to the darkness. Got. To. Stay. Awake. Backups almost here. The air whirled around him heavily.


Ron looked up as a convoy of helicopters zoomed overhead. Speak of the devil.

Bzzt Agent Stoppable bzzt Agent Stoppable do you read bzzt

Ron heaved out a heavy sigh and grunted in pain as he pulled the capsule out of his holster and twisted it till it clicked and started blinking.

"This is Agent Stoppable. I read you. Home in on my beacon approximately two clicks south of the landing zone."

Bzzt we copy you Agent Stoppable bzzt pick up en route bzzt

A bright light shone overhead blinding Ron to everything around him.

" Ha. Talk about going into… the … light" and then the darkness took him

Director. Betty Director. Shaken not stirred.

The Director mused to herself as she walked the halls of one of her many Global Justice Headquarters. She was on her way to check on her favorite agent back from the field. Looking over the most recent directives from the Global Nations there was a surprising increase in arms trafficking while an almost complete decrease in "super villain" activity. While she preferred the overreaching schemes of mad men that were terribly easy to stop it was a bit alarming how many more "normal" problems had taken their place.

"Director? DIRECTOR?"

Betty looked up startled. She was already outside the infirmary and was face to face with two of her newest recruit, Bonnie Rockwaller and Monique, the latter refusing to give a last name and none being found in any official record. It was a bit perplexing but Betty never put much thought in to it. These two weren't her choice to bring into Global Justice but she couldn't get Ron Stoppable without them and they turned out to not be half bad. A little more training and they will make the perfect team alongside Agent Stoppable. Even that other girl Tara is making a nice addition, training to be a liaison for Global Justice. Betty felt guilty allowing kids to be apart of something this dangerous but she knows they would have done it without help regardless. At least this way she could keep an eye on them and keep them relatively safe. Right?

"Ah Trainees Rockwaller and Monique I should have guessed the two of you would beat me here. What's the world?" She asked as she walked into the infirmary flanked by the other two. They passed a dozen Agents sporting various minor injuries from the last outing to backup Agent stoppable.

"Just minor injuries to the backup Agents. We made over fifty arrests and seized various weapons that are still being cataloged." Monique explained to the Director.

"And Agent stoppable?" the Director asked. Monique looked away with a slight frown. Coughing Bonnie spoke up in her place.

" Ron is …a bit worse for wear. He had two cracked ribs, a shattered kneecap, broken Humerus, a concussion, oh and he was hungry." Bonnie concluded with a bit of a smirk at the last part. The Director grimaced. He had sustained pretty substantial injuries in what should have been a more routine outing but something caught her attention.

"Wait did you say he had? Past tense?" The Director asked. Bonnie nodded as she handed the Director Ron's medical chart.

"Yes ma'am. He HAD them. As of thirty minutes ago he was completely healed." Bonnie stopped and opened a door off to the side of the medical corridor. Inside the young blond Agent was already getting dressed. There was slight bruising along his rib cage and even that was mostly faded.

"RON! Didn't we tell you last time to stay put last time? Do you ever listen?" Monique yelled at the young man before forcing him to turn around and sit down on the bed. Ron sighed and gave Monique the saddest puppy dog look The Director had ever seen, it would have put Possible to shame. Monique turned her head quickly and Bonnie laughed but averted her eyes as well.

"Grrr dammit that's not fair Ron. Just because you apparently have some kind of weird special healing doesn't mean you don't need to relax sometimes." Monique said while facing the wall and pouting. Ron gave the director one of his lopsided grins.

"Sorry Mo no time to stay in bed business to take care of. Sup Betty." Ron nodded towards the Director. Normally she would be inclined to have the young man disciplined for not addressing her properly but he was a special case so she let it go. That and she just liked the young man, he was fresh air compared to most of the cookie cutter agents that surrounded her.

"Hello Ronald. I see you have healed up nicely. I don't recall an accelerated healing factor being on your list of abilities." She said the last part raising the eyebrow of her uncovered eye. Ron laughed slightly scratching the back of his head.

"Yeaa couldn't really give away all of my secrets on my first day could I? What would I have to impress you with later?" he said grinning. Bonnie snorted a laugh behind the director and Monique was apparently choking on air. Betty sighed she knew it was going to be an interesting show taking in Ron Stoppable from the ninja clan but she didn't realize how interesting. No one had deemed it necessary to give her a proper run down of the full scope of his abilities outside of combat and stealth. It was actually quite irritating.

"Fair enough but I will be keeping a close eye on you Ronald. Can't have agents running around without my knowledge of what they can do." Betty said leveling a halfhearted glare at the young man.

"Noted Director. Keeping my pants on at all times yes ma'am." Ron was grinning from ear to ear as The Director palmed her face and Monique had regained her composure and swatted him in the arm.

"Really Ron." Monique was as chill as the next person put poking fun at someone that could make them disappear without so much as hair left was not something she did. Ron rubbed his arm as if it hurt and stuck his tongue out at her which she promptly did back in return.

"All right mission report." The Director called attention back to the point at hand. Everyone stood up properly with their serious faces on. Everyone except Ron who sunk into the bed with a look of distraught contemplation.

"What is it Ron? What's the Report?" Betty looked at the young man who seemed to be holding back something important. After a few second Ron looked up and began his report. The group stood silently and listened none of them quite prepared for the news that was being leveled to them.

-Ron delivers his mission briefing-

"Josh fucking Mankey and Monkey Fist of all people." Bonnie spoke first from the front of the room leaning against the door frame. Monique nodded her head. She was at a loss for words. One of their classmates being wrapped up in something this big spelled trouble on a lot of levels. And then there was the most unspoken problem in the whole story.

"What about Ms. Possible?" The Director asked the unspoken question in the room. Ron looked up at her as serious as anyone has ever seen him.

"The way I see there are two very real options. She's being brainwashed which would be a really big help." Ron paused to allow everyone a chance to chime in but no one did. All eyes were on him waiting for his second opinion.

"Or Kim Possible has been dead for a long time and something or someone is walking around impersonating her and none of us have noticed."

And with that the other shoe dropped and the room returned to silence.