Hey Guys!
Sorry, this isn't an update! I tried hard to work on my stories, but it didn't work out. I barely had time to breathe, lol. This semester was just way too streesful. I've pulled so many all nighters that I am positive that the amount of sleep I actually got this WHOLE semester was less than the amount of time I spent working through these nights! I cried myself to sleep so many times. Now that I think about it it is funny, but the stress was too much for me to handle.
I am writing this author's note to let you all know that I have not forgotten any of my stories and I will be updating very soon! Tomorrow is my last final (woot!) so after that I am all about writing, although I am kind of sick of it right now, lol. Seriously, I had a fifteen page paper (plus 45 minute presentation on the subject of that paper), five 5-page papers throughout the semester in one class, three 5-page papers in another, four 5-page papers in another, and exams with this teacher that makes us write 5-7 paragraphs for 3-4 different questions, not even take home, they were in class, ugh D; I also had to do volunteering, mandatory at the school I go to, plus field experience for a class.
I am soooo psyched it's over! Plus I am going on a much needed vacation in 2 weeks. Yay!
Anyway, sorry about the first part I just wanted to rant a little first, lol.
Thank you for your patience,
(Hope your time was more fun than mine!)