Disclaimer: I do not own House.

I got bored in math class one day and wrote this. Enjoy!


My muscles feel so very tight,

Because I could not sleep last night

I lay awake, in hope and sorrow,

thinking about Monday tomorrow.

It seems like hell, it's really heaven

Because I know what's on at seven.

Though my day will likely blow,

It feels good to always know:

A new episode is on each week;

already shown a new sneak peek.

With instant bliss, I do watch sighing;

another patient of his lay dying.

He's Sherlock Holmes with a cane;

Even if he is insane.

When I'm feeling sad or low,

I watch a Re-Run of the show.

I already know the diagnosis,

But I stay hooked with strong hypnosis.

Most just sit and wonder why

If it were cancelled I would die.

They think it's just a dumb old show,

But then again, they'll never know

All the love for it I feel

even if it isn't real.

It's really fun to act obsessed,

Instead of being flat depressed

Because my life was such a bore,

when I had not seen HOUSE before.

And now I'm great, to say the least,

Cuz' I think House is such a beast!