Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek

OK, so to start off, I know these are cheezy, they're meant to be that way, so enjoy it! I'm a very cheezy person, so you'll have to get over that right now! Anyway, I love to ocassionally write poems about stuff I love, soooo I wrote one about "Star Trek: The Voyage Home."

This poem is approved for all audiences!

The Voyage Home

Embarking on a brand new mission

Shining stars take up their vision

Sling around a blazing sun

Like a bullet from a gun

Their destination made and marked

"Just remember where we parked!"

The Earth will end if mission fails

They have to go and save the whales

They know the odds are quite absurd

To do this in a Klingon bird

That doesn't stop this epic crew

When this old world seems very new

Nuclear wessels, exact bus change

To them it all seems very strange

But their chance came, one in a million

A scientist; her name was Gillian

She had whales that were in need

Their hunters have an evil greed

They don't know killing this simple creature

May destroy their very future.