Big Time Trio


Callie Davis, Lottie Herald, and Robin Jones, are three best friends from Virginia who accidentally get discovered at their schools talent show by executives from Rocque Records. The girls move with their parents to the Palm Woods to begin their launch to super stardom. The only problem is the boys of Big Time Rush think that the girls of Borrowed Love are stealing their thunder and they don't like it one bit.

Chapter One: Just A Group Of Small Town Girls

a/n: so this is my latest fic! I got this idea from me and my friends just goofing off. So this one is for you Meg and Gabby! I hope you all enjoy. Oh and the song in this chapter is Don't Stop Believin' by Journey, but in this fic Journey doesn't really exist (blasphemy, I know), and the song is written by Lottie, Callie, and Robin. Oh and please no flaming. :)



Lottie's Point Of View:

"Callie!" I shouted to one of my best friends.

My two best friends (Robin and Callie) and I were preparing for our schools talent show. We finally got accepted into the talent shows line up, after trying out for two years. The thing is, our whole school is run completely by politics. If the drama and chorus teachers like you, then that used to get you in, but if things were still run that way, Callie, Robin, and I would've made it in a long time ago. But, some of the more popular girls in the school got all upset about this, so, they made a petition to change how the talent show is run. So now, there is a panel of SCA members and other 'outstanding members of the school' who vote on whether or not you make it in. The only reason that we made it in this year is because they couldn't come up with a good reason not to. And this year, Borrowed Love (that's the name of our singing group) is going to win.

"What Lottie? Can you please just let me finish straightening my hair?" Callie asked me as she continued to straighten her hair in one of the girl's bathrooms at our high school.

"My hair isn't curling." I said with one of my many pouty faces.

Even though Callie and Robin both love me to death (they have told me this many times, so I am not just kidding when I say this), I am probably the most high maintenance of all of us. I am really the complainer of the group, well they call me the complainer, and it's more like I don't take any crap. But whatever, this is just a prime example.

"Robbie, can you please." Callie said as she continued to straighten her shoulder length chestnut brown hair.

Callie and I both refer to Robin as Robbie all the time. Robin doesn't mind at all, she actually kinda loves it, especially because both Callie and my names are our nicknames. My real name is Charlotte, and I have always gone by Lottie, and Callie's real name is Catherine Alexandra, and she has always gone by Callie. It is also perfectly normal for people around school (the ones that we are friends with) to call us Callie, Lottie, and Robbie, some of them even call us the 'IE's.

"Don't worry Cal, I'm on it." Robin said as she headed over to me.

Robbie was already completely ready for the talent show; she was wearing a spaghetti strap dress with a wide belt just under the bust. It was a powder blue and had dark green flowers with pink buds all over it. It was, in one word, adorable. Robbie was also wearing a pair of heeled gladiator sandals, and her golden charm bracelet with a single daisy charm. Robbie, Callie, and I got ourselves each one of these for Valentine's Day one year when none of us had boyfriends. We've all been wearing them ever since.

"Okay Lottie, just relax, okay?" Robin asked me as she flicked her shoulder length chocolate brown hair (which has dark caramel blonde highlights) over her shoulder.

"I can't relax; this is the first time that we are actually performing in a talent show, this is the first time that we are performing other than those little music festivals, how can I relax? My hair isn't curling, and I can't focus, what if I mess up my lines? I mean I am the first one that starts singing, I have the opening lines, and I can't mess that up. If I mess that up then we are screwed! And that would be incredibly bad!" I said really fast. Whenever I am nervous I speak faster than I normal do, and I am a fast talker to begin with.

During my little nervous rant I hadn't even noticed that Robin had already started to curl my shoulder length black brown hair that was somewhat wavy at times.

"Lottie, just think about the day we all met, we were supposed to be singing together for chorus in sixth grade, and you were freaking out, and Cal was freaking out, and I was freaking out, but we all managed to bring it together and sound amazing. We've been friends ever since. You always do amazing, even when you are stressing out like crazy." Robin said as she curled my hair.

"Yeah that was when we were all eleven, there is a difference Robbie."

"No it isn't Lot, you will do amazingly! You just have to believe it! Robbie, this would be a great time to go get the reserve gummi bears." Callie said as she finished straightening her hair.

"They're in my bag." Robin replied as she continued to curl my hair.

Callie walked over to Robin's bag, she then fished through it and after about four or five minutes she came back with a small bag of German Gummi Bears, which is of course my go to candy whenever I am in stress.

It took Robin at the very least another fifteen minutes to finish curling my hair, and by that time the talent show was going to be starting in less than ten minutes.

"Wardrobe check guys." Robin said with a smile, as she ruffled her wavy hair.

"I'm good." Callie said with a smile.

Callie was wearing a powder blue dress with a sweet heart neckline, with a red pattern on the bottom of the dress which hit just above her knee. She was also wearing a pair of simple looking sandals, her gold ring with the word love written on it, and her matching 'love' necklace. In addition to her necklace and ring she was also wearing a pair of gold earrings, and she was wearing her charm bracelet.

"Me too." I said with a huge smile.

Callie and Robbie's inspirational speech had managed to calm me down quite a bit, and okay, the gummi bears helped a lot more but that is not the point. I was totally confident for our performance now. I was wearing a tan dress with a slight sweet heart neckline, the dress was completely covered in flowers, and had that old looking feel. I was also wearing a pair of gladiators, an old looking locket, my daisy charm bracelet and my pink ring that has a crown on it. I was dressed and ready to go, tonight was the night that Borrowed Love was going to win West Lake High School's talent show.

Robin's Point Of View:

"And now ladies and gentlemen we have our last act, a trio of junior girls that go by the name of Borrowed Love, and here they are!" The emcee of the evening shouted loudly.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and my body as I held my electric guitar close to my body. While Lottie had been freaking out about performing earlier, all I could think about was how excited I was. But now that I was on the precipice of performing, I was so nervous that it was just ridiculous.

"Come on Robbie, we have to go, they just called us!" Lottie said happily. Her blue gray eyes were just beaming with excitement.

"Yeah come on Rob!" Callie said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the stage.

We all assembled ourselves on the stage. Callie took one of the microphones and tossed it to Lottie. She then took one for herself, I then assembled myself around them. The drummer and the other guitar player starting playing towards the back of the stage, and I soon began playing my electric guitar. Then we all began singing.

[Lottie Callie Robin All]

"Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city girl
Born and raised in South Saint Claire
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A swimmer in a cold pool
A smell of chlorine and H20
For a smile they can share the night

It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'

Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'

Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'

Streetlight people"

We all finished singing together. Callie and Lottie both had the same huge smiles on their faces that I knew I had on mine. The crowd seemed to like us too; they were applauding like crazy and screaming. The three of us grabbed hands and bowed. We then ran off stage and once we arrived backstage we couldn't help but to jump up and down over and over again.

"Oh my Buddha! Cal! Robbie! That was freakin' amazing!" Lottie shouted excitedly, well she attempted to whisper shout, but, let's face it, Lottie can't whisper shout.

"I know Lottie!" Callie said as her and Lottie started jumping up and down and giggling and laughing excitedly. And I being my usually crazy self went and joined them and started jumping up and down and laughing as well.

"And did you all hear the crowd? They loved us!" I shouted as quietly as I could with them.

"And you're top three finalists for this year's talent show are: Krissy and Kay, The Marcum Brothers, and Borrowed Love!" The emcee said.

Callie, Lottie, and I ran out onto the stage along with Krissy Morrison and Kay Johnson, and Josh, John, Jacob, and Jason Marcum. We were all standing at different parts of the stage. The Marcum Brothers were huddled together as par the usual with their instruments, Krissy and Kay were standing together acting like they are better than everyone else (they are the head cheerleaders and basically the meanest mean girls in the school), and Callie, Lottie, and I were all standing together holding each other's hands like if we let go we would all die.

"And now, our third placers are…." The emcee said with a pause as he looked at one of the big note cards that he was holding. "The Marcum Brothers. Good Job guys." He said as he handed them a trophy and clapped them all on the backs. The Marcum Brothers took another bow and headed off the stage. "And now the moment that you've all been waiting for… the winner of this year's talent show is… Borrowed Love!" He shouted.

All three of us started jumping up and down like crazy. We had never won anything like this before, hell, we've never even preformed in front of any more than ten or fifteen people at a time. This is going right up there with the best moments of my life. Which is saying something, because it is a very short list.

"WE WON!" Lottie shouted as she jumped up and down again and again. Callie and I didn't even think about it, we just joined our best friend and started jumping up and down.

"Um excuse me, but you girls are the members of Borrowed Love correct?" An African American girl with black curly hair, that was dressed professionally asked the three of us.

"Yeah." We all said together (we had stopped jumping up and down obviously).

"Oh, okay, great. My name is Kelly Roland, and this is Gustavo Rocque, we work for Rocque Records, and we were wondering if you all were interested in joining us, as our first ever girl band?" The woman replied.

"You want us to what?" Callie asked in a shocked voice.

"Why us? I mean this is our first big performance ever." I said in an equally shocked tone.

"Oh my Buddha." Lottie said without even thinking. Lottie's parents don't like her to say Oh my God, so instead she has taken to saying Oh my Buddha.

"Well you all wrote that song right?" Kelly asked us.

"Yeah." We all replied together.

"Well, it is an amazing song and we really need a girl band." Kelly added.

"We do, and you guys are amazing." Gustavo said. He looked grumpy.

We have all heard of Gustavo Rocque, he is basically the creator of the boy band, but he hasn't had a successful band in ages, and all of his songs have the world 'girl' in them, so they haven't really been all that successful.

"And you know that if Gustavo says that you must be good." Kelly said with a smile.

"But I thought Rocque Records doesn't do girl bands." Callie began.

"Yeah I mean, you basically made your name as creating the boy band." I added.

"Even if the songs and the singers weren't all that great." Lottie finished.

One of the many reasons that I love Lottie is that she always says what's on her mind for the most part, and she does not tolerate anyone's crap unless they are a very close friend (aka Callie and me).

"They are just like the dogs! I knew it! I knew this was a bad idea! Why in God's name did Griffin tell me to find a girl band? Girl bands have been dead since the Spice Girls." Gustavo said angrily.

"Um, I hate to break it to you, but the Spice Girls had a comeback tour. And if you're bringing the boy band back, you can sure as hell bring the girl band back too." Lottie said placing her hands on her hips.

Gustavo just raised his eyebrow at one of my best friends, and gave her a look of 'wow, this is way too familiar, what did I get myself into', which was of course hilarious.

"Gustavo, just don't say anything. We would love to have you all if you are interested." Kelly said.

"Heck yeah we're interested." All three of us said at the same time.

"Well then, in that case, here is my card, talk it over with your parents, and then give us a call." Kelly said with a smile. Callie took the card and then Kelly and Gustavo left.

"Oh my God!" Callie and I shouted as Lottie shouted: "Oh my Buddha!"

"Did that really just happen?" We all asked each other.

This was it, this was going to be our moment, and I knew somewhere deep down…. Okay maybe not so deep but whatever, that this was our chance, and that we were going to make it.

a/n: so this is the end of the first chapter. Please tell me what you all think in a lovely review! And no flaming please.