Author's Note: This is the first story I've ever written, so I know it kind of sucks. I thought I'd put it up to see if any of you have suggestions, so please R&R.
ABC owns Castle.
"Yeah, I wanted to say, have a great summer."
"You too. And like you said, it's been really, really great."
Richard Castle hated being Richard Castle around Kate Beckett. Richard Castle, the writer, was a persona; the character he reserved for public eyes only. Around Beckett, he was just Castle, and that was so much better.
He couldn't sit around and watch her with Demming all summer, but he wanted her to be happy. It was one of the things that truly mattered to him. That's why he had to get through this façade. He needed her to be happy, and to do that he couldn't let her know just how much he cared.
So, he put on a brave face, brought out Richard Castle, and acted like everything was right in the world. For her.
He stuck out his hand for a hand shake, knowing it was nowhere near enough. She took it, and he wished he could hold on just a bit longer.
And then, with Gina, he turned around and walked away.
"See you in the fall?"
He thought he detected hope in her voice, and realized how crazy it was to even think that.
"See you in the fall."
God, this hurt more then she knew.