Disclaimer: I own nothing. Obviously.

The thing she loved most about him, was that unlike most Shinobi, his skin was pale and milky, and oddly smooth. This came from his wardrobe, and lack of physical fighting. He was a long distance fighter who pretty rarely actually had to use weapons.

Despite this, she knew he was more than capable of holding his own in hand-to-hand combat. She knew it when she felt his strong, large hands cupped her face, or held her own battle hardened hands. She knew when she ran her fingers along the pale expanse of his chest and flat stomach, when she pressed her full lips against his own ones.

And it was most obvious, just how dangerous he was, when he spoke, his voice like rich chocolate, deep and rough. His words cryptic and filled with only the most important facts.

Just as much as she knew he was dangerous, she knew he was the only one who could keep hold of her. Not just her body, and respect, but her heart as well.

She knew she loved him, not from his deep voice, or the beauty she saw that no one else did, but also by the small gestures and words he gave her. Sweet, and simple, and as blunt and obvious as she herself often was.
