WARNING: The rating of this story is M, which you should know by now

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own Hellsing or it's characters

Note : Final chapter now. It's taken me a long time to get this far, but I hope I've done a good job and tried to keep to the true story of Hellsing. Thank you and please review. (An edit has taken place on this chapter. Please know this)

Chapter 11 – A Strange Relationship

The human world past by without even knowing that the two vampires were asleep in the old building. The state of the building itself was enough to keep any wondering soul from entering inside and lurking around it's hallways. This meant that the pair was able to sleep soundly until the setting sun started to shine it's light through tiny cracks in the boarded windows.

The first of the vampires to wake was Alucard. His eyes slowly started to opened as he tried to remember where he was. It didn't take long for his mind to kick into action and remind the male of his place within the building. A movement against his body brought the attention of the Hellsing Warrior down to the side of him and it was at this point that he remembered who was nuzzled up to his chest.

The soft breathing of Seras filled the air and her face was pressed into the fabric of the male's jacket, hiding her away from the light of the daytime. It was the innocent look to the girls' face which caused a smile to spread across the lips of Alucard as he slowly curled his arm around her body, pulling the police girl closer.

He couldn't fully explain what the attraction of the girl was for him, but he knew that it was there. Lately, his mind was becoming more filled with thoughts of Seras then normally would be seen acceptable for the Hellsing Warrior. And yet it didn't bother him in the slightest. He had spent too many years wondering if it was possible for him to create and hold some sort of relationship and it was at that moment in time that it appeared to be not such an impossible task.

Sniffing sounds started to drift up from the girl as she shuffled about in her place. Her fingers were looped into the coat which Alucard wore, keeping herself connected to him at all times. She didn't appear to be in any hurry to wake up, but this fact did cause a sense of worry to build within the stomach of the male. The 'normal' reactions of a vampire would be to wake as the night was starting to claw it's way into the world and yet the young girl wasn't doing this. The Hellsing Warrior could only assume one thing and that was that her body was unable to wake itself from the sleep she had drifted into.

Alucard's fingers brushed lightly over the cheek of Seras, taking in how soft her creamy white skin was. She was cold to the touch however the vampire wouldn't of expected anything else. His eyes slowly traced over her features as she slept, wondering if she would ever become like himself. A part of him demanded that it happened one day, and yet a deeper part of him, something old and forgotten with time, was begging for the girl to stay just as she was.

Darkness was starting to creep it's way into the room and this was a good sign that the night was starting to make a full appearance now. Alucard turned his eyes down to look into the face of Seras and the smile which had been planted onto his lips slowly slipped away as he realised that she wasn't going to be waking up. For a second or two, he sat without movement, just staring at the face of the police girl. Before his mind seemed to be awaken to the situation at hand and he started to move.

The arm he had wrapped around the body of the girl tightened it's grip, while his other started to work it's way under her legs. Even in her limp and sleepy state, the Hellsing Warrior found that picking Seras up was easy. Her body was light and this meant that getting up off of the ground wasn't a problem for the male.

His eyes scanned the room for a few moments, before he slowly made his way towards the door. The night may have been very young, but having the small frame of the girl curled up in his arms stirred feelings within the male. His heart seemed to increase it's beat as he walked along a darkened hallway and towards the stairs. The scent of Seras filled the nostrils of Alucard and his mind was reminded of the fact that all wasn't well with the police girl.

Alucard had never been one for developing a protective nature towards people, but at that time he couldn't help the feeling which now flooded his system. This was going to be another occasion when his hands were tied and he was forced to act on the instincts which fuelled his body.

Maybe it was the dripping sensation which woke the girl or most likely, it was the sudden rush of blood-lust which filled the veins of Seras that forced her eyes to open and her mind to awaken. The darkness which had been filling her mind was suddenly replaced with a painful desire for blood. Every bit of strength that the police girl had once had was now gone as her body screamed for the taste of copper.

Another droplet hit the lips of the girl and her tongue was quick to flick out, lapping at the tiny amount of blood which she had received. Even this small taste was enough to send a fire through the body of Seras and caused a snarl to to push it's way from her throat.

Seras found herself unable to see, a thin mist having formed over her eyes and blocking her vision of what was causing the sweet taste which fell into her open mouth. But that didn't matter to the young vampire as her hands reached out into the unknown in order to try and latch herself onto the source of blood. Her fingers came into contact with icy cold skin, pulling at the limb until it was pressing to her open lips. She could feel the warmth of blood as it dripped onto her tongue and slipped down her throat. She had found her meal.

If she had been in any other state, the girl would have thrown away the source of food and remained in a weakened state, but she had no control over her actions now. Her body was too deprived of what it longed for, so much so, that her 'human' side was over-come by the stronger powers of a vampire's lust for blood.

Exposed fangs crunched down into the skin, drawing out more of the sweet nectar she so hungrily desired. Every mouthful which the young girl swallowed restored some of the strength which had been lost over the last few weeks. Seras felt as if she was on fire as her fingers curled around the limb in her hands, unable to control herself as she sucked in more blood. The mist which had been draped over her eyes slowly starting to lift, giving way to an image of a towering figure above her.

The police girl found herself staring up into the blazing eyes of the Hellsing Warrior. His face was screwed up slightly as he watched the girl feeding. It was at this point that Seras realised that her fangs were pressing into the wrist of the male, heavily drinking on his blood in a desperate attempt to stay alive. Her heart was pounding within her chest, a painful beat which didn't seem to want to calm.

Seras couldn't help noticing a change in the eyes of the male as he looked at her and before she had time to react, the wrist which she held so tightly to was being ripped away from her fangs and she lost the blood flow which had been pouring into her mouth. Her body started to shuddered, breath being sucked into her lungs as her body reacted to the feast it had just been allowed to enjoy. Their eyes stayed connected for a while, before the girl felt herself being lowered onto the floor.

She could have screamed at him, told the vampire that she never wanted to see his face again. But instead she just sat within his arms, staring off into the distance. Her mind appeared to be else where and so Alucard didn't say a word, not wanting to cut into whatever thought was going through her mind.

For a while, the pair just sat in silence, the arms of the Hellsing Warrior wrapped around the chest of the police girl. Her breathing had returned to a normally pace and her body seemed to still, the shakes which had been rocking at her core, dying away into nothing. The male allowed his eyes to sink shut, taking in a long sigh. His mind told him not to expect the moment to last for much longer and yet Seras didn't move from her place.

Instead, the police girl slowly pressed herself back into the chest of the male, creating a connection between them. A sense of relief played at the heart of Alucard as his eyes opened and came to look down onto the head of the girl. He felt her take a deep breath before he heard her speak.

"Will it always be this way?" Her question was asked in a whisper. Alucard gently placed his chin onto the top of the police girl's head, not giving a reply to her. Night was now upon the pair, but the Hellsing Warrior had no plans to leave Seras when she was still not 100%. He himself was in a weakened state after the feeding he had taken from the girl, but the vampire didn't seem to care, only wanting the moment between them to last.

It had felt strange to watch Seras's eyes slowly turning a burning red and see the way she reacted when blood had hit her lips. While the mind of Alucard had kept telling him what he was doing was right, his heart had screamed out for him to stop. With every seconds which had passed, the vampire felt as if he was taking the human essence of Seras from her by forcing blood down her throat. And so he had been willing to inflict pain on himself by ripping his wrist away from the fangs which had been embedded within.

"Maybe. I don't know." Alucard spoke in a soft tone, pulling the girl as close as possible to his body and keeping her there by his arms wrapped around her chest. Seras was everything which he wasn't. Human. Forgiving. And above all, willing to keep accepting him for who he was, no matter what he seemed to throw at her.

He heard the girl taking a deep sigh and her body seemed to slump slightly against him, before she spoke once again.

"You're wrong. You do know. You just don't want to admit it." There was a long pause between each of the girl's sentences, giving her time to think over what she was going to say next. Her tone was plain, seeming to be void of any emotions she had felt in her body.

"We're always going to be like this. You and me. No matter how we try to fight it, we'll always end up together. I need you just as must as you need me. And you can try to deny that, say that a vampire like you doesn't need a fledging such as myself. But if that was the case, you wouldn't of helped me." The words of the girl pierced true. Alucard had been doubting that she would ever understand why he acted the way he did and yet a part of her already did. She knew more about him then he had realised and this sent a shiver down his spine.

"I may not be as old as you. I may not have seen all the things which you have seen. But I know a burden such as me is a heavy one to weigh down on a vampire such as yourself. You could of used me. Left me that night we spent together. But you didn't. You came back. Why Alucard? Why me?" It was now that a hint of emotion flicked into the voice of Seras. She was shaking slightly as she sat within the arms of the male, but not once did she try to get away and this only helped to prove to the Hellsing Warrior that she was stronger then he had first thought.

The male was silent for a while, chewing over the words he could say to the girl. Something in his mind told him that lying wasn't an option now and that Seras deserved to know at least some of the truth about his actions. She may not have been as strong as him or seen with as much respect as he was, but her pure desire to be human and unfaltering attention towards him, was enough to give the vampire reason to see the girl as more then a pest.

"Because. The moment I looked at you, I knew. Something screamed out to me. Something raw, slightly untamed, something which I wasn't." His voice was barely a whisper as he spoke, keeping his mouth close to the ear of Seras so she could hear him. "I cannot hide the fact that my actions towards you to, in the beginning, were less then admirable. But now they are different."

A crack of moon-light made it's way through a window, lighting up the room which the pair were in. Seras slowly turned her head up in order to look into the face of the Hellsing Warrior. She once again held an innocent look to her face, colour having flooded into her cheeks and her eyes having returned to their 'normal' state. The fingers of the girl slowly raised up, reaching up to the cheek of the male and gently stroking over his skin.

The pair stared into each other eyes for a long while, before a smile made it's way over the lips of Seras. The Hellsing Warrior wasn't sure how he knew, but the look which graced the face of the girl was enough to tell the male that her forgiveness had been granted once more. Her eyes seemed to spark with life, the need to live was alive in her once more and this was enough to bring a smile to the lips of the male.

"You're unique Seras. You're something which no other vampire is. And that's 'human'. However hard I try to force this life onto you, you will always be 'human' in nature. You're what I'm not and for that reason I can never let you go. I lost what it was to be human and I will never get that back. But I will be damned if I let the 'human' light in you go out."

Alucard buried his face into the neck of the girl, feeling a sudden need to be as close as possible to Seras.

"A part of me regrets what I did. Keepings telling me that I was wrong to do what I did. But I cannot deny now that I wouldn't of change how things worked out." The vampire fell silent, having nothing more to say to the girl.

"I understand." Seras couldn't help the smile which was stuck to her lips as she stared into the distance. It may not have been the Hellsing Warrior apologizing for what he had done, but it was the closest thing she was going to get to an confession of some feelings. She had learnt that the male was unable to truly express how he felt and so the fact that he held her so close and willing spoke about what had taken place, was enough of a sign that he cared.

She could tell she would be doing the same strange dance for years to come, but the thought of being able to stay at the side of Alucard was enough for her. Seras felt accepted and believed that she was only just starting out on the path of a relationship with the male. However strange it was to be, she wouldn't leave. This man was everything now and most likely would continue to be.

OOC: Please review so I know if I can improve what I have written in this story. :D