
There is a point of duality in every soul, a side to someone that they can show to everyone else that they encounter, and a side that they hide deep within themselves, a part of them that they would rather keep secluded than risk injury.

Syaoran and Sakura faced this predicament, in their own ways. They were both fated to be named Tsubasa, wings of flight taking them toward their journeys, separate and otherwise. The holy ancient days of the pasts near and far were aligned, but would the memories of those days revive? With time in the deep paradox that is unfathomable, it is unclear where they lie in the future, whether there would even be a future of these two. The mark that they share would be a part of that very future, the future that they would have, with each other.

The warrior was referred to by two other names as a child. His formal name was Haganemaru – a name that meant to him a lifetime of growing and living up to someone else's standards. His birth name was You-oh, also an indicator of his parents wanting a child that would grow up to be strong and independent. In many ways, they had gotten their wish – he had grown into a steadfast and capable warrior. But sadly, as fate would have it, not all dreams became reality, as death's cold grasp was far quicker than they had thought, and they would not live to see Kurogane become the person they had always wanted him to be.

The magician was not who he claimed to be. No, the identity that he had was merely an escape from the past, the past that haunted his existence ever since he was born. His real name was Yuui, as his other name Fai belonged to his other half, his beloved twin brother. It was a sin just to be in this existence, just by living, for them. They were destined to die, so the long dead kingdom would be free of death's curse, but no, there was a destiny in store for Yuui, or now known as Fai. The mage was content with renaming himself, a reminder and a memorial for his long dead twin brother. After all, contenting oneself with an illusion wasn't punishable, was it? Especially not when all of existence was in its very nature any more than an illusion.

What they were called by, their very names, the birth names given to them by ancestors and those before them or the identities they wove for their own benefit for existence, was marked upon them, or changed as their destinies were.