Title : Swap Meat (suits)

Author: Nemainofthewater

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognise. It all belongs to the CW network.


The angel known as Castiel was destroyed in a heartbeat. He was smote by the Archangel Raphael, his Grace ripped apart and scattered across the universe.

I dutifully watched this as I watched all that happened in my Father's kingdom. I watched my younger Brother escape from the prison that I had cast him into, and I watched the two brothers. And I did what I should not have done.

I intervened. I set them miles away on a plane. That was my first mistake.

I wished to see the man that would one day become my true Vessel, and so I made the second fatal mistake that swept me from the path of Heaven, and into the lives of the Winchesters, the pair of Brothers that reminded me of times gone past, when the world was young. And I willed them not to fail, not to repeat the same mistakes that had driven myself and my brother apart.

So, I took the Man, James Novak, and wrenched him from heaven, rebuilt his body, atom by atom, each one carefully reinforced so that it might withstand my true might. And I came to him, and offered him the chance to rejoin the fight, to house me in my full glory. And he said yes.

The body of James Novak, host to one of the most powerful angels of all of creation, appeared in the abandoned warehouse, sword out, a deadly blur of steel, that killed two of his brothers before Zachariah could react. The archangel Michael, the right hand of God, and the Prince of the Heavenly Host, Grace masked nearly completely, felt no remorse. After all, he was carrying out the Lord's sacred duty, and if some of his Brothers fell in this pursuit, so be it.

"Cas?" asked Dean Winchester, the one that would soon be his Vessel asked.

"Yes," the Archangel Michael replied.