I am soo sorry for taking a long time to update. I have been very busy reading all these Alice and Bella stories. Ive been distracted ;) The next chapter after this is going to be up soon because I already typed it up(: ha I like this chapter the best lol

Some of you were probably wondering about Cristian's past. Well I was never thinking about telling yall, but what the heck ? This whole chapter is about Cristian. Enjoy ! Oh and Aro does NOT know about Cristian. It will all be explained in this chapter. I was listening to 'With you in my head by the Black angels' while writing the fight seen(:

Cristian's P.O.V*

Alice and Bella left hand in hand to hunt. Bella's got it bad. I couldn't help but smirk. My thoughts ended up getting interrupted by Melissa's older brother, Emmett.

"Yo Cristian can like you tell us how you are 25% human?" He asked with a grin.

I had to suppress a growl. The memories of my past still brought me pain. The loss of my parents still hurt. They were the only thing I had back then. Melissa sensed my distress and sent me calming waves.

I smiled weakly at her. "thanks." She nodded. I took a deep breath and started to tell them my story." I was born on October 15th 1892 in Nashville, Tennessee. My father was full vampire, while my mother was half. They only drank animal blood. Both ,y parents died protecting me from the Volturi. " All the memories started flooding back to me. My mother's scream, I shuddered at the memory.


It was abnormally hot day for autumn. Its been three days since I turned 3 and my father had another surprise for me. Physically I looked 16 due to my vampire genes. I aged quicker than my mom did. I was a fully matured vampire hybrid. My parents taught me

a lot of foreign languages; Russian, Greek, Spanish. Chinese, Latin, Italian and many more. Both of my parents were waiting at the creek. I started walking towards the creek, when I sensed something was wrong. It was eerily quiet, the birds weren't singing and not a sound was heard. Usually this part of the woods were buzzing with sounds. I looked around at my surroundings and my vampire senses were telling me to flee.

I started running towards home and the feeling was getting worse.

Something was coming. My parents weren't at the creek, instead they were at home and from where I was standing, I could hear them talking.

They were talking in hushed whispers. "The Volturi are coming." My father seethed. I have never heard my dad speak like this. Whoever The Volturi were, must have done something for my dad to sound so angry. " Why? We did not break a single law!" My mother whispered yelled.

" I don't know, and I know we didn't." My father yelled back. "Do you think they know about Cristian!" My mom frantically yelled, I could hear her pacing in the living room.

There was a pause, I immediately froze. I hoped they didn't catch me eavesdropping.

"What if they take her. My precious baby." My mommy sobbed out. There was a low rumbling sound coming from inside. It was coming from dad. He didn't like the thought of The Volturi taking me, but who were they? Tons of questions were going through my mind. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to know what was happening. I barged in, the door slammed into the wall.

My parents were in deep thought, they did not even acknowledge my presence. I was growing impatient and started to speak." Mom. Dad, whats wrong? Who is The Volturi?" I needed answers. My dad sighed and looked at me gravely. His golden eyes were pleading with mine. He didn't want to tell me, but I gave him a glare. My dad looked away and started to speak. "They are a ancient Family that seek power. I once worked for them but quit when I met your mother. It angered them. I knew Aro wanted to make your mom join them but She did not want to. So we left and we never heard from them again. But they are coming now and they might try to hurt us."

My mom was looking out the window when she gasped. She quickly turned around and looked towards my father. Her blue eyes were burning with hatred and fear. "They're here."

My father was out the cabin door in seconds. There was a crash, it was like two massive boulders colliding. The crash of the impact was shattering, thunderous. It hurt my ears to hear. "You have to run okay. Do not look back, just run as fast as you can." My mother spoke hurriedly, a look of concern and worry on her face.

I nodded and ran out the back door. My parents were protecting me. They were risking their lives for me and it killed me inside. I could heat thundering cracks coming from behind me. I stopped abruptly, when a ear piercing scream reverberated through the forest. It was then followed by a bellow of anger. More cracks echoed and then complete silence. What had happened back there?

I turned back towards my home, when I looked up to the clear sky. There were two pillars of smoke coming from the direction of my home. I ran towards home, I pushed myself harder. My parents needed me.

There were three male vampires in front of my home. One of the vampires had dark brown hair. The other two almost looked like twins but one was taller than the other. They had black hair and crimson eyes All three wore amused expressions. " That wasn't much fun." The tallest vampire murmured. "Those pathetic vampires were easy to kill."

The other two nodded in agreement. Pathetic? My parents were not pathetic. I was filled with anger. The monster in me was stirring. I let out a low growl.

"And right after I tore off that whore's head, her mate thinks he could take me on?"

He laughed sarcastically. His words filled me with rage. My monster took control of my mind. They killed my parents and they had to die. I let out a angry roar. Their heads snapped towards my direction. I slowly walked out of the forest cover.

All three men smirked. "Well this is going to be easy."Their leader laughed darkly. He started advancing towards me. His eyes were glowing and were gazing into mine. My shield was up and I felt a tug at it. His smirk was replaced with a scowl. A low rumbling sound was coming from him. I charged at him, knocking him into my home. My house collapsed from the impact.

He slowly arose and snarled in annoyance. "No more playing." I only glared at him. He blurred right into me and knocked me back. My body crashing into two trees. I grimaced in pain. How I hated being a quarter human. It made me weak.

I snarled and lunged at him. He side stepped me and tried to kick me in the side. But I then dodged it. The vampire sneered and pounced on me. He was hovering over me holding my hands down. My legs were free though, so I kneed him in the groin. He rolled over in pain, grabbing onto his sore spot. I smirked and kicked him in his side.

He groaned in pain, while clutching his ribs. The other two vampires started advancing towards me. Both of the were growling, their fangs dropped.

I snarled and lunged for the closest one to me. He didn't know what hit him, my speed surpassed his. I ripped his arm right out of his shoulder. It gave a metallic screech.

He let out a cry of pain and stumbled back a few steps.

I blurred right into the injured vampire, and caught him off guard. The palm of my hand sent him flying back. There were still still two other vampires left. Both of them were snarling in anger, they did not like to lose. "You are going to die like your pathetic parents, who were nothing but trash. I never knew why Aro wanted them to join. They were weak." The leader sneered at me. I was trembling in anger. What ever control I had, was long gone. I lunged for his throat in fury.

The force of the impact sent us sprawling to the ground. I clawed at his face, hoping to rip his face off. One of the other vampires ripped me off their leader. I flew back into the trunk of a tree. I slowly rose to my feet cringing, the pain was getting unbearable. My side was aching from the blow. I looked up and all three vampires stood before me snarling and shaking in anger.

Their normally crimson eyes were coal black, anger flowing through them. They had a feral look to them. Any other vampire would have been frightened at the site but I wasn't. Their leader started circling around me.

It was going to be a one on one fight. We were both snarling and glaring at each other. He took the first attack by trying to punch me. I easily countered it with a elbow to the face. He stumbled back holding his face. There was a huge crack running down his face.

"You are going to pay for that." He growled menacingly . I smirked and charged at him.

I pushed him into the others and they went flying back. I blurred in front of their leader and ripped his head off. The other two stared at me dumbly. They were shocked that I killed their leader. I started to advance toward them. They cowered into each other and pleaded for their life. But I didn't care, they helped murder my parents. I was alone now and it was their fault.

They had to be punished for it. I was going to spend the rest of my existence alone. I ripped both of their heads off and threw them into the fire I started. I had nothing now. My parents were gone and my home was destroyed. This place had nothing for me now.

I screamed from the pain of it all.

Flashback Ends*

My mother's scream haunted my dreams since that day. The hot tears were streaming down my face. I looked to my right and Melissa wasn't there. "She left since she could feel all the pain you felt." Emmett spoke in a quiet voice. His honey gold eyes were swimming with pity and sadness.

I instantly felt bad, I didn't like causing Melissa pain. My body shied away from it. The vampire instincts only wanted to please her. She was my mate and I never wanted to hurt her. I got up and walked outside to see if Melissa was around. Instead I saw Alice running towards me in panic. She stopped for a moment and her face was blank. From what Bella told me, it looked like she was having a vision. Once it had ended Alice stumbled back a few steps and looked at me. Terror was evident on her face.

"Bella needs help. They're attacking her!" she yelled before turning back into the direction that she came from.

"No!" I growled in anger. I bolted in the same direction.

Poor Cristian, it made me sad while writing it. But you know what would make me happy? Leaving me some reviews(: lol next update is gonna come very soon I promise!