Eleanor's Darkness

The Alpha Series roared out in frustration and fury as it tried to grab Eleanor by the hood of her black jacket. Eleanor backpedaled away from the huge, leather encased hand. Where the hell did this Alpha Series come from? Someone must have sent the Demo Daddy after her, that was the only logical explanation! Eleanor took a quick glance to her left to find the still form of Chester, the dark skinned boy had a trail of blood running down his forehead. Eleanor's heart seemed to…clench for some reason that escaped her. Her lower lip began to tremble and her frosty emotionless cold blue eyes seemed to melt and reveal just a hint of real emotion. What the hell was happening to her? Her hands were trembling, what the hell was this?

The raven haired teen's full pink lips turned into a viscous snarl and her pale shaking hands balled into fists, she knew what this was. She was angry, what gave this insignificant insect the right to touch something that belonged to her? If Chester was going to die a horribly painful death, SHE was going to be the one to slit his scrawny little throat and watch him bleed out all over the floor. SHE was going to be the one who would cackle madly as he tried desperately to breath but found that his efforts were useless as his lungs slowly flooded with his own blood.

'Yeah, let's make that happen.'

Eleanor concentrated and conjured up a mental image of her Big Sister suit in her mind. She concentrated her EVE into the thought and in a flash of purple light her lithe form was once again bound in cold hard steel and leather. The flash of purple light had drawn the attention of some of the bus's passengers, when their eyes met with yet another metal encased monstrosity they all froze in fear. Staring into the blood red light of Eleanor's helmet visor was like staring into the deepest bowls of hell itself. This wasn't a nightmare…this was a night terror. Eleanor concentrated a bit of EVE into her throat and let out a sadistic mechanical laughter.

"That's right, you better be afraid."

Eleanor's voice had completely transformed, it sounded synthetic and mechanical like a computer's but it wasn't to mechanical. The passengers yelled out in horror and just for the hell of it, Eleanor stabbed a male passenger through his chest. Her long rusty syringe pierced straight through his heart, dark red blood started to bubble and ooze out of the man's mouth. This was so exhilarating!

'…I wonder what else I can do to him before he dies…. I got an idea!'

Eleanor conjured up a mental image of the man burning to death right before the passenger's eyes. Eleanor pushed a small amount of her EVE into the thought, Eleanor didn't really expect anything to happen though. Even with ADAM it was simply impossible to be able to make things happen simply by thinking them. Elemental Plasmids were made possible by a mixture of chemical compounds in the body made possible by ADAM, not psychic mumbo jumbo!

A couple of seconds later, agonizing screams echoed through the air and the stench of cooking flesh assaulted Eleanor's sensitive nose.

Eleanor's cold blue eyes were wide with surprise and her face was slowly being split by a maniacal grin.

'No way…. Are you fucking serious?'

Eleanor gave out a loud, mechanical laugh and kicked the charred corpse of the man right into one of the windows of the bus. The corpse's skull split in half upon impact with the window and brain matter was sent flying everywhere. Eleanor looked up into the hole that the Alpha Series had made only to find the creature simply…staring at her, it's once hellish red porthole was now a calm yellow trained on her. Eleanor tilted her head to the side slightly in confusion, it could have attacked her while she was getting off on causing everyone around her extreme pain…so why was it just standing there?

"What the hell do you want from me you insignificant insect!"

Of course the metal encased beast didn't answer her since candidates of the Protector Program had their vocal cords ripped out of their throats. Unlike the Alpha Series she had fought in Rapture, this one seemed to be in perfect condition. Eleanor could smell the ADAM coming off of the Big Daddy, she knew that this was going to be a tough fight.

Eleanor was about to send out a swarm of hornets from her left hand to attack her foe but stopped she had just conjured up an extremely creepy mental image in her head. Eleanor quickly pushed some EVE into the thought and a single black crow (or was it a raven?) flew through one of the cracked windows of the bus, it perched onto her right arm, staring at her with it's beady red eyes. Eleanor gave out a short chuckle before the bird flew back out the window. The Alpha Series cocked it's helmet encased head to the side in confusion, what was the girl doing? The Demo Daddy noticed in it's peripheral vision that the once sun soaked city streets of New York City were now covered in shadow. The Alpha Series looked upwards into the infinite sky and it's eyes grew wide behind it's visor.

The sun was completely blotted out by a huge cloud of flying black birds. The murder of crows emitted caws that were so loud that they could be heard miles away.

In the blink of an eye the huge army of crows were upon him within an instant.


AN: I am sorry for the short chapter once again, I started this chapter a little late and I still have to get my homework finished up! Share your thoughts on the story so far, I hope I'm not making Eleanor too powerful….