Behind Closed Doors
The silence wasn't making things any easier. Aaron and jackson were sitting uncomfortably beside each other, Aaron's face riddled with panic and Jackson's with worry. Aaron wanted this moment to happen, thats why he asked the builder back to his, but it was his first time with a bloke and he still hadn't fully adapted to being gay so his discomfort was understandable.
"We don't have to do this if you don't wan- . . if your not ready", Jackson said quietly.
Aaron knew if he didn't take the step now that there would never be such a perfect moment again, and he was reassured when he turned to face the builder's warm welcoming eyes. No words were needed, Jackson knew Aaron wanted to do this, but he knew that he would probably have to initiate most of the actions because Aaron wasn't used to this, and didn't want to go first.
They slowly leaned in towards each other and their lips touched gently. Neither of them pulled away for a few minutes. It was just a simple kiss but both of the lads were filled with a sense of euphoria that they didn't want to break. Still kissing, Aaron placed his hand on the couch while angling his body to get a better shot at the rugged man's mouth. Oblivious that Jackson's hand was already there, Aaron's hand covered Jacksons. Aaron felt a slight sense of panic but he didn't move his hand nor did jackson. Jackson, in fact, realligned his hand so that their fingers were interwoven.
They pulled away to catch their breaths. They never took their eyes off each other during that moment. "So is that a yes to you being ready?", the builder smirked. Aaron breathed a laugh and in that moment Jackson had managed to make him feel so comfortable, as if this was all so natural that Aaron knew he wanted to be intimate with Jackson tonight. Aaron didn't respond to his question/statement but instead locked his mouth onto Jackson's, this time now more passionate than the last. Their tongues rubbed against each other and their lips became rougher against each other, clearly getting into the moment.
They pulled back again and Jackson made another whitty comment: "Take that as a yes then". Aaron just smiled and stood up, still holding Jackson's hand, he shifted his head towards the stairs to symbolise going to the bedroom. Jackson didnt need to think twice and he got up off the couch and allowed Aaron to lead him up the stairs.
Aaron became nervous again as he closed the door behind Jackson. He waited facing the door for a second, his eyes closed thinking to himself if he could still go through with it. Jackson, who was now sitting at the edge of Aaron's bed assured Aaron it would be ok and that he would go easy on him. Silence filled the room again.
"Did it hurt?" Aaron asked randomly, breaking the silence. "Your first time I mean"
"A little", the builder replied, "but it was more pleasure than pain, and it gets much better as you go on. It also helps if ya use the aul condom and lube combo."
"Shit!" Aaron blurted. He remembered that he had neither of those and was now panicking but he couldn't help smiling when he turned to face Jackson who had now pulled a condom out of his wallet.
"Never leave the house without one, ya never know when you might lucky. Don't carry lube around with me though. That would be a bit awkward. It would probably bulge through my trousers, bit like something now" Jackson teased. Aaron blushed when he quickly stared at Jacksons crotch to find that Jackson was only messing.
"Oh wait" the mechanic wondered, "Paddy has this Johnsons baby cream thing in his room that he uses for dry skin and its really smoo-" Aaron stopped mid sentence when he realised this conversation wasn't much of a turn-on. "I have some cooking oil downstairs then, I guess that would be the best thing" he said trying to quickly dismiss his last statement. Jackson just laughed and nodded, suggesting the oil would be a good idea.
When Aaron hurriedly came back up with the oil, Jackson was standing there topless with only his Jeans and boxers on. He was standing beside the posters in Aaron's room. "I always thought I could be a model. What do you think Aaron, am I better than this bimbo here, although she has bigger boobs", Jackson mocked, trying to ease Aaron a little. And it had worked. Aaron laughed off the joke and sat down on the bed, followed by the builder.
"Yano if you oiled my body down with that I'd probably make a really good rendition of that Mr. October in the garage", Jackson laughed. Aaron burst into laughter too but was abruptly distracted when the image Jackson had just painted made his jeans feel a little uncomfortable. Jackson noticed this and Aaron noticed that Jackson noticed. Aaron immediately blushed with embarrassment and started cursing in his head. "Hey", Jackson said, "don't be embarrassed . . . me too", he nodded his head towards his jeans and it was obvious both of them were aroused at this point. "Now we're getting somewhere" Jackson commented.
Aaron now felt more comfortable with the situation, despite his jeans being uncomfortable and it was obvious by their body language that they were both ready to go. Jackson seized the opportunity with a kiss, dominating Aaron's mouth with his tongue which Aaron was more than happy to allow.
"Is this ok", Jackson asked, trying to make sure Aaron was still okay with this, while also placing his manly hands at the tip of his boxers.
"Yeah, just one thing though . ."
"Can I really oil you down?"
"Of course, but I get to do you too"
Jackson played with the lid of the cooking oil while Aaron took off his top and lay down on his bed. He couldn't help smiling and he loved it. He thought of how silly he was on the couch and how excited he was now. Even though he didn't know what to expect, Aaron knew he would enjoy this.