Hi guys! Sorry for the extremely late update! Truly been busy with projects and slowed by lack of inspirationT.T Anyway, as promised, although I said I'd end it the last chapter, I felt sad that it was so short. So here's an extra that's not really an omake. Ah well. Will do.

So. In this extra chapter, Hibari is soft, Chrome is bolder, and Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera are clueless.

Amano-sensei owns all characters but my four darling yellow fluffballs, three of which will be getting names in this chapter:) Hope you enjoy!


It was a beautiful school holiday that preceded a more beautiful weekend. Tsuna sighed happily, stretching as he got out of bed. Having no school on a Friday felt wonderful. Taking everything to his stride, the brown-haired teen got ready and put his shoes on to enjoy a walk to the bakery.

And as he got out of his house humming, the wind blew gently and the tree branches swayed, hitting him in the face.

OUCH! Falling over, he clutched his nose in pain. At least it wasn't bleeding…he scrambled up, nursing the slowly-developing bruise.

Great way to start the day, no?

Shaking his head, Tsuna looked around. Perhaps he'd go over to Yamamoto's for some sushi first…

It was then he heard something very familiar.

Na-NAMIMORI SCHOOL SONG? He shrieked, clamping his hand over his mouth before running back into his front yard and hiding behind the hedge. There was only one person out there that would ever put the school song as their ring tone, and that particular person was someone he didn't really fancy bumping into at the moment.

A pause, and the person picked up the phone. "Hello."

Eek! Tsuna gasped as he huddled up against the wall, not daring to breathe. It was Hibari all right!

"Yes. No…what?"

The brown-haired teen suppressed the desire to scream as he spotted a trail of large ants in the grass that was headed towards him. His ears perked up as he heard the prefect reply, "Now?" before realizing what he was doing.


Oh god no, if Hibari ever found out he was listening to the conversation he'd diieeee…

Still, Tsuna had no choice. Might as well sit in and listen…and ignore that scary-looking bee that was flying around. And those ants crawling towards him and OHMYGOD WHY IS THERE A BEEHIVE OUTSIDE MY ROOM? Mom! Call the exterminator or something sometime!

As he struggled to stay calm, he heard more of the phone conversation. "It's okay…fine. I give you permission."

And Tsuna almost gasped aloud when he heard him…laugh. Rather kindly.

Wait, this was Hibari, right.

"Yes…you know where I live." What? Who knows where Hibari-san lives? Even he, the tenth Vongola boss-to-be didn't know where his guardian lived…

"Fine. Be careful. Don't get lost or I'll-"

Bite you to death? I'm surely going to be bitten do death if he finds out I'm listening to all this! Tsuna grabbed his head as Hibari suddenly stopped talking. He heard a sigh and looked up, only to find the head of the disciplinary committee staring down at him.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi."

HIIIEEEE! "Y-Yes? Hibari-san?" He squeaked, trembling under his usual glare.

The prefect raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

Tsuna jumped up. "I-I'm sorry! I have to go now! PLEASE D-DON'T BITE ME TO DEATH!" With that, he ran off to Yamamoto's leaving behind a rather amused Hibari.

"Interesting…" He picked his phone back up. "Still there?"

"Yes…wasn't that…"

"Hn. Yes, it was." He nodded grimly.

"Did you…do anything to him?"

He smiled to himself. "Nothing at all. I'm giving you two hours."

"Okay, cloud-man."

"Don't call me that."

The girl over the phone giggled quietly, and he could tell that she had blushed. "I'm sorry, Hibari-san...it's just kind of…cute."

"Chrome. You call me that one more time and I'll bite you to death."


"Told you not to say that too."


"Y-Yamamoto!" Tsuna skidded to a halt as he reached his friend's house. "Am I bothering you?"

The baseballer looked up and grinned at seeing him. "Yo, Tsuna!" Not at all! Wiping his hands with a towel, the tall kid stepped out from the sushi counter. "So…what brings you here today?"

"Uhh…actually, I was bored and so I'm on my way to the bakery…oh!" His eyes widened. "Do you know where Hibari-san lives?"

He laughed. "Of course not!"

The brown-haired teen smiled slightly. Perhaps he'd put the matter to the back of his head for now.

"Could I have some sushi?"


Hibari sighed as he looked at the purple-haired female standing outside his house, holding a little yellow bird in her hands while another larger one flew about, chirping merrily. "You skipped breakfast, right?"

"I-I-" She was cut off by a hand to her wrist as he pulled her into the house and shut the door. "Not really…"

"So you did." He turned and dragged her to the kitchen, making her sit down on a stool as he opened his cabinet and took out…bread and jam.

Chrome stared. Hibari shrugged and took out a bread knife.

"Just eat."

Okay, lame, but it couldn't be helped. No matter how herbivorous the food was, one could not deny that breakfast was the most important meal of the whole damn day (because Hibari said so, and you don't deny the Almighty's words), and he was sure to enforce it.

While she slowly ate her sandwich, he allowed the smaller bird that had been in her hands to hop onto his shoulder to join two others. Hibird and Ciel had positioned themselves on a kitchen railing.


He turned to look at her, and she turned pink as she finished her last bite. "Y-Yes…um. I thought that we should name them…since…they don't have names…so…yes." She ended rather lamely, twiddling her thumbs nervously while giving him a hopeful glance.

Which he returned with a "hn" and a tilt of the head. Silence filled the room for a minute before he let the three birds on his shoulder hop onto the table top. Taking out a small Tupperware filled with birdseed, he scattered some neatly in a pile near them. Smiling very slightly, he ran a finger through the small birds' feathers before answering her.

"And what would you suggest?"

Oh! That means yes! I think. She smiled and brought out a notebook. "I made a list, because I…sort of got excited about naming them."

Hibari mentally sighed. "Go on."

"Well…there are three of them, and since two are males and one is female, I actually have two lists…" She flipped to a page and began reading. "Hinabird?"


"Hinamon? Hinaba?"





"Chrome, skip a page."


The two people sat in the kitchen as one stared at the rather long list of names the other was holding. The female played with the hem of her skirt nervously, as she always did when she was waiting for approval. The prefect scrolled down to the last word on the list.

"Last one…Hibaka."

Looking up, he glanced at her.

"It doesn't have to start with a 'Hi', you know."

O-Oh really? She looked down, slightly pink in the face. "Sorry!"

He shook his head. "I already said; you don't need to apologize."

Silence filled the room for a minute as Chrome fidgeted with her fingers in her lap, thinking.

"Then…can I just list…cute names?"

Softly, he sighed and patted her head.

"I don't mind."

He leaned forward, turning to a new page in the notebook and pulling out a pen from his pocket. "Go on. Make me laugh."

She blushed, and couldn't help but smile to herself. "Make you laugh?"

With that, she shyly took the pen from his hand.

"Hibaka. Don't bite me to death."

And she began writing.



Tsuna gulped as he knocked on the battered door rather nervously.. "Um…Chrome…are you there? We brought you a bento…"

He got even more nervous when nobody replied.

"Hello?" He squeaked. "Um…are you guys there?"

"Tenth! Shall I blow the door open?" The silver-haired bomber looked as though he was itching to grab his dynamite and flick them at the potential target.

His eyes widened. "N-no, Gokudera-kun! That's not such a good idea-"

"You again?"

"HIIIEEEEE!" He jumped and turned back to the door, which had been opened by a certain scary guy with glasses and deadly yo-yos. "S-So you guys were in there all along then!"

"Ken is out. Chrome is over there."

You totally ignored me! Tsuna gaped at him. "O-Okay…" Cautiously, he stepped into the room, followed by Gokudera, who glared threateningly at the lanky, bespectacled teen at the door, then turned to find himself faced with a…yellow bird.

"The HELL!" He backed away, only to meet another chirping bird.

"TENTH! Watch out for the dangerous birds!" (A/N: But all they did was to fly around you…)

"It's okay! They're not dangerous…" At hearing a voice from behind him, Tsuna jumped for a second time before heaving a sigh of relief. It was his mist guardian.

"Chrome! Are you alright?"

The purple-haired female nodded. "I'm okay, Boss."

He smiled. "We brought a bento for you! Take care, okay? Speaking of which-" He glanced around and noticed one bird flying around and three smaller ones in her hands. "Where did these birds come from?"

She blushed. "W-Well…that…I can't say!"

Ehh? The brown-haired teen looked at her curiously. "So what are their names?"

She paused and glanced around.

"The biggest one is…Ciel…"

And she smiled.

"And the smaller ones are Cheese, Pudding and Butter."

So they sucked at naming birds.

And...the end! Thanks for reading til the end; it means so much to me!

Now, review and I'll reward you with a HCCPB cookie! Which stands for the names of the canary family of five but sounds like some new disease...but really, LOVE YOU ALL for being such nice people and reading and adding to faves and reviewing!

Anyway, now that I'm sort of done with this story (sniff) I actually have a lot of ideas for my next fic! Yes; in fact, I have ideas for 2 main stories I've planned out and started on already!

One has OC enemies and one OC ally, and the other has no OCs and happens in an AU where everyone's related to each other differently.

One has some of my concepts of Hibari's past, and the other has Tsuna and Enma fighting a bad luck curse (which, by the way, I've developed more that the other idea).

Both are confusing, thus they can't be written at the same timeXP So...please give me your honest ideas about what you would like me to work on now! I also have a few long oneshots stored from last year that never got published 'cos they're still in foolscap form...so tell me what you wanna see come out next! Any ideas you wanna suggest? I appreciate all your awesome comments and ideas!

I actually have another ongoing fic called 'Honey, I have Kids' but I haven't been able to get inspiration for it at all...help