Oneshot from the recent filming pics. Havent seen them? Send me a message and I'll link you up

I havent forgotten It All Started With A Coffee, but I have been insanely busy. Should ease up soon though, so keep your eyes peeled.

Who knew it would be like this.

They had been together for a few short weeks and yet they were already comfortable in each other's lives – twenty plus years of dancing around each other did have its benefits. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, what made them tick. Being around him voluntarily like this was so easy, and flying down the streets of Princeton on the back of his motorbike with her arms wrapped around his waist made her forget about her other life, the hospital and the no nonsense administrator, who for all anybody else knew was taking time with herself to get back to normal after her breakup with Lucas.

But Lucas had barely intruded on her thoughts these past few weeks – the whirlwind of finally being in his arms after half a lifetime eclipsed everything else pretty thoroughly. Seeing him smile at her when he first saw her or giving him a kiss hello never got boring, and the onlookers at the hospital seeing her leave five minutes early didn't know a thing. The thrill of the secret relationship combined with the power of what they had found was intoxicating and yet familiar at the same time, and as they stopped at a red light, Cuddy shifted ever closer to House on his bike and felt his smile light up her world.