
Prologue: Sadness

After Professor Xavier, Jean Grey, and Scott Summers died a year ago. The entire Institute has never been the same, especially her.

How selfish can she be? She didn't mean to but she felt that life was very cruel to her than all the others that had to suffer with the death of three of Xavier Institute's founding members and mentors.

Rogue was looking out the window of the bedroom she and Kitty occupied as she remembered the events of her life in the past year.

Six months after taking the so-called 'cure', it wore off just like that. Can't say she was surprised since it was too good to be true to begin with but she just had to try it.

Though Bobby was supportive enough that he said he didn't care if it wore off, their relationship had been strained from that point on, leading her to the decision of breaking it off. Bobby deserved someone better than a girl he can't touch… A girl he can't build intimacy with.

Rogue cried and cried over that decision. She tried to convince herself over and over that what she did was the right thing but it just hurt.

With the back of her hand, she wiped away the tear that escaped her eye.

Well, there you go. Doing the right thing doesn't mean it was going to be easy right?

Now, if she could just go through her days one at a time…

- o -


For the next chapters, the idea is that Betsy Braddock joins the X Institute a month after Magneto's defeat in X3 and she and Rogue becomes fast friends.

For this chapter, I know it's short but reviews please…